Compare releases

Compare releases and check for compatibility between your existing Octopus Server and new releases.

What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 2019.9.12 to 2019.12.3

Octopus 2019.12


Operations Runbooks, Jenkins plugin, PowerShell Core support, improved build server integration and more!

  • Operations Runbook platform for automating routine maintenance and emergency operations tasks. Runbook examples include infrastructure provisioning, database management, and website failover and restoration.
  • Official Octopus Deploy Jenkins plugin enabling teams to integrate their Jenkins builds with Octopus Deployments
  • Built-in PowerShell Core support for both Windows and Linux platforms
  • Improved build information and work item tracking
    • Package metadata has been renamed to Build Information and promoted to a top level section in the Octopus Library.
    • Added support for deployment change templates so you can customize the structure of your deployment changes.

Read our blog post to learn more.

Breaking changes

This release includes the following breaking changes.

Octopus API and Octopus.Client

The Octopus API has changed as a part of this release, versions of Octopus.Client before 8.0.0 can not create scheduled triggers on an Octopus Server where the version is older than 2019.11.0.

PowerShell Core

PowerShell Core support has introduced a change where running PowerShell scripts against non-Windows targets no longer silently ignores .ps1 files. Octopus will now attempt to execute .ps1 files on deployment targets. If PowerShell Core is installed on those targets, this may change the behaviour of your deployments. If PowerShell Core is not installed on those targets, the deployment will fail.

Build Information

Our build information change involved renaming resources from the API through to the database. This is generally backwards compatible, however anyone using our GitHub issue tracker will need to ensure they upgrade their Octopus Server if they upgrade their Azure DevOps extension, TeamCity plugin, or Bamboo plugin.

Octopus 2019.11


Official Jenkins Plugin and Operations Runbooks

  • Official Octopus Deploy Jenkins plugin enables teams to integrate their Jenkins builds with Octopus deployments.
  • Operations Runbook platform helps teams automate routine maintenance and emergency operations tasks like infrastructure provisioning, database management, and website failover and restoration.
    • Familiar configuration process for anyone who has configured a deployment process.
    • The ability to execute runbooks directly against infrastructure on-demand or on a schedule (nightly, weekdays, once a month, etc.) as per your team’s needs.
    • Runbooks can be parameterized with prompted variables.
    • You can make changes to your runbooks with confidence, and only publish them after they have been safely tested.
    • Runbooks are managed and executed by Octopus, so this means there’s a complete audit trail that can be reviewed at a later date, making it easy to see what happened, when and why, and if anything needs to be changed.
    • You can give your entire team permission to execute your runbooks, without assigning everybody on the team permissions for the infrastructure the runbooks will execute against.

Breaking changes

Octopus API and Octopus.Client

The Octopus API has changed as a part of this release, versions of Octopus.Client before 8.0.0 can not create scheduled triggers on an Octopus Server where the version is older than 2019.11.0.

Octopus 2019.10


Flexible Linux deployments, PowerShell Core support, Operations RunBooks EAP

  • Tentacle for Linux enables deployments to highly secured servers without opening port 22 in production environments
  • Built-in PowerShell Core support for both Windows and Linux platforms
  • Improved build information and work item tracking
    • Package metadata has been renamed to Build Information and promoted to a top level section in the Octopus Library.
    • Added support for deployment change templates so you can customize the structure of your deployment changes.
  • Simpler package-based step templates whereby we show our package selector when a package-based step template is added to a project
  • Early access to Runbooks for Operations teams enabling teams to run emergency or routine operations tasks in a first-class way

Read our blog post to learn more.

Breaking changes

PowerShell Core

PowerShell Core support has introduced a change where running PowerShell scripts against non-Windows targets no longer silently ignores .ps1 files. Octopus will now attempt to execute .ps1 files on deployment targets. If PowerShell Core is installed on those targets, this may change the behaviour of your deployments. If PowerShell Core is not installed on those targets, the deployment will fail.

Build Information

Our build information change involved renaming resources from the API through to the database. This is generally backwards compatible, however anyone using our GitHub issue tracker will need to ensure they upgrade their Octopus Server if they upgrade their Azure DevOps extension, TeamCity plugin, or Bamboo plugin.

Octopus 2019.9


  • Streamlined deployment process editor with better visibility of your entire deployment process and fewer clicks to navigate between steps.
  • Added support for Tentacle for Linux to improve the flexibility of Linux deployments including support to deploy to highly secure environments where it’s not possible to open port 22.
  • Tenant cloning for faster configuration of new Tenants.
  • Added health check scheduling options so they can be configured to run on a cron expression, or to never run.
    • Added support to override namespace in Kubernetes steps.
    • New Variable Filter expressions including Trim, Substring, Truncate, UriEscape and UriDataEscape.
    • Added support to paste to certificates as text to add certificates directly in the portal.

