Deploy, monitor, and troubleshoot Kubernetes apps, all in one place

Get powerful Continuous Delivery that your platform teams and developers will love. Easily deploy and debug your Kubernetes-based applications across dozens of environments.

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Octopus Deploy dashboard

Challenges with Kubernetes deployments at scale

Kubernetes is powerful but gets complicated when deploying hundreds or thousands of applications. You face challenges like managing environments and compliance, lack of pipeline visibility, tool switching, application health verification, and debugging.

What starts as a few lines of scripts and a few YAML files in Git becomes thousands of scripts and YAML sprawl – essentially DIY shadow CD tooling. Troubleshooting gets complicated, and developers often have to bounce between tools to debug deployments.

Octopus is built to model all the complexity of delivering software to Kubernetes – and anywhere else – at scale. It makes it easy to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot your deployments in one place.

Scalable, simple, and safe Kubernetes CD with Octopus

With Octopus, your teams spend less time managing and troubleshooting Kubernetes deployments and more time shipping new features to improve your software.

One user-friendly tool for devs to deploy, verify, and troubleshoot their apps

Octopus Deploy dashboard with Kubernetes deployments

It’s challenging to get visibility of application changes in Kubernetes so you can troubleshoot.

Octopus gives you all the capabilities you need in one place. You get the live status, deployment history, logs, and manifests for your applications across all clusters and environments. 

It’s much easier and quicker for developers to troubleshoot, and they don’t need to be Kubernetes experts. 

Save time with automated environment promotion and reusable processes

Octopus environments promotion

Many Kubernetes tools lack the concept of environments. This makes updating manifest files and promoting releases inconsistent and risky. If you regularly add new environments, regions, or applications, deployments can become unmanageable.

Octopus models environments out-of-the-box and reduces the need for custom scripting. You define your deployment process once and reuse it for all your environments. Go to production confidently as your process has already worked in other environments.

Enterprise-grade compliance features you need as you scale

Octopus Compliance overview

Maintaining secure deployments gets difficult when scaling with Kubernetes. 

Octopus has built-in ITSM integrations and RBAC to handle access to each application, troubleshooting tools, and deployments to production. You don’t need to expose your cluster API, and deployment tasks can run on a cluster.

Use runbooks to curate and control permissions to kubectl. You also get a full audit trail of who triggered what and when.

White paper cover - Kubernetes delivery unlocked

Read our free guide: Kubernetes delivery unlocked

This guide explores the principles, practices, and tools that underpin effective Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes, specifically tailored for developers.

Your first Kubernetes deployment with Octopus

Follow along as we show you how to set up and run your first Kubernetes deployment through Octopus

Octopus icon with scaling Kubernetes clusters
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Hundreds of enterprise teams use Octopus to deploy their software to Kubernetes

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Ready to try Octopus Deploy?

Start a free 30-day trial or request a discovery call if you have questions about Kubernetes deployments with Octopus.


Kubernetes resources

Laptop with a green start button with a blue rocket with a Kubernetes icon launching from the screen

Your first Kubernetes deployment with Octopus

This guide will help you complete your first deployment to Kubernetes with Octopus Deploy.

Laptop with Kubernetes icon on the screen

Continuous Delivery with Octopus and Kubernetes

This video series walks you through building multi-environment deployments with Octopus and Kubernetes.

Webinar with Bob Walker

Common problems with Kubernetes CD at scale

Bob Walker runs through some of the key problems that come up when deploying to Kubernetes at a larger scale.