GitHub - Fork Repo

Octopus.Script exported 2023-09-18 by mcasperson belongs to ‘GitHub’ category.

Forks a repo in GitHub and returns the new repo URL in the output variable NewRepo. If the new repo already exists, it is not modified.


When steps based on the template are included in a project’s deployment process, the parameters below can be set.

Original Repo Name

ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.OriginalRepoName = #{Octopus.Project.Name}

This is the name of the original repo that is forked. The full URL of the original repo is<Original Repo Name>.

This value defaults to the name of the project if not defined.

Forked Repo Name

ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.NewRepoName = #{Octopus.Project.Name}

This value is used to generate the name of the forked repo. The full URL of the original repo is<Forked Repo Prefix>_<Forked Repo Name>.

The Forked Repo Name defaults to the Original Repo Name if it is left blank.

The forked repo name is sanitized to replace non-alpha-numeric or dash characters with an underscore.

Forked Repo Prefix

ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.NewRepoNamePrefix =

This prefix is prepended to the name of the forked repo. The final name of the forked repo is <Forked Repo Prefix>_<Forked Repo Name>. If a prefix is not specified, it is assumed to be the tenant’s name running this script.

You must supply a prefix or run the script as a tenant.

The forked repo prefix is sanitized to replace non-alpha-numeric or dash characters with an underscore.

GitHub Organization

ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.Organization =

This is the GitHub Organization or username that the source and destination repos are found in. It is the field organization in the URL

Mainline Branch

ForkGiteaRepo.Git.Branch.MainLine = main

The name of the branch to fork.

GitHub Access Token

ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.Credentials.AccessToken =

This is the access token used to authenticate with GitHub. Leave this blank and fill in the App ID, Installation ID, and Private Key to use a GitHub for authentication.

GitHub App ID

ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.Id =

If a GitHub App is used for authentication, this is the application ID. Leave this blank and supply the GitHub Access Token field to use regular token authentication.

GitHub App Installation ID

ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.InstallationId =

If a GitHub App is used for authentication, this is the installation ID. Leave this blank and supply the GitHub Access Token field to use regular token authentication.

GitHub App Private Key

ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.PrivateKey =

If a GitHub App is used for authentication, this is the private key. Leave this blank and supply the GitHub Access Token field to use regular token authentication.

Script body

Steps based on this template will execute the following Python script.

# This script forks a GitHub repo. It creates a token from a GitHub App installation to avoid
# having to use a regular user account.
import subprocess
import sys

# Install our own dependencies
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'jwt'])

import json
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import urllib.request
import base64
import re
import jwt
import time
import argparse
import platform
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

# If this script is not being run as part of an Octopus step, setting variables is a noop
if 'set_octopusvariable' not in globals():
    def set_octopusvariable(variable, value):

# If this script is not being run as part of an Octopus step, return variables from environment variables.
# Periods are replaced with underscores, and the variable name is converted to uppercase
if "get_octopusvariable" not in globals():
    def get_octopusvariable(variable):
        return os.environ[re.sub('\\.', '_', variable.upper())]

# If this script is not being run as part of an Octopus step, print directly to std out.
if 'printverbose' not in globals():
    def printverbose(msg):

def printverbose_noansi(output):
    Strip ANSI color codes and print the output as verbose
    :param output: The output to print
    output_no_ansi = re.sub('\x1b\[[0-9;]*m', '', output)

def get_octopusvariable_quiet(variable):
    Gets an octopus variable, or an empty string if it does not exist.
    :param variable: The variable name
    :return: The variable value, or an empty string if the variable does not exist
        return get_octopusvariable(variable)
        return ''

def execute(args, cwd=None, env=None, print_args=None, print_output=printverbose_noansi, raise_on_non_zero=False):
        The execute method provides the ability to execute external processes while capturing and returning the
        output to std err and std out and exit code.
    process = subprocess.Popen(args,
    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
    retcode = process.returncode

    if not retcode == 0 and raise_on_non_zero:
        raise Exception('command returned exit code ' + retcode)