Read our blog post to learn more.

Breaking changes

This release includes a single breaking change as Octopus Server no longer supports for Windows Server 2008 SP2.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 2019.9.12 to 2019.12.3.

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.12.3

  • 6169 - Improved swagger documentation to ensure parameters match the path more accurately
  • 6170 - External group/role chips for teams now show ids on hover
  • 6171 - Fixed layout issue on Usage tab for Library Variable Sets, Lifecycles and Script Modules
  • 6172 - Corrected swagger operationid's to be unique
  • 6173 - Enabled issue trackers to use the web proxy configured in Octopus
  • 6174 - Fixed issue where sensitive step parameters were cleared when updating step template in a deployment process
  • 6175 - Clear sensitive variable values when re-running a step template run so it doesn't look like the value is set
  • 6176 - Issue tracker connectivity tests can now execute even when the extension itself is disabled
  • 6177 - TFVC ChangeSets are now rendered as links in the Build information
  • 6178 - Improved responsiveness of the tenants list screen with missing variables
  • 6181 - Fix issue where variables page would crash at certain screen sizes

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.12.2

  • 6144 - Support Helm V3
  • 6438 - Fixed potential leakage of feed password into deployment log CVE-2020-14470

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.12.1

  • 6124 - Scheduled triggers for Operations Runbooks that have prompted variables no longer throw a NullReferenceException
  • 6129 - Drop experimental header check on project/summaries to avoid issues with proxies
  • 6131 - Fix an issue where Octopus Server would user the tar extractor for tar.gz resulting in Bad GZIP header error messages
  • 6132 - Download helm charts directly from a helm repository instead of relying on the helm executable

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.12.0

This LTS roll up release includes all bug fixes and features up until 2019.11.3

  • 5769 - Disable adding a new project in the UI when there are no Project Groups or Lifecycles
  • 6061 - The target limit specified in the license is enforced now
  • 6073 - Fix React Error in container within Kubernetes step
  • 6083 - External groups are now indicated on users' teams lists
  • 6086 - Fixed layout issue on the User Role tab on the Team Edit page

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.11.3

  • 5769 - Disable adding a new project in the UI when there are no Project Groups or Lifecycles
  • 6061 - The target limit specified in the license is enforced now
  • 6073 - Fix React Error in container within Kubernetes step
  • 6083 - External groups are now indicated on users' teams lists
  • 6086 - Fixed layout issue on the User Role tab on the Team Edit page

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.11.2

  • 4440 - Include experimental support for linux-arm SSH targets
  • 5687 - Newline characters in variables are persisted after editing
  • 5822 - Cancelling a health check for an offline Tentacle now cancels much quicker, and no longer waits the full connect timeout
  • 5840 - Fixed a bug where deleting a parent step might delete the wrong step
  • 6060 - Update UI to Show Spaces dropdown when permitted to add spaces or has access to multiple spaces
  • 6066 - Improved performance for many places using projects, including the projects page and the tasks page
  • 6081 - Handled trailing semicolons in the address field of the send email step
  • 6085 - Fixed issue where sometimes server tasks are not processed until restart

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.11.1

  • 6063 - Fixes bug that makes select dropdown unclickable
  • 6064 - Add "Test" button for Azure DevOps Issue Tracker connectivity in settings
  • 6065 - Fix bug causing some server tasks to not be cleaned up correctly
  • 6068 - Added a re-deploy button to the deployment page
  • 6069 - Fixed bug where links in the audit log for modifications to user roles pointed to /app/#not-found instead of the role
  • 6070 - Improve logging of timezone conversion failures during scheduled health checks
  • 6071 - Fixed issue with filtering of environments and worker pools collapsing groups when removing a filter
  • 6072 - Fix bug where upgrading instances with runbooks would always show false warnings

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.11.0

  • 4728 - Health Check and Tentacle Upgrades work with filters
  • 4925 - Breaking change Restructured scheduled triggers and fixed bug where scheduled trigger was missing intervals
  • 5843 - Fixed links to manual intervention in the audit log and task history
  • 5861 - Filtering Dashboard by Max Limit does not add errors or warnings
  • 5977 - Added prompted variable support for runbooks by allowing variables to be scoped to both deployment and runbook processes
  • 6034 - Introducing Publishing for Runbooks
  • 6039 - Reliably show package acquisition location radio buttons
  • 6043 - UI adding Triggers menus for Runbooks
  • 6052 - Show additional information in Tentacle and Server Manager when checking for the presence of PowerShell 2.0 fails
  • 6054 - Fix bug causing deployments to target incorrect environments when slow to return preview data
  • 6055 - Octopus Client checks now whether the package upload was successful when the upload times out
  • 6056 - Fixed bug where links in the audit log for modifications to accounts pointed to /app/#not-found instead of the account
  • 6057 - Add runbook usages for accounts, library variable sets and script modules
  • 6059 - Fixed bug in Tentacle where Powershell wasn't being checked if it was installed correctly

