Username and password account variables

Username and password accounts can be referenced in a project through a project variable of the type UsernamePassword account. Before you create a Username and Password account Variable, you need to create a Username and Password account in Octopus:

Username Password account variable

The Add Variable window is then displayed and lists all the Username and Password accounts.

Select the Username and Password account you want to access from the project to assign it to the variable:

Username Password account variable selection

Username and password account variable properties

The Username and Password account variable also exposes the following properties that you can reference in a PowerShell script:

Name and descriptionExample
The username of the Username and password account
The password of the Username and password account

Accessing the properties in a script

Each of the above properties can be referenced in any of the supported scripting languages such as PowerShell and Bash.

Although it’s possible to reference the Password of the Username and password account in a script, writing them out to stdout will result in Octopus masking the values as they are considered sensitive.

# For an account with a variable name of 'username password account'

# Using $OctopusParameters
Write-Host 'UsernamePasswordAccount.Id=' $OctopusParameters["username password account"]
Write-Host 'UsernamePassword.Username=' $OctopusParameters["username password account.Username"]
$PasswordValue = $OctopusParameters["username password account.Password"]

# Directly as a variable
Write-Host 'UsernamePassword.Id=' #{username password account}
Write-Host 'UsernamePassword.Username=' #{username password account.Username}
$PasswordValue = "#{username password account.Password}"
# For an account with a variable name of 'username password account'

id=$(get_octopusvariable "username password account")
username=$(get_octopusvariable "username password.Username")
password=$(get_octopusvariable "username password.Password")
echo "Username Password Account Id is: $id"
echo "Username Password Account Username is: $username"

Add a Username and Password account to Octopus

For instructions to set up a Username and Password account in Octopus, see Username and password accounts.

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Page updated on Friday, November 24, 2023