    if print_args is not None:
        print_output(' '.join(args))

    if print_output is not None:

    return stdout, stderr, retcode

def init_argparse():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        usage='%(prog)s [OPTION] [FILE]...',
        description='Fork a GitHub repo'
    parser.add_argument('--new-repo-name', action='store',
                            'ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.NewRepoName') or get_octopusvariable_quiet(
    parser.add_argument('--new-repo-name-prefix', action='store',
                            'ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.NewRepoNamePrefix') or get_octopusvariable_quiet(
    parser.add_argument('--template-repo-name', action='store',
                            'ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.OriginalRepoName') or
                                re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9-]', '_', get_octopusvariable_quiet('Octopus.Project.Name')))
    parser.add_argument('--tenant-name', action='store',
    parser.add_argument('--git-organization', action='store',
                            'ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.Organization') or get_octopusvariable_quiet('Git.Url.Organization'))
                            'ForkGiteaRepo.Git.Branch.MainLine') or get_octopusvariable_quiet('Git.Branch.MainLine'),
                        help='The branch name to use for the fork. Defaults to "main".')
    parser.add_argument('--github-app-id', action='store',
                            'ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.Id') or get_octopusvariable_quiet('GitHub.App.Id'))
    parser.add_argument('--github-app-installation-id', action='store',
                            'ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.InstallationId') or get_octopusvariable_quiet(
    parser.add_argument('--github-app-private-key', action='store',
                            'ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.PrivateKey') or get_octopusvariable_quiet(
    parser.add_argument('--github-access-token', action='store',
                            'ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.Credentials.AccessToken') or get_octopusvariable_quiet(
                        help='The GitHub access token. This takes precedence over the --github-app-id,  --github-app-installation-id, and --github-app-private-key')

    return parser.parse_known_args()

def generate_github_token(github_app_id, github_app_private_key, github_app_installation_id):
    # Generate the tokens used by git and the GitHub API
    app_id = github_app_id
    signing_key = jwt.jwk_from_pem(github_app_private_key.encode('utf-8'))

    payload = {
        # Issued at time
        'iat': int(time.time()),
        # JWT expiration time (10 minutes maximum)
        'exp': int(time.time()) + 600,
        # GitHub App's identifier
        'iss': app_id

    # Create JWT
    jwt_instance = jwt.JWT()
    encoded_jwt = jwt_instance.encode(payload, signing_key, alg='RS256')

    # Create access token
    url = '' + github_app_installation_id + '/access_tokens'
    headers = {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + encoded_jwt,
        'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json',
        'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28'
    request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='POST')
    response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
    response_json = json.loads(
    return response_json['token']

def generate_auth_header(token):
    auth = base64.b64encode(('x-access-token:' + token).encode('ascii'))
    return 'Basic ' + auth.decode('ascii')

def verify_template_repo(token, cac_org, template_repo):
    # Attempt to view the template repo
    url = '' + cac_org + '/' + template_repo
        headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json',
            'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
            'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28'
        request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)
        print('Could not find the template repo at ' + url)
        print('Check that the repo exists, and that the authentication credentials are correct')

def verify_new_repo(token, cac_org, new_repo):
    # Attempt to view the new repo
        url = '' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo
        headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json',
            'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
            'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28'
        request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)
        return True
        return False

def create_new_repo(token, cac_org, new_repo):
    # If we could not view the repo, assume it needs to be created.
    # Note you have to use the token rather than the JWT:

    headers = {
        'Authorization': 'token ' + token,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json',
        'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28',

        # First try to create an organization repo:
        url = '' + cac_org + '/repos'
        body = {'name': new_repo}
        request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body).encode('utf-8'))
    except urllib.error.URLError as ex:
        # Then fall back to creating a repo for the user:
        if ex.code == 404:
            url = ''
            body = {'name': new_repo}
            request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body).encode('utf-8'))
            raise ex

def fork_repo(git_executable, token, cac_org, new_repo, template_repo):
    # Clone the repo and add the upstream repo
    _, _, retcode = execute([git_executable, 'clone', 'https://' + 'x-access-token:' + token + '@'
                             + '' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo + '.git'])

    if not retcode == 0:
        print('Failed to clone repo ' + '' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo + '.git.' +
              ' Check the verbose logs for details.')