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.12

  • 5554 - Support for Self-Hosted BitBucket commit links
  • 5942 - Improved the formatting of BitBucket commit link urls
  • 6029 - Fixed json configs not replacing variables that start with "octopus"
  • 6032 - Fixed error messaging showing when updating a project from a step template that has been changed to use a package type variable
  • 6038 - Fixed error that cause an Object refrence not set error to show on the package search
  • 6044 - Added retries running the Tentacle MSI to the Tentacle upgrader if msiexec failed to run successfully
  • 6046 - Added support for using Set-PSDebug -trace to diagnose PowerShell errors
  • 6047 - Improved PowerShell error messages when exceptions occur
  • 6050 - Fixed an obscure error with Kubernetes health checks on windows 2019
  • 6051 - Fix bug where health checks would not re-include targets under certain conditions

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.11

  • 3765 - The start time for targets in rolling deployments is now shown correctly in the log headers
  • 6035 - Reduce network IO usage in Windows listening tentacles
  • 6037 - Fixed db query to improve speed of task event query

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.10

  • 6036 - Option to not re-deploy release for scheduled trigger with "deploy latest release" action
  • 6042 - Fix on screen error for channel creation

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.9

  • 4559 - Fixed bug causing new targets to not be included in deployments when targets are re-included by the same health check
  • 5945 - Update the Jira Issue Tracker test button to do a more thorough check of the user's permissions and ability to read work items
  • 6010 - Fixed race condition when selecting tenants or tags when creating a release possibly causing the wrong deployment to be shown
  • 6015 - Added a UriPart function to Octostache
  • 6023 - Fixed issue in health checks where machines were not correctly re-included into the deployment
  • 6024 - The Deployments and Operations menus within a project now always remain open
  • 6025 - Fixed bug that was excluding targets from deployments if they were "healthy with warnings"
  • 6026 - Fixed dropdown "select as you type" functionality
  • 6027 - Fixed a bug where connections may have been opened unnecessarily when querying the /api/projects/all endpoint
  • 6031 - Fixed a regression with force package deployment that was introduced in 2019.10

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.8

  • 5173 - Included Azure CLI tools when deploying to Kubernetes with Azure credentials
  • 5989 - Allow configuring pod service account in deploy k8s containers step
  • 5994 - Improved tenanted deployment preview screen to batch API calls which improves performance
  • 6011 - Deferred deployments are now taken into account on the project and main dashboards
  • 6012 - Allow variables to be set for tentacle health checks
  • 6013 - Show a preview of the release notes on the deployment page with a button to show more
  • 6014 - Aligned the retention of non-deployment and non-health check tasks to be the last 20 and the last 30 days
  • 6017 - Fixed a bug with GitHub feed tags not getting more than the first 100 tags
  • 6019 - Fixed issue where the Azure PowerShell modules weren't configured correctly when deploying a helm chart to Azure AKS

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.7

  • 5974 - Fix bug where the file chooser doesn't open when replacing certificates
  • 5998 - CSRF cookie sometimes missing secure attribute - CVE: CVE-2019-19375
  • 5999 - Fixed an JavaScript undefined error when adding a service port in a K8S deployment
  • 6002 - Adding Tasks menus for Projects, Tenants and Runbooks
  • 6006 - Fixed bug in project switcher when user has recently viewed a now inaccessible project
  • 6007 - Fixed deployment preview UI when release changes is empty

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.6

  • 5978 - Fixed issue with S3 filenames converting spaces to %20
  • 5985 - Fix handling of empty LifecycleIds when saving Channels
  • 5986 - Multi-select drop down will now position itself correctly when it is opened at the bottom of the screen
  • 5987 - Disabled the New API Key button when viewing another users account
  • 5988 - Allow Octo to run on .NET Core 3 and above
  • 5990 - Adding Offline Drop Targets support for Runbooks
  • 5991 - Adding Runbook filtering to the Tasks screen
  • 5992 - Adding ability to update variable snapshots for Runbooks
  • 5993 - Fixed a bug where a deployment might not deploy where you expect if the deployment preview has not finished loading
  • 5995 - Runbooks Overview and List screen design updates
  • 6005 - Invalid request submitted to Team API can cause denial of service - CVE: CVE-2019-19376

