
Use the configure command to configure this Octopus instance.

Configure options

Usage: octopus.server configure [<options>]

Where [<options>] is any of:

      --instance=VALUE       Name of the instance to use
      --config=VALUE         Configuration file to use
      --home=VALUE           Home directory
                             Skips the database compatibility check
                             Skips the database schema upgrade checks. Use
                               with caution
      --serverNodeName=VALUE Deprecated: set the node name via the create-
                               instance command instead. Unique Server Node
                               name for a clustered environment.
      --cachePackages=VALUE  Days to cache packages for. Default: 20
                             Threshold of free disk space (in gigabytes)
                               where packages are cleaned up from cache
                               regardless of age. Default: 1
                             Threshold of the size of the cache folder(in
                               gigabytes) where packages are cleaned up from
                               cache regardless of age. Default: 0 (no limit)
                             Deprecated: may be removed in a future release
                               (currently has no effect; set Task Cap instead).
                                Maximum number of concurrent tasks that the
                               Octopus Server can execute. Default is 0 (no
      --upgradeCheck=VALUE   Whether checking for upgrades is allowed (true
                               or false)
      --sendTelemetry=VALUE  Whether telemetry data is sent to Octopus (true
                               or false)
                             TCP port that the communications service should
                               listen on
                             WebSocket prefix that the communications service
                               should listen on (e.g.
                               'https://+:443/OctopusComms'); set to blank to
                               disable websockets. Refer to https://o-
                             Comma-separated list of HTTP.sys listen prefixes
                               (e.g., 'http://localhost/octopus')
      --webForceSSL=VALUE    Whether SSL should be required (HTTP requests
                               get redirected to HTTPS)
                             Whether to enable logging of web requests
                             A custom folder for getting packages (like
                               Calamari) that are normally bundled with Octopus
                             Modifies the visibility of the notification when
                               upgrades are available. Valid values are
                               AlwaysShow, ShowOnlyMajorMinor and NeverShow.
                             Set whether Azure DevOps issue tracker
                               integration is enabled.
      --jiraIsEnabled=VALUE  Set whether Jira Integration is enabled.
      --jiraBaseUrl=VALUE    Enter the base url of your Jira instance. Once
                               set, work item references will render as links.
                             Set whether GitHub issue tracker integration is
      --GitHubBaseUrl=VALUE  Set the base url for the Git repositories.
                             Comma-separated whitelist of domains that are
                               allowed to retrieve data (empty turns CORS off,
                               * allows all).
      --xFrameOptions=VALUE  A directive to provide in the X-Frame-Options
                             (DEPRECATED) A uri to provide in the X-Frame-
                               Options http header in conjunction with the
                               ALLOW-FROM value. The directive allow-from uri
                               for X-Frame-Options has been deprecated and no
                               longer works in modern browsers.
      --hstsEnabled=VALUE    Enables or disables sending the Strict-Transport-
                               Security (HSTS) header. Defaults to false.
      --hstsMaxAge=VALUE     Sets the max-age value (in seconds) of the
                               Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) header.
                               Defaults to 1 year (31556926 seconds).
                             Enables or disables sending the Content-Security-
                               Policy header. Defaults to true.
                             Sets the 'Referrer-Policy' response header.
                               Defaults to 'no-referrer'.
      --webServer=VALUE      Web server to use when running Octopus (HttpSys,
      --trustedProxies=VALUE Comma-separated list of IP addresses of trusted
                             Comma-separated list of URLs that are trusted
                               for redirection
                             Enable/disable automatic user login.
                             Enable/disable whether users can edit their own
      --cookieDomain=VALUE   Set a specific domain for issued cookies.
                             Enable/disable dynamic extensions.
                             Set the azureAD IsEnabled, used for
      --azureADIssuer=VALUE  Follow our documentation to find the Issuer for
                             Follow our documentation to find the Client ID
                               for azureAD.
                             Follow our documentation to find the Client
                               Secret for azureAD.
      --azureADScope=VALUE   Only change this if you need to change the
                               OpenID Connect scope requested by Octopus for
                             Only change this if you want to use a different
                               security token claim for the name from azureAD.
                             Tell Octopus to automatically create a user
                               account when a person signs in with azureAD.
                             Tell Octopus how to find the roles in the
                               security token from Azure Active Directory.
                             Set whether active directory is enabled.
                             Set the active directory container used for
                             When Domain authentication is used, specifies
                               the scheme (Basic, Digest,
                               IntegratedWindowsAuthentication, Negotiate,
                               Ntlm). You will need to restart all Octopus
                               Server nodes in your cluster for these changes
                               to take effect. Please note that using Negotiate
