AWS Secrets Manager - Retrieve Secrets

Octopus.AwsRunScript exported 2023-04-22 by harrisonmeister belongs to ‘AWS’ category.

This step retrieves one or more secrets from AWS Secrets Manager and creates sensitive output variables for each value retrieved. The step supports creating a variable for each key-value in a secret that’s retrieved, or you can specify individual keys. These values can be used in other steps in your deployment or runbook process.

Specifying Secret names/keys to retrieve:

Specify the names of the secrets to be returned from AWS Secrets Manager, in the format:

SecretName SecretVersionId SecretVersionStage | KeyNames | OutputVariableName where:

  • SecretName is the name of the secret to retrieve. You can specify either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or the friendly name of the secret.
  • SecretVersionId is the unique identifier of the version of the secret that you want to retrieve. If this value isn’t specified, the version with the VersionStage value as specified in SecretVersionStage will be retrieved.
  • SecretVersionStage specifies the secret version that you want to retrieve by the staging label attached to the version. Staging labels are used to keep track of different versions during the rotation process. If this value isn’t specified, the version with the VersionStage value of AWSCURRENT will be retrieved.
  • KeyNames are the names of the keys stored in the secret that you wish to retrieve values for. Multiple fields can be retrieved separated by a space. Alternatively, you can specify all fields using the special keyword all or *.
  • OutputVariableName is the optional Octopus output variable name to store the secret’s value in. If multiple fields are specified the field name will be appended to this value. If this value isn’t specified, an output name will be generated dynamically.


Given a secret named OctoSamples-usercredentials:

  1. OctoSamples-usercredentials | Username | octousername

    This would retrieve the secret and extract the value from the key-value named Username and save it into a sensitive output variable named octousername.

  2. OctoSamples-usercredentials | Username Password | octocreds

    This would retrieve the secret named OctoSamples-usercredentials, and then extract the values from the key-values named Username and Password and save them to two sensitive output variables named octocreds.Username and octocreds.Password.

  3. OctoSamples-usercredentials | * | octocreds

    This would retrieve the secret named OctoSamples-usercredentials, and then extract all key-values from the secret and save them to sensitive output variables prefixed with octocreds.

  4. OctoSamples-usercredentials | all

    This would retrieve the secret named OctoSamples-usercredentials, and then extract all key-values from the secret and save them to sensitive output variables prefixed with OctoSamples-usercredentials.

AWS Dependencies:

There are some dependencies/requirements for this step to work successfully.

  1. CLI - This step uses AWS tooling pre-installed on the target or worker.

    Scripts executed in this step need to use the AWS CLI to authenticate to AWS and perform other actions. If the CLI can’t be found, the step will fail.

  2. AWS Account - An AWS account with permissions to retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager is also required.


  • Tested on Octopus 2021.2.
  • Tested on both Windows Server 2019 and Ubuntu 20.04.


When steps based on the template are included in a project’s deployment process, the parameters below can be set.

AWS Account

AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.Account =

An AWS account with permissions to access secrets from Secrets Manager.

AWS Region

AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.Region =

Specify the default region. View the AWS Regions and Endpoints documentation for a current list of the available region codes.

Secret names to retrieve

AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.SecretNames =

Specify the names of the secrets to be returned from AWS Secrets Manager, in the format:

SecretName SecretVersionId SecretVersionStage | KeyNames | OutputVariableName where:

  • SecretName is the name of the secret to retrieve. You can specify either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or the friendly name of the secret.
  • SecretVersionId is the unique identifier of the version of the secret that you want to retrieve. If this value isn’t specified, the version with the VersionStage value as specified in SecretVersionStage will be retrieved.
  • SecretVersionStage specifies the secret version that you want to retrieve by the staging label attached to the version. Staging labels are used to keep track of different versions during the rotation process. If this value isn’t specified, the version with the VersionStage value of AWSCURRENT will be retrieved.
  • KeyNames are the names of the keys stored in the secret that you wish to retrieve values for. Multiple fields can be retrieved separated by a space. Alternatively, you can specify all fields using the special keyword all or *. See the step description for examples.
  • OutputVariableName is the optional Octopus output variable name to store the secret’s value in. If multiple fields are specified the field name will be appended to this value. If this value isn’t specified, an output name will be generated dynamically.

Note: Multiple fields can be retrieved by entering each one on a new line.

AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.PrintVariableNames = False

Write out the Octopus output variable names to the task log. Default: False.

Script body

Steps based on this template will execute the following PowerShell script.

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Variables
$SecretNames = $OctopusParameters["AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.SecretNames"]
$PrintVariableNames = $OctopusParameters["AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.PrintVariableNames"]

# Validation
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SecretNames)) {
    throw "Required parameter AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.SecretNames not specified"

# Functions
function Format-SecretName {
        [string] $Name,
        [string] $VersionId,
        [string] $VersionStage,
        [string[]] $Keys
    $displayName = "'$Name'"
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VersionId)) {
        $displayName += " $VersionId"
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VersionStage)) {
        $displayName += " $VersionStage"
    if ($Keys.Count -gt 0) {
        $displayName += " ($($Keys -Join ","))"
    return $displayName

function Save-OctopusVariable {
        [string] $name,
        [string] $value
    if ($script:storedVariables -icontains $name) {
        Write-Warning "A variable with name '$name' has already been created. Check your secret name parameters as this will likely cause unexpected behavior and should be investigated."
    Set-OctopusVariable -Name $name -Value $value -Sensitive
    $script:storedVariables += $name

    if ($PrintVariableNames -eq $True) {
        Write-Host "Created output variable: ##{Octopus.Action[$StepName].Output.$name}"

# End Functions

$script:storedVariables = @()
$StepName = $OctopusParameters["Octopus.Step.Name"]
$Secrets = @()

# Extract secret names
@(($SecretNames -Split "`n").Trim()) | ForEach-Object {
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)) {
        Write-Verbose "Working establishing secret definition for: '$_'"
        $secretDefinition = ($_ -Split "\|")
        # Establish the secret name/version requirements
        $secretName = $secretDefinition[0].Trim()
        $secretVersionId = ""
        $secretVersionStage = ""
        $secretNameAndVersion = ($secretName -Split " ")
        if ($secretNameAndVersion.Count -gt 1) {
            $secretName = $secretNameAndVersion[0].Trim()
            $secretVersionId = $secretNameAndVersion[1].Trim()
            if ($secretNameAndVersion.Count -eq 3) {
                $secretVersionStage = $secretNameAndVersion[2].Trim()
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($secretName)) {
            throw "Unable to establish secret name from: '$($_)'"

        # Establish the secret field(s)/output variable name requirements.
        $VariableName = ""
        $Keys = @()
        if ($secretDefinition.Count -gt 1) {
            $KeyNames = $secretDefinition[1].Trim()        
            $Keys = @(($KeyNames -Split " "))
            $EmptyKeys = $Keys | Where-Object { [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) }
            if ($Keys.Count -le 0 -or $EmptyKeys.Count -gt 0) {
                throw "No keys (field names) were specified for '$_'. To retrieve all keys in a secret, add the word ALL or the wildcard (*) character."    
            if ($secretDefinition.Count -gt 2) {
                $VariableName = $secretDefinition[2].Trim()
        else {
            throw "No keys (field names) were specified for '$_'. To retrieve all keys in a secret, add the word ALL or the wildcard (*) character."

        $secret = [PsCustomObject]@{
            Name                 = $secretName
            SecretVersionId      = $secretVersionId
            SecretVersionStage   = $secretVersionStage
            Keys                 = $Keys
            variableNameOrPrefix = $VariableName
        $Secrets += $secret

Write-Verbose "Secrets to retrieve: $($Secrets.Count)"
Write-Verbose "Print variables: $PrintVariableNames"

$retrievedSecrets = @{}

# Retrieve Secrets
foreach ($secret in $secrets) {
    $name = $secret.Name
    $versionId = $secret.SecretVersionId
    $versionStage = $secret.SecretVersionStage
    $variableNameOrPrefix = $secret.variableNameOrPrefix
    $keys = $secret.Keys
    # Should we extract only specified keys, or all values?
    $SpecifiedKeys = $True
    if ($keys.Count -eq 1 -and ($keys[0] -ieq "all" -or $keys[0] -ieq "*")) {
        $SpecifiedKeys = $False
    $displayName = Format-SecretName -Name $name -VersionId $versionId -VersionStage $versionStage -Keys $keys
    Write-Verbose "Retrieving Secret $displayName"
    $_secretIdentifier = "$name"

