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What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 2018.4.12 to 2018.5.1

Octopus 2018.5

Breaking Changes

We have upgraded the Azure SDK library and the Azure PowerShell modules to support the latest Azure features. Most notably missing was support for nested ARM templates, which will now work out of the box.

These upgrades have also forced the minimum supported environment for Octopus Server to Microsoft .NET 4.5.2 and PowerShell 5.0 so you'll need to plan your upgrade accordingly. The PowerShell 5.0 requirement is only if you are running the Azure PowerShell scripts.

Azure recently announced that from June 30th 2018 they are retiring support for Service Management API (NOTE: Management Certificates use Service Management API). This affects deployments to Azure App Services.

Please switch to using Service Principals for your Octopus Azure accounts

To configure the version of Azure PowerShell modules, we have made a change to the name of the variable. You can now set OctopusUseBundledAzureModules to False.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 2018.4.12 to 2018.5.1.

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.5.1

Carried forwards from 2018.5.0:

  • 3637 - Updated Azure SDK dependencies to latest. Updated Azure PowerShell Modules to v5.7.0
  • 3731 - Added warnings about Management Certificates for Azure's up-coming June 30th deprecation deadline
  • 3821 - Restricting Cloud Services to Management Certificate accounts at the API
  • 3860 - Updating Calamari to include latest Azure PowerShell cmdlets
  • 4195 - Updating Calamari to .NET452 for latest Azure ARM templates
  • 4461 - Adding support for uploading and exporting certificate chains in the PEM format
  • 4532 - Updated bundled AWS cli to version 1.15.18
  • 3544 - Automatically uploading certificates for Service Fabric clusters

Specific to 2018.5.1:

  • 4346 - Server retention policy now deletes releases as part of the retention policy task instead of creating a task for each document to be deleted
  • 4426 - Improvements to package and release search UX
  • 4520 - Fixes an issue in using inline Terraform templates
  • 4527 - Fixes an issue preventing Terraform steps running on external workers
  • 4535 - Fixes an issue preventing AWS S3 steps running on external workers
  • 4536 - Fixes an issue in using AWS CLI step on external workers
  • 4554 - Refactored Calamari to support multiple authentication contexts
  • 4556 - Fixed an issue introduced in 2018.5.0 which prevented including/excluding specific deployment targets in a deployment

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.12

  • 4391 - Fixed error causing tentacles to remove tenanted mode when registered multiple times from the command line
  • 4545 - Tomcat network timeouts increased to 5 minutes