    _, _, retcode = execute(
        [git_executable, 'remote', 'add', 'upstream', 'https://' + 'x-access-token:' + token + '@'
         + '' + cac_org + '/' + template_repo + '.git'],

    if not retcode == 0:
        print('Failed to add remote ' + '' + cac_org + '/' + template_repo + '.git. ' +
              'Check the verbose logs for details.')

    _, _, retcode = execute([git_executable, 'fetch', '--all'], cwd=new_repo)

    if not retcode == 0:
        print('Failed to fetch. Check the verbose logs for details.')

    _, _, retcode = execute(['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'upstream-' + branch, 'upstream/' + branch], cwd=new_repo)

    if not retcode == 0:
        print('Failed to checkout branch ' + branch + '. Check the verbose logs for details.')

    if branch != 'master' and branch != 'main':
        _, _, retcode = execute(['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch, 'origin/' + branch], cwd=new_repo)
        _, _, retcode = execute(['git', 'checkout', branch], cwd=new_repo)

    if not retcode == 0:
        print('Failed to checkout branch ' + branch + '. Check the verbose logs for details.')

    # Hard reset it to the template main branch.
    _, _, retcode = execute([git_executable, 'reset', '--hard', 'upstream/' + branch], cwd=new_repo)

    if not retcode == 0:
            'Failed to perform a hard reset against branch upstream/' + branch + '.'
            + ' Check the verbose logs for details.')

    # Push the changes.
    _, _, retcode = execute([git_executable, 'push', 'origin', branch], cwd=new_repo)

    if not retcode == 0:
        print('Failed to push changes. Check the verbose logs for details.')

def is_windows():
    return platform.system() == 'Windows'

def ensure_git_exists():
    if is_windows():
        print("Checking git is installed")
            stdout, _, exit_code = execute(['git', 'version'])
            if not exit_code == 0:
                raise "git not found"
            print("Downloading git")
            urlretrieve('', '7zr.exe')
            print("Installing git")
            print("Consider installing git on the worker or using a standard worker-tools image")
            execute(['7zr.exe', 'x', 'PortableGit.7z.exe', '-o' + os.getcwd() + '\\git', '-y'])
            return os.getcwd() + '\\git\\bin\\git'

    return 'git'

git_executable = ensure_git_exists()
parser, _ = init_argparse()

if not parser.github_access_token.strip() and not (
        parser.github_app_id.strip() and parser.github_app_private_key.strip() and parser.github_app_installation_id.strip()):
    print("You must supply the GitHub token, or the GitHub App ID and private key and installation ID")

if not parser.template_repo_name.strip():
    print("You must supply the upstream (or template) repo")

if not parser.tenant_name.strip() and not parser.new_repo_name_prefix.strip():
    print("You must define the new repo prefix or run this script against a tenant")

# The access token is generated from a github app or supplied directly as an access token
token = generate_github_token(parser.github_app_id, parser.github_app_private_key,
                              parser.github_app_installation_id) if len(
    parser.github_access_token.strip()) == 0 else parser.github_access_token.strip()

# The process followed here is:
# 1. Verify the manually supplied upstream repo exists
# 2. Build the name of the new downstream repo with a prefix and the new project name.
#    a. The prefix is either specified or assumed to be the name of a tenant
#    b. The new project name is either specified or assumed to be the same as the upstream project name
# 3. Create a new downstream repo if it doesn't exist
# 4. Fork the upstream repo into the downstream repo with a hard git reset

cac_org = parser.git_organization.strip()
template_repo = parser.template_repo_name.strip()
new_repo_custom_prefix = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9-]', '_', parser.new_repo_name_prefix.strip())
tenant_name_sanitized = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9-]', '_', parser.tenant_name.strip())
project_repo_sanitized = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9-]', '_',
                                parser.new_repo_name.strip() if parser.new_repo_name.strip() else template_repo)