    $params = @("--secret-id $name")
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($versionId)) {
        $params += "--version-id $versionId"
        $_secretIdentifier += "_$versionId"
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($versionStage)) {
        $params += "--version-stage $versionStage"
        $_secretIdentifier += "_$versionStage"
    # Check to see if we've already retrieved this secret value to save on requests
    if (-not $retrievedSecrets.ContainsKey($_secretIdentifier)) {
        $command = "aws secretsmanager get-secret-value $($params -Join " ")"
        Write-Verbose "Invoking command: $command"
        $response = Invoke-Expression -Command $command
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($response)) {
            throw "Error: Secret $displayName not found or has no versions."
        Write-Verbose "Added secret to retrieved collection ($_secretIdentifier)"
        $retrievedSecrets.Add($_secretIdentifier, $response)
    else {
        Write-Verbose "Rehydrating previously stored secret ($_secretIdentifier) instead of calling AWS."
        $response = $retrievedSecrets.$_secretIdentifier
    try {
        $AwsSecret = $response | ConvertFrom-Json
        $AwsSecretValue = $AwsSecret.SecretString | ConvertFrom-Json
        $secretKeyValues = $AwsSecretValue | Get-Member | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Name"
    catch {
        Write-Error "Error converting JSON value returned from AWS for $displayName.`n`nIf secret value is stored as JSON in Plaintext (vs Key/value), check contents validity"
    if ($SpecifiedKeys -eq $True) {
        foreach ($keyName in $keys) {
            $variableName = $variableNameOrPrefix
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($variableName)) {
                $variableName = "$($name.Trim())"
            if ($keys.Count -gt 1) {
                $variableName += ".$keyName"
            if ($secretKeyValues -inotcontains $keyName) {
                throw "Key '$keyName' not found in AWS Secret: $name."
            $variableValue = $AwsSecretValue.$keyName
            Save-OctopusVariable -Name $variableName -Value $variableValue            
    else {
        foreach ($secretKeyValueName in $secretKeyValues) {
            $variableName = $variableNameOrPrefix
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($variableName)) {
                $variableName = "$($name.Trim())"
            if ($secretKeyValues.Count -gt 1) {
                $variableName += ".$secretKeyValueName"
            $variableValue = $AwsSecretValue.$secretKeyValueName
            Save-OctopusVariable -Name $variableName -Value $variableValue

Write-Host "Created $($script:storedVariables.Count) output variables"

Provided under the Apache License version 2.0.

Report an issue

To use this template in Octopus Deploy, copy the JSON below and paste it into the Library → Step templates → Import dialog.