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.5

  • 5925 - Added DeployedBy to the /api/deployments/{id} api call
  • 5946 - Fixed a rare edge case in retrying failed deployments to an environment after the lifecycle was modified
  • 5955 - Improved the error message shown when a corrupt certificate is detected
  • 5963 - Validate that deployment target roles don't contain | characters
  • 5964 - Fixes Add Trigger dropdown button does not close and steals focus
  • 5968 - Added AzureRM aliasing to fix missing commands issue
  • 5971 - Fixed an information disclosure vulnerability during error handling of maliciously crafted packages on Octopus Cloud - CVE: CVE-2019-19084
  • 5972 - Restored the project overview to use the full width of the screen
  • 5979 - Fixed an issue with the Kubernetes step not correctly quoting label values
  • 5980 - Fixed uploading packages errors with - contains invalid characters

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.4

  • 5887 - Updated external security group check against AD to prevent hanging task
  • 5943 - Fixed an error calling octo create-release when package version supplied for a deploy a release step does not exist
  • 5944 - Changed machine license check to sql column for better performance
  • 5950 - Added log warning in Calamari when it detects Management Certificates in use on an Azure Web App step
  • 5951 - Improved Let's Encrypt problem explanations with details of the remote status
  • 5958 - Fixed an information disclosure vulnerability during error handling of maliciously crafted packages - CVE: CVE-2019-19084
  • 5961 - Fixed a stored cross-site-scripting (XSS) vulnerability - CVE: CVE-2019-19085

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.3

  • 5902 - Upgraded Let's Encrypt support to ACME v2
  • 5928 - Prevented Azure DevOps connectivity issues blocking access to the package library
  • 5938 - Health Check tasks not associated with a Machine Policy are now deleted after 30 days
  • 5941 - Deploy Kubernetes Containers step now creates deployment resources using the apps/v1 API
  • 5947 - Better project switcher - shows recently viewed projects and uses server-side filtering
  • 5948 - Fixed a UI bug causing confirmations to display "e.props.dialogOnClose is not a function"
  • 5952 - Adding Migrator support for Runbooks
  • 5954 - Error when disabling automatic release creation

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.2

  • 5802 - Enforce version checks for Octopus.Migrator
  • 5923 - OpenID Connect authentication provider packaging updated
  • 5924 - Fix for StackOverflowException causing Octopus Server to crash
  • 5927 - Fix for recursive variable loop when there isn't one
  • 5931 - Fix task screen crashing when viewings tasks unrelated to deployments and runbooks
  • 5933 - UI option to load a sample process for new projects
  • 5935 - "Missing Resource" chip no longer displaying on Machine Clean Up Events page
  • 5936 - Lowered the severity of some messages logged by Halibut when client connections timeout
  • 5937 - Fixed tenant scoping issue with the DeploymentView permission, which would prevent all deployments from appearing on the dashboard
  • 5939 - Fixed bad data for release versions in package metadata
  • 5940 - Prevent modification of some of the user roles for Octopus Administrators and Octopus Managers

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.1

  • 5892 - Fix for duplicate key exception when cleaning up build information/package metadata
  • 5897 - UI performance boost for Octopus instances with lots of projects doing lots of deployments
  • 5899 - On the project process view, the step list overlaps if the step name has long words
  • 5912 - Fix issue where project switcher would open a new tab when clicking away
  • 5913 - Fixed issue with Build Information upgrade script that would block if it couldn't find expected old indexes
  • 5917 - UI rendering performance improvements to the projects list screen for customers operating at scale
  • 5918 - Fix for handling of deployment processes where a null package collection may result in a Value cannot be null error during deployment
  • 5919 - Fix an issue where adding a project group would result in an empty page being shown

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.10.0

  • 4270 - Allow deferring the package selection until the step template is added to a project
  • 5601 - Release filter dropdown will now show a few options when clicked on
  • 5604 - Added a new deployment variable for changes, and a Deployment Notes template on the project settings to control its content
  • 5606 - Build Information search and view added to the Library
  • 5848 - "Stop a Docker Resource" step will not remove the containers unless "Stop and remove" action is explicitly selected
  • 5860 - Package selection dropdown will now show a few options when clicked on
  • 5881 - Adds support for PowerShell Core deployment scripts on all platforms. Breaking Change: PowerShell scripts (for example, .ps1 files embedded in packages) will be run on non-windows targets
  • 5885 - Package Metadata renamed to Build Information (Branch is now included too)
  • 5886 - Fixed bug with child project version comparisons during release creation
  • 5888 - Introducing Runbooks for Operations Teams (EAP feature)
  • 5893 - Create User action can now add external logins, due to a bug was only available in editing existing users
  • 5895 - Fixes rare crash in editing a package deployment step if a large amount of feeds are present
  • 5900 - Fix for upgrade error unable to find id in Script0206 - affecting case sensitive SQL server installations
  • 5903 - Fixed an issue where a project was not able to be cloned when the logo file was missing, the cloned project will now use the default logo

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.9.12

  • 6088 - Fix React Error in container within Kubernetes step