Varying Azure subscription by environment

You may want to use a different Azure subscription depending on which environment you are targeting. This can be achieved by binding the account field to an Octopus variable:

  1. Add an Azure Subscription Account to Octopus.

    • If you want to use the Account ID in your variable, open the account you just added from Infrastructure âžœ Accounts âžœ [Account name] and copy the account ID from the URL.

    Account Id ​
    The Account ID is the value after the last / in the URL.

  2. Create a variable in your project and set the Account ID or Account Name as its value. Make sure to scope this variable to the Environment/Target tag/Target where you’ll be using it.


  3. If you are deploying an Azure Web App, you will need to create an Azure Web App Target for each environment.

    If you are deploying an Azure Cloud Service, you will need to create an Azure Cloud Service Target for each environment.

  4. Once you start the deployment, Octopus will resolve the variables that hold the Account and WebApp/Cloud Service info based on their scope. To use a different account, repeat steps 1-3 and scope the new account variable accordingly.

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Page updated on Wednesday, May 1, 2024