  "Id": "5d5bd3ae-09a0-41ac-9a45-42a96ee6206a",
  "Name": "AWS Secrets Manager - Retrieve Secrets",
  "Description": "This step retrieves one or more secrets from AWS [Secrets Manager]( and creates [sensitive output variables]( for each value retrieved. The step supports creating a variable for each key-value in a secret that's retrieved, or you can specify individual keys. These values can be used in other steps in your deployment or runbook process.\n\n---\n\n**Specifying Secret names/keys to retrieve:**\n\nSpecify the names of the secrets to be returned from AWS Secrets Manager, in the format:\n\n`SecretName SecretVersionId SecretVersionStage | KeyNames | OutputVariableName` where:\n\n- `SecretName` is the name of the secret to retrieve. You can specify either the `Amazon Resource Name (ARN)` or the friendly name of the secret.\n- `SecretVersionId` is the unique identifier of the version of the secret that you want to retrieve. If this value isn't specified, the version with the `VersionStage` value as specified in `SecretVersionStage` will be retrieved.\n- `SecretVersionStage` specifies the secret version that you want to retrieve by the staging label attached to the version. *Staging labels are used to keep track of different versions during the rotation process*. If this value isn't specified, the version with the `VersionStage` value of `AWSCURRENT` will be retrieved.\n- `KeyNames` are the names of the keys stored in the secret that you wish to retrieve values for. Multiple fields can be retrieved separated by a space. Alternatively, you can specify all fields using the special keyword `all` or `*`.\n- `OutputVariableName` is the _optional_ Octopus [output variable]( name to store the secret's value in. If multiple fields are specified the field name will be appended to this value. *If this value isn't specified, an output name will be generated dynamically*.\n\n**Examples:**\n\nGiven a secret named `OctoSamples-usercredentials`:\n\n1. `OctoSamples-usercredentials | Username | octousername`\n   \n   This would retrieve the secret and extract the value from the key-value named `Username` and save it into a sensitive output variable named `octousername`.\n\n2. `OctoSamples-usercredentials | Username Password | octocreds`\n   \n   This would retrieve the secret named `OctoSamples-usercredentials`, and then extract the values from the key-values named `Username` and `Password` and save them to two sensitive output variables named `octocreds.Username` and `octocreds.Password`.\n\n3. `OctoSamples-usercredentials | * | octocreds`\n   \n   This would retrieve the secret named `OctoSamples-usercredentials`, and then extract all key-values from the secret and save them to sensitive output variables *prefixed* with `octocreds`.\n\n4. `OctoSamples-usercredentials | all`\n   \n   This would retrieve the secret named `OctoSamples-usercredentials`, and then extract all key-values from the secret and save them to sensitive output variables *prefixed* with `OctoSamples-usercredentials`.\n\n---\n\n**AWS Dependencies:**\n\nThere are some dependencies/requirements for this step to work successfully.\n\n1. **CLI** - This step uses AWS tooling pre-installed on the target or worker. \n\n    Scripts executed in this step need to use the [AWS CLI]( to authenticate to AWS and perform other actions. If the CLI can't be found, the step will fail.\n\n2. **AWS Account** - An [AWS account]( with permissions to retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager is also required.\n\n---\n\n**Notes:** \n- Tested on Octopus **2021.2**.\n- Tested on both Windows Server 2019 and Ubuntu 20.04.\n\n",
  "Version": 4,
  "ExportedAt": "2023-04-22T17:43:19.580Z",
  "ActionType": "Octopus.AwsRunScript",
  "Author": "harrisonmeister",
  "Packages": [],
  "Parameters": [
      "Id": "8623cdbe-f962-4801-9470-5d14d1d7d5ed",
      "Name": "AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.Account",
      "Label": "AWS Account",
      "HelpText": "An AWS account with permissions to access secrets from Secrets Manager.",
      "DefaultValue": "",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "AmazonWebServicesAccount"
      "Id": "55a1d3e8-90c8-4c1a-a315-246fd8660e81",
      "Name": "AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.Region",
      "Label": "AWS Region",
      "HelpText": "Specify the default region. View the [AWS Regions and Endpoints]( documentation for a current list of the available region codes.",
      "DefaultValue": "",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
      "Id": "e204a03d-80a6-437a-9a8b-8812c299741c",
      "Name": "AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.SecretNames",
      "Label": "Secret names to retrieve",