                               or IntegratedWindowsAuthentication [may require
                               additional server configuration](https://-
                      in order to work
                             When Domain authentication is used, specifies
                               whether the HTML-based username/password form
                               can be used to sign in.
                             When Domain authentication is used, specifies
                               whether to support security groups from AD.
                             Whether unknown users will be automatically
                               created upon successful login.
                             Set the googleApps IsEnabled, used for
                             Follow our documentation to find the Issuer for
                             Follow our documentation to find the Client ID
                               for googleApps.
                             Follow our documentation to find the Client
                               Secret for googleApps.
                             Only change this if you need to change the
                               OpenID Connect scope requested by Octopus for
                             Only change this if you want to use a different
                               security token claim for the name from
                             Tell Octopus to automatically create a user
                               account when a person signs in with googleApps.
                             Tell Octopus which Google Apps domain to trust.
                             Whether guest login should be enabled
      --ldapIsEnabled=VALUE  Set whether ldap is enabled.
      --ldapServer=VALUE     Set the server URL.
      --ldapPort=VALUE       Set the port using to connect.
                             Sets the security protocol to use in securing
                               the connection (None, StartTLS, or SSL).
                             Sets whether to ignore certificate validation
      --ldapUsername=VALUE   Set the user DN to query LDAP.
      --ldapPassword=VALUE   Set the password to query LDAP (leave empty for
                               anonymous bind).
      --ldapUserBaseDn=VALUE Set the root distinguished name (DN) to query
                               LDAP for Users.
                             Set the root distinguished name (DN) to query
                               LDAP for Groups.
                             Set the default domain when none is given in the
                               logon form. Optional.
                             Set the name of the LDAP attribute containing
                               the unique account name, which is used to
                               authenticate via the logon form.  This will be
                               'sAMAccountName' for Active Directory.
      --ldapUserFilter=VALUE The filter to use when searching valid users.
                               '*' is replaced with a normalized version of the
                             The filter to use when searching valid user
                               groups.  '*' is replaced with the group name.
                             The filter to use when searching for nested
                               groups. '*' is replaced by the distinguished
                               name of the initial group.
                             Specifies how many levels of nesting will be
                               searched. Set to '0' to disable searching for
                               nested groups.
                             Whether unknown users will be automatically
                               created upon successful login.
                             Sets whether to allow referral following (this
                               can slow down queries).
                             Sets the maximum number of referrals to follow
                               during automatic referral following.
                             Sets the time limit in seconds for LDAP
                               operations on the directory.  '0' specifies no
                             Set the name of the LDAP attribute containing
                               the user's full name.
                             Set the name of the LDAP attribute containing
                               the user's principal name.
                             Set the name of the LDAP attribute to use when
                               loading the user's groups.
                             Set the name of the LDAP attribute containing
                               the user's email address.
                             Set the name of the LDAP attribute containing
                               the group's name.
      --oktaIsEnabled=VALUE  Set the okta IsEnabled, used for authentication.
      --oktaIssuer=VALUE     Follow our documentation to find the Issuer for
      --oktaClientId=VALUE   Follow our documentation to find the Client ID
                               for okta.
                             Follow our documentation to find the Client
                               Secret for okta.
      --oktaScope=VALUE      Only change this if you need to change the
                               OpenID Connect scope requested by Octopus for
                             Only change this if you want to use a different
                               security token claim for the name from okta.
                             Tell Octopus to automatically create a user
                               account when a person signs in with okta.
                             Tell Octopus how to find the roles in the
                               security token from Okta.
                             Tell Octopus how to find the value for the
                               Octopus Username in the Okta token. Defaults to
                               "preferred_username" if left blank.
                             Set whether Octopus username/password
                               authentication is enabled.
                             File path of a custom extension to load

Or one of the common options:

      --help                 Show detailed help for this command

Basic examples

This example changes the instance home directory to a new folder and enables auto login for instance OctopusServer:

octopus.server configure --instance="OctopusServer" --home="c:\NewOctopusFolder" --autoLoginEnabled="true"

This example changes the TCP port that the communications service listens on to 10953 for instance OctopusServer:

octopus.server configure --instance="OctopusServer" --commsListenPort="10953"

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023