
Blog posts

Automating support emails with Octopus Runbooks

You can use Octopus Runbooks to automate delivery of important information to your support teams when things go wrong. This post explains how.

Config as Code and persistence ignorance

Read about the Core Platform team’s experience with persistence ignorance while developing the new Config as Code feature.

Mixing Keys in Tomcat

Learn how to configure Tomcat to support both RSA and ECDSA certificates on a single HTTPS port.

Arquillian for Infrastructure Testing

Arquillian's ability to spin up real application servers and integrate them with unit tests makes it a powerful solution for infrastructure testing.

Using GitLab feeds with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to connect GitLab feed types to Octopus Deploy.

Configuring a GitHub NuGet registry as an external feed

A guide to configuring a GitHub NuGet registry as an external feed for Octopus Deploy.

Deploying database changes to Cassandra

Learn how to deploy database changes to a Cassandra server using Octopus Deploy and Liquibase.

Defining Tomcat context paths

Learn how Tomcat defines the context path of your web application.

Using the WildFly CLI

Learn how to use the WildFly CLI to query and configure a WildFly application server.

WildFly S3 Domain Discovery

Learn how to use S3 buckets as a domain discovery mechanism in AWS.

Creating a WildFly cluster

Learn how to use a shared database to create a WildFly cluster in AWS.

Multi-cloud Kubernetes with Octopus Deploy

Learn how Octopus Deploy works with Kubernetes on cloud platforms.

SNI in Tomcat

SNI allows Tomcat to respond with multiple HTTPS certificates on on single port. This blog post looks at how to configure SNI.

Configuring the web.xml file during deployment

Learn how a Java web.xml file can be customized during an Octopus deployment

An Introduction to Hollow JARs

Learn what Hollow JARs are and how you can create them from you existing WAR files.

Why you should take a look at Kotlin's standard library

See how run, let, also and apply can improve your Kotlin code.

Deploying and consuming ZIP files from Maven

Learn how to deploy ZIP files to Maven and consume them in an Octopus project.

Selenium series: adding the BrowserMob proxy

In this post, we learn how to add a proxy to the WebDriver tests.

Selenium series: The Maven POM file

In this post, we create a simple Pom.xml file, configuring the Selenium dependencies.

Selenium series: Creating an UberJAR

In this post, we create a self-contained Jar file that can be deployed to AWS Lambda

Selenium series