      "HelpText": "Specify the names of the secrets to be returned from AWS Secrets Manager, in the format:\n\n`SecretName SecretVersionId SecretVersionStage | KeyNames | OutputVariableName` where:\n\n- `SecretName` is the name of the secret to retrieve. You can specify either the `Amazon Resource Name (ARN)` or the friendly name of the secret.\n- `SecretVersionId` is the unique identifier of the version of the secret that you want to retrieve. If this value isn't specified, the version with the `VersionStage` value as specified in `SecretVersionStage` will be retrieved.\n- `SecretVersionStage` specifies the secret version that you want to retrieve by the staging label attached to the version. *Staging labels are used to keep track of different versions during the rotation process*. If this value isn't specified, the version with the `VersionStage` value of `AWSCURRENT` will be retrieved.\n- `KeyNames` are the names of the keys stored in the secret that you wish to retrieve values for. Multiple fields can be retrieved separated by a space. Alternatively, you can specify all fields using the special keyword `all` or `*`. *See the step description for examples*.\n- `OutputVariableName` is the _optional_ Octopus [output variable]( name to store the secret's value in. If multiple fields are specified the field name will be appended to this value. *If this value isn't specified, an output name will be generated dynamically*.\n\n**Note:** Multiple fields can be retrieved by entering each one on a new line.",
      "DefaultValue": "",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "MultiLineText"
      "Id": "17ba53a4-bf94-498c-8905-0d37b86eaeea",
      "Name": "AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.PrintVariableNames",
      "Label": "Print output variable names",
      "HelpText": "Write out the Octopus [output variable]( names to the task log. Default: `False`.",
      "DefaultValue": "False",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "Checkbox"
  "Properties": {
    "Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptSource": "Inline",
    "Octopus.Action.Script.Syntax": "PowerShell",
    "Octopus.Action.Aws.AssumeRole": "False",
    "Octopus.Action.AwsAccount.UseInstanceRole": "False",
    "OctopusUseBundledTooling": "False",
    "Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptBody": "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'\n\n# Variables\n$SecretNames = $OctopusParameters[\"AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.SecretNames\"]\n$PrintVariableNames = $OctopusParameters[\"AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.PrintVariableNames\"]\n\n# Validation\nif ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SecretNames)) {\n    throw \"Required parameter AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.SecretNames not specified\"\n}\n\n# Functions\nfunction Format-SecretName {\n    [CmdletBinding()]\n    Param(\n        [string] $Name,\n        [string] $VersionId,\n        [string] $VersionStage,\n        [string[]] $Keys\n    )\n    $displayName = \"'$Name'\"\n    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VersionId)) {\n        $displayName += \" $VersionId\"\n    }\n    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VersionStage)) {\n        $displayName += \" $VersionStage\"\n    }\n    if ($Keys.Count -gt 0) {\n        $displayName += \" ($($Keys -Join \",\"))\"\n    }\n    return $displayName\n}\n\nfunction Save-OctopusVariable {\n    Param(\n        [string] $name,\n        [string] $value\n    )\n    if ($script:storedVariables -icontains $name) {\n        Write-Warning \"A variable with name '$name' has already been created. Check your secret name parameters as this will likely cause unexpected behavior and should be investigated.\"\n    }\n    Set-OctopusVariable -Name $name -Value $value -Sensitive\n    $script:storedVariables += $name\n\n    if ($PrintVariableNames -eq $True) {\n        Write-Host \"Created output variable: ##{Octopus.Action[$StepName].Output.$name}\"\n    }\n}\n\n# End Functions\n\n$script:storedVariables = @()\n$StepName = $OctopusParameters[\"Octopus.Step.Name\"]\n$Secrets = @()\n\n# Extract secret names\n@(($SecretNames -Split \"`n\").Trim()) | ForEach-Object {\n    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)) {\n        Write-Verbose \"Working establishing secret definition for: '$_'\"\n        $secretDefinition = ($_ -Split \"\\|\")\n        \n        # Establish the secret name/version requirements\n        $secretName = $secretDefinition[0].Trim()\n        $secretVersionId = \"\"\n        $secretVersionStage = \"\"\n        $secretNameAndVersion = ($secretName -Split \" \")\n        \n        if ($secretNameAndVersion.Count -gt 1) {\n            $secretName = $secretNameAndVersion[0].Trim()\n            $secretVersionId = $secretNameAndVersion[1].Trim()\n            if ($secretNameAndVersion.Count -eq 3) {\n                $secretVersionStage = $secretNameAndVersion[2].Trim()\n            }\n        }\n    \n        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($secretName)) {\n            throw \"Unable to establish secret name from: '$($_)'\"\n        }\n\n        # Establish the secret field(s)/output variable name requirements.\n        $VariableName = \"\"\n        $Keys = @()\n        if ($secretDefinition.Count -gt 1) {\n            $KeyNames = $secretDefinition[1].Trim()        \n            $Keys = @(($KeyNames -Split \" \"))\n            $EmptyKeys = $Keys | Where-Object { [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) }\n            if ($Keys.Count -le 0 -or $EmptyKeys.Count -gt 0) {\n                throw \"No keys (field names) were specified for '$_'. To retrieve all keys in a secret, add the word ALL or the wildcard (*) character.