# The new repo is prefixed either with the custom prefix or the tenant name if no custom prefix is defined
new_repo_prefix = new_repo_custom_prefix if len(new_repo_custom_prefix) != 0 else tenant_name_sanitized

# The new repo name is the prefix + the name of thew new project
new_repo = new_repo_prefix + '_' + project_repo_sanitized if len(new_repo_prefix) != 0 else project_repo_sanitized

# Assume the main branch if nothing else was specified
branch = parser.mainline_branch or 'main'

# This is the value of the forked git repo
set_octopusvariable('NewRepo', '' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo)

verify_template_repo(token, cac_org, template_repo)

if not verify_new_repo(token, cac_org, new_repo):
    create_new_repo(token, cac_org, new_repo)
    fork_repo(git_executable, token, cac_org, new_repo, template_repo)
        'Repo was forked from ' + '' + cac_org + '/' + template_repo + ' to '
        + '' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo)
    print('Repo at' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo + ' already exists and has not been modified')

print('New repo URL is defined in the output variable "NewRepo": #{Octopus.Action[' +
      get_octopusvariable_quiet('Octopus.Step.Name') + '].Output.NewRepo}')

Provided under the Apache License version 2.0.

Report an issue

To use this template in Octopus Deploy, copy the JSON below and paste it into the Library → Step templates → Import dialog.