\"    \n            }\n            \n            if ($secretDefinition.Count -gt 2) {\n                $VariableName = $secretDefinition[2].Trim()\n            }\n        }\n        else {\n            throw \"No keys (field names) were specified for '$_'. To retrieve all keys in a secret, add the word ALL or the wildcard (*) character.\"\n        }\n\n        $secret = [PsCustomObject]@{\n            Name                 = $secretName\n            SecretVersionId      = $secretVersionId\n            SecretVersionStage   = $secretVersionStage\n            Keys                 = $Keys\n            variableNameOrPrefix = $VariableName\n        }\n        $Secrets += $secret\n    }\n}\n\nWrite-Verbose \"Secrets to retrieve: $($Secrets.Count)\"\nWrite-Verbose \"Print variables: $PrintVariableNames\"\n\n$retrievedSecrets = @{}\n\n# Retrieve Secrets\nforeach ($secret in $secrets) {\n    $name = $secret.Name\n    $versionId = $secret.SecretVersionId\n    $versionStage = $secret.SecretVersionStage\n    $variableNameOrPrefix = $secret.variableNameOrPrefix\n    $keys = $secret.Keys\n    \n    # Should we extract only specified keys, or all values?\n    $SpecifiedKeys = $True\n    if ($keys.Count -eq 1 -and ($keys[0] -ieq \"all\" -or $keys[0] -ieq \"*\")) {\n        $SpecifiedKeys = $False\n    }\n    \n    $displayName = Format-SecretName -Name $name -VersionId $versionId -VersionStage $versionStage -Keys $keys\n    Write-Verbose \"Retrieving Secret $displayName\"\n    $_secretIdentifier = \"$name\"\n\n    $params = @(\"--secret-id $name\")\n    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($versionId)) {\n        $params += \"--version-id $versionId\"\n        $_secretIdentifier += \"_$versionId\"\n    }\n    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($versionStage)) {\n        $params += \"--version-stage $versionStage\"\n        $_secretIdentifier += \"_$versionStage\"\n    }\n    \n    # Check to see if we've already retrieved this secret value to save on requests\n    if (-not $retrievedSecrets.ContainsKey($_secretIdentifier)) {\n        $command = \"aws secretsmanager get-secret-value $($params -Join \" \")\"\n        Write-Verbose \"Invoking command: $command\"\n        $response = Invoke-Expression -Command $command\n        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($response)) {\n            throw \"Error: Secret $displayName not found or has no versions.\"\n        }\n        Write-Verbose \"Added secret to retrieved collection ($_secretIdentifier)\"\n        $retrievedSecrets.Add($_secretIdentifier, $response)\n    }\n    else {\n        Write-Verbose \"Rehydrating previously stored secret ($_secretIdentifier) instead of calling AWS.\"\n        $response = $retrievedSecrets.$_secretIdentifier\n    }    \n    \n    try {\n        $AwsSecret = $response | ConvertFrom-Json\n        $AwsSecretValue = $AwsSecret.SecretString | ConvertFrom-Json\n        $secretKeyValues = $AwsSecretValue | Get-Member | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq \"NoteProperty\" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty \"Name\"\n    }\n    catch {\n        Write-Error \"Error converting JSON value returned from AWS for $displayName.`n`nIf secret value is stored as JSON in Plaintext (vs Key/value), check contents validity\"\n    }\n    if ($SpecifiedKeys -eq $True) {\n        foreach ($keyName in $keys) {\n            $variableName = $variableNameOrPrefix\n            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($variableName)) {\n                $variableName = \"$($name.Trim())\"\n            }\n            if ($keys.Count -gt 1) {\n                $variableName += \".$keyName\"\n            }\n            if ($secretKeyValues -inotcontains $keyName) {\n                throw \"Key '$keyName' not found in AWS Secret: $name.\"\n            }\n            $variableValue = $AwsSecretValue.$keyName\n            Save-OctopusVariable -Name $variableName -Value $variableValue            \n        }\n    }\n    else {\n        foreach ($secretKeyValueName in $secretKeyValues) {\n            $variableName = $variableNameOrPrefix\n            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($variableName)) {\n                $variableName = \"$($name.Trim())\"\n            }\n            if ($secretKeyValues.Count -gt 1) {\n                $variableName += \".$secretKeyValueName\"\n            }\n            $variableValue = $AwsSecretValue.$secretKeyValueName\n            Save-OctopusVariable -Name $variableName -Value $variableValue\n        }\n    }\n}\n\nWrite-Host \"Created $($script:storedVariables.Count) output variables\"",
    "Octopus.Action.AwsAccount.Variable": "#{AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.Account}",
    "Octopus.Action.Aws.Region": "#{AWS.SecretsManager.RetrieveSecrets.Region}"
  "Category": "AWS",
  "HistoryUrl": "",
  "Website": "/step-templates/5d5bd3ae-09a0-41ac-9a45-42a96ee6206a",
  "Logo": "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",
  "$Meta": {
    "Type": "ActionTemplate"


Page updated on Saturday, April 22, 2023