  "Id": "f79befdd-9042-4e49-a4d9-164fc8daf8d6",
  "Name": "GitHub - Fork Repo",
  "Description": "Forks a repo in GitHub and returns the new repo URL in the output variable `NewRepo`. If the new repo already exists, it is not modified.",
  "Version": 1,
  "ExportedAt": "2023-09-18T21:46:58.212Z",
  "ActionType": "Octopus.Script",
  "Author": "mcasperson",
  "Packages": [],
  "Parameters": [
      "Id": "d6b60ef3-0dc1-4c01-86b9-b3b65a266acf",
      "Name": "ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.OriginalRepoName",
      "Label": "Original Repo Name",
      "HelpText": "This is the name of the original repo that is forked. The full URL of the original repo is `<Original Repo Name>`.\n\nThis value defaults to the name of the project if not defined.",
      "DefaultValue": "#{Octopus.Project.Name}",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
      "Id": "a4c8c416-591f-4bc5-bf76-041064d8993b",
      "Name": "ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.NewRepoName",
      "Label": "Forked Repo Name",
      "HelpText": "This value is used to generate the name of the forked repo. The full URL of the original repo is `<Forked Repo Prefix>_<Forked Repo Name>`.\n\nThe `Forked Repo Name` defaults to the `Original Repo Name` if it is left blank.\n\nThe forked repo name is sanitized to replace non-alpha-numeric or dash characters with an underscore.",
      "DefaultValue": "#{Octopus.Project.Name}",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
      "Id": "f829046a-8f59-4c53-8122-8281b6329363",
      "Name": "ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.NewRepoNamePrefix",
      "Label": "Forked Repo Prefix",
      "HelpText": "This prefix is prepended to the name of the forked repo. The final name of the forked repo is `<Forked Repo Prefix>_<Forked Repo Name>`. If a prefix is not specified, it is assumed to be the tenant's name running this script.\n\nYou must supply a prefix or run the script as a tenant.\n\nThe forked repo prefix is sanitized to replace non-alpha-numeric or dash characters with an underscore.",
      "DefaultValue": "",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
      "Id": "3fcfc3ff-ffbe-4d9f-a078-bf4394d2cf3b",
      "Name": "ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.Organization",
      "Label": "GitHub Organization",
      "HelpText": "This is the GitHub Organization or username that the source and destination repos are found in. It is the field `organization` in the URL ``.",
      "DefaultValue": "",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
      "Id": "3972a9b5-ff11-4336-afff-0ed92b7e111c",
      "Name": "ForkGiteaRepo.Git.Branch.MainLine",
      "Label": "Mainline Branch",
      "HelpText": "The name of the branch to fork.",
      "DefaultValue": "main",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
      "Id": "e6c3dc14-af61-4c3f-acc9-75f77cef9a6a",
      "Name": "ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.Credentials.AccessToken",
      "Label": "GitHub Access Token",
      "HelpText": "This is the [access token]( used to authenticate with GitHub. Leave this blank and fill in the App ID, Installation ID, and Private Key to use a GitHub for authentication.",
      "DefaultValue": "",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "Sensitive"
      "Id": "b19c2e88-1418-4a4c-8088-048007da5ffb",
      "Name": "ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.Id",
      "Label": "GitHub App ID",
      "HelpText": "If a [GitHub App]( is used for authentication, this is the application ID. Leave this blank and supply the `GitHub Access Token` field to use regular token authentication.",
      "DefaultValue": "",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
      "Id": "ce37e390-a6df-4782-9166-d7a22c8e6a50",
      "Name": "ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.InstallationId",
      "Label": "GitHub App Installation ID",
      "HelpText": "If a [GitHub App]( is used for authentication, this is the installation ID. Leave this blank and supply the  `GitHub Access Token` field to use regular token authentication.",
      "DefaultValue": "",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
      "Id": "1b7ad3bb-f12c-40e2-b062-8fdbfc1259e6",
      "Name": "ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.PrivateKey",
      "Label": "GitHub App Private Key",
      "HelpText": "If a [GitHub App]( is used for authentication, this is the private key. Leave this blank and supply the  `GitHub Access Token` field to use regular token authentication.",
      "DefaultValue": "",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "Sensitive"
  "Properties": {
    "Octopus.Action.RunOnServer": "true",
    "Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptSource": "Inline",
    "Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptBody": "# This script forks a GitHub repo. It creates a token from a GitHub App installation to avoid\n# having to use a regular user account.\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\n\n# Install our own dependencies\nsubprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'jwt'])\n\nimport json\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\nimport os\nimport urllib.request\nimport base64\nimport re\nimport jwt\nimport time\nimport argparse\nimport platform\nfrom urllib.request import urlretrieve\n\n# If this script is not being run as part of an Octopus step, setting variables is a noop\nif 'set_octopusvariable' not in globals():\n    def set_octopusvariable(variable, value):\n        pass\n\n# If this script is not being run as part of an Octopus step, return variables from environment variables.\n# Periods are replaced with underscores, and the variable name is converted to uppercase\nif \"get_octopusvariable\" not in globals():\n    def get_octopusvariable(variable):\n        return os.environ[re.sub('\\\\.', '_', variable.upper())]\n\n# If this script is not being run as part of an Octopus step, print directly to std out.\nif 'printverbose' not in globals():\n    def printverbose(msg):\n        print(msg)\n\n\ndef printverbose_noansi(output):\n    \"\"\"\n    Strip ANSI color codes and print the output as verbose\n    :param output: The output to print\n    \"\"\"\n    output_no_ansi = re.sub('\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*m', '', output)\n    printverbose(output_no_ansi)\n\n\ndef get_octopusvariable_quiet(variable):\n    \"\"\"\n    Gets an octopus variable, or an empty string if it does not exist.\n    :param variable: The variable name\n    :return: The variable value, or an empty string if the variable does not exist\n    \"\"\"\n    try:\n        return get_octopusvariable(variable)\n    except:\n        return ''\n\n\ndef execute(args, cwd=None, env=None, print_args=None, print_output=printverbose_noansi, raise_on_non_zero=False):\n    \"\"\"\n        The execute method provides the ability to execute external processes while capturing and returning the\n        output to std err and std out and exit code.\n    \"\"\"\n    process = subprocess.Popen(args,\n                               stdout=subprocess.PIPE,\n                               stderr=subprocess.PIPE,\n                               text=True,\n                               cwd=cwd,\n                               env=env)\n    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()\n    retcode = process.returncode\n\n    if not retcode == 0 and raise_on_non_zero:\n        raise Exception('command returned exit code ' + retcode)\n\n    if print_args is not None:\n        print_output(' '.join(args))\n\n    if print_output is not None:\n        print_output(stdout)\n        print_output(stderr)\n\n    return stdout, stderr, retcode\n\n\ndef init_argparse():\n    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(\n        usage='%(prog)s [OPTION] [FILE]...',\n        description='Fork a GitHub repo'\n    )\n    parser.add_argument('--new-repo-name', action='store',\n                        default=get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.NewRepoName') or get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'Exported.Project.Name'))\n    parser.add_argument('--new-repo-name-prefix', action='store',\n                        default=get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.NewRepoNamePrefix') or get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'Git.Url.NewRepoNamePrefix'))\n    parser.add_argument('--template-repo-name', action='store',\n                        default=get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.OriginalRepoName') or\n                                re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9-]', '_', get_octopusvariable_quiet('Octopus.Project.Name')))\n    parser.add_argument('--tenant-name', action='store',\n                        default=get_octopusvariable_quiet('Octopus.Deployment.Tenant.Name'))\n    parser.add_argument('--git-organization', action='store',\n                        default=get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'ForkGithubRepo.Git.Url.Organization') or get_octopusvariable_quiet('Git.Url.Organization'))\n    parser.add_argument('--mainline-branch',\n                        action='store',\n                        default=get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'ForkGiteaRepo.Git.Branch.MainLine') or get_octopusvariable_quiet('Git.Branch.MainLine'),\n                        help='The branch name to use for the fork. Defaults to \"main\".')\n    parser.add_argument('--github-app-id', action='store',\n                        default=get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.Id') or get_octopusvariable_quiet('GitHub.App.Id'))\n    parser.add_argument('--github-app-installation-id', action='store',\n                        default=get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.InstallationId') or get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'GitHub.App.InstallationId'))\n    parser.add_argument('--github-app-private-key', action='store',\n                        default=get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.App.PrivateKey') or get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'GitHub.App.PrivateKey'))\n    parser.add_argument('--github-access-token', action='store',\n                        default=get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'ForkGithubRepo.GitHub.Credentials.AccessToken') or get_octopusvariable_quiet(\n                            'GitHub.Credentials.AccessToken'),\n                        help='The GitHub access token. This takes precedence over the --github-app-id,  --github-app-installation-id, and --github-app-private-key')\n\n    return parser.parse_known_args()\n\n\ndef generate_github_token(github_app_id, github_app_private_key, github_app_installation_id):\n    # Generate the tokens used by git and the GitHub API\n    app_id = github_app_id\n    signing_key = jwt.jwk_from_pem(github_app_private_key.encode('utf-8'))\n\n    payload = {\n        # Issued at time\n        'iat': int(time.time()),\n        # JWT expiration time (10 minutes maximum)\n        'exp': int(time.time()) + 600,\n        # GitHub App's identifier\n        'iss': app_id\n    }\n\n    # Create JWT\n    jwt_instance = jwt.JWT()\n    encoded_jwt = jwt_instance.encode(payload, signing_key, alg='RS256')\n\n    # Create access token\n    url = '' + github_app_installation_id + '/access_tokens'\n    headers = {\n        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + encoded_jwt,\n        'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json',\n        'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28'\n    }\n    request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='POST')\n    response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)\n    response_json = json.loads(\n    return response_json['token']\n\n\ndef generate_auth_header(token):\n    auth = base64.b64encode(('x-access-token:' + token).encode('ascii'))\n    return 'Basic ' + auth.decode('ascii')\n\n\ndef verify_template_repo(token, cac_org, template_repo):\n    # Attempt to view the template repo\n    url = '' + cac_org + '/' + template_repo\n    try:\n        headers = {\n            'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json',\n            'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,\n            'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28'\n        }\n        request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)\n        urllib.request.urlopen(request)\n    except:\n        print('Could not find the template repo at ' + url)\n        print('Check that the repo exists, and that the authentication credentials are correct')\n        sys.exit(1)\n\n\ndef verify_new_repo(token, cac_org, new_repo):\n    # Attempt to view the new repo\n    try:\n        url = '' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo\n        headers = {\n            'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json',\n            'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,\n            'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28'\n        }\n        request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)\n        urllib.request.urlopen(request)\n        return True\n    except:\n        return False\n\n\ndef create_new_repo(token, cac_org, new_repo):\n    # If we could not view the repo, assume it needs to be created.\n    #\n    # Note you have to use the token rather than the JWT:\n    #\n\n    headers = {\n        'Authorization': 'token ' + token,\n        'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n        'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json',\n        'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28',\n    }\n\n    try:\n        # First try to create an organization repo:\n        #\n        url = '' + cac_org + '/repos'\n        body = {'name': new_repo}\n        request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body).encode('utf-8'))\n        urllib.request.urlopen(request)\n    except urllib.error.URLError as ex:\n        # Then fall back to creating a repo for the user:\n        #\n        if ex.code == 404:\n            url = ''\n            body = {'name': new_repo}\n            request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body).encode('utf-8'))\n            urllib.request.urlopen(request)\n        else:\n            raise ex\n\n\ndef fork_repo(git_executable, token, cac_org, new_repo, template_repo):\n    # Clone the repo and add the upstream repo\n    _, _, retcode = execute([git_executable, 'clone', 'https://' + 'x-access-token:' + token + '@'\n                             + '' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo + '.git'])\n\n    if not retcode == 0:\n        print('Failed to clone repo ' + '' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo + '.git.' +\n              ' Check the verbose logs for details.')\n        sys.exit(1)\n\n    _, _, retcode = execute(\n        [git_executable, 'remote', 'add', 'upstream', 'https://' + 'x-access-token:' + token + '@'\n         + '' + cac_org + '/' + template_repo + '.git'],\n        cwd=new_repo)\n\n    if not retcode == 0:\n        print('Failed to add remote ' + '' + cac_org + '/' + template_repo + '.git. ' +\n              'Check the verbose logs for details.')\n        sys.exit(1)\n\n    _, _, retcode = execute([git_executable, 'fetch', '--all'], cwd=new_repo)\n\n    if not retcode == 0:\n        print('Failed to fetch. Check the verbose logs for details.')\n        sys.exit(1)\n\n    _, _, retcode = execute(['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'upstream-' + branch, 'upstream/' + branch], cwd=new_repo)\n\n    if not retcode == 0:\n        print('Failed to checkout branch ' + branch + '. Check the verbose logs for details.')\n        sys.exit(1)\n\n    if branch != 'master' and branch != 'main':\n        _, _, retcode = execute(['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch, 'origin/' + branch], cwd=new_repo)\n    else:\n        _, _, retcode = execute(['git', 'checkout', branch], cwd=new_repo)\n\n    if not retcode == 0:\n        print('Failed to checkout branch ' + branch + '. Check the verbose logs for details.')\n        sys.exit(1)\n\n    # Hard reset it to the template main branch.\n    _, _, retcode = execute([git_executable, 'reset', '--hard', 'upstream/' + branch], cwd=new_repo)\n\n    if not retcode == 0:\n        print(\n            'Failed to perform a hard reset against branch upstream/' + branch + '.'\n            + ' Check the verbose logs for details.')\n        sys.exit(1)\n\n    # Push the changes.\n    _, _, retcode = execute([git_executable, 'push', 'origin', branch], cwd=new_repo)\n\n    if not retcode == 0:\n        print('Failed to push changes. Check the verbose logs for details.')\n        sys.exit(1)\n\n\ndef is_windows():\n    return platform.system() == 'Windows'\n\n\ndef ensure_git_exists():\n    if is_windows():\n        print(\"Checking git is installed\")\n        try:\n            stdout, _, exit_code = execute(['git', 'version'])\n            printverbose(stdout)\n            if not exit_code == 0:\n                raise \"git not found\"\n        except:\n            print(\"Downloading git\")\n            urlretrieve('', '7zr.exe')\n            urlretrieve(\n                '',\n                'PortableGit.7z.exe')\n            print(\"Installing git\")\n            print(\"Consider installing git on the worker or using a standard worker-tools image\")\n            execute(['7zr.exe', 'x', 'PortableGit.7z.exe', '-o' + os.getcwd() + '\\\\git', '-y'])\n            return os.getcwd() + '\\\\git\\\\bin\\\\git'\n\n    return 'git'\n\n\ngit_executable = ensure_git_exists()\nparser, _ = init_argparse()\n\nif not parser.github_access_token.strip() and not (\n        parser.github_app_id.strip() and parser.github_app_private_key.strip() and parser.github_app_installation_id.strip()):\n    print(\"You must supply the GitHub token, or the GitHub App ID and private key and installation ID\")\n    sys.exit(1)\n\nif not parser.template_repo_name.strip():\n    print(\"You must supply the upstream (or template) repo\")\n    sys.exit(1)\n\nif not parser.tenant_name.strip() and not parser.new_repo_name_prefix.strip():\n    print(\"You must define the new repo prefix or run this script against a tenant\")\n    sys.exit(1)\n\n# The access token is generated from a github app or supplied directly as an access token\ntoken = generate_github_token(parser.github_app_id, parser.github_app_private_key,\n                              parser.github_app_installation_id) if len(\n    parser.github_access_token.strip()) == 0 else parser.github_access_token.strip()\n\n# The process followed here is:\n# 1. Verify the manually supplied upstream repo exists\n# 2. Build the name of the new downstream repo with a prefix and the new project name.\n#    a. The prefix is either specified or assumed to be the name of a tenant\n#    b. The new project name is either specified or assumed to be the same as the upstream project name\n# 3. Create a new downstream repo if it doesn't exist\n# 4. Fork the upstream repo into the downstream repo with a hard git reset\n\ncac_org = parser.git_organization.strip()\ntemplate_repo = parser.template_repo_name.strip()\nnew_repo_custom_prefix = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9-]', '_', parser.new_repo_name_prefix.strip())\ntenant_name_sanitized = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9-]', '_', parser.tenant_name.strip())\nproject_repo_sanitized = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9-]', '_',\n                                parser.new_repo_name.strip() if parser.new_repo_name.strip() else template_repo)\n\n# The new repo is prefixed either with the custom prefix or the tenant name if no custom prefix is defined\nnew_repo_prefix = new_repo_custom_prefix if len(new_repo_custom_prefix) != 0 else tenant_name_sanitized\n\n# The new repo name is the prefix + the name of thew new project\nnew_repo = new_repo_prefix + '_' + project_repo_sanitized if len(new_repo_prefix) != 0 else project_repo_sanitized\n\n# Assume the main branch if nothing else was specified\nbranch = parser.mainline_branch or 'main'\n\n# This is the value of the forked git repo\nset_octopusvariable('NewRepo', '' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo)\n\nverify_template_repo(token, cac_org, template_repo)\n\nif not verify_new_repo(token, cac_org, new_repo):\n    create_new_repo(token, cac_org, new_repo)\n    fork_repo(git_executable, token, cac_org, new_repo, template_repo)\n    print(\n        'Repo was forked from ' + '' + cac_org + '/' + template_repo + ' to '\n        + '' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo)\nelse:\n    print('Repo at' + cac_org + '/' + new_repo + ' already exists and has not been modified')\n\nprint('New repo URL is defined in the output variable \"NewRepo\": #{Octopus.Action[' +\n      get_octopusvariable_quiet('Octopus.Step.Name') + '].Output.NewRepo}')\n",
    "Octopus.Action.Script.Syntax": "Python"
  "Category": "GitHub",
  "HistoryUrl": "",
  "Website": "/step-templates/f79befdd-9042-4e49-a4d9-164fc8daf8d6",
  "Logo": "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",
  "$Meta": {
    "Type": "ActionTemplate"


Page updated on Monday, September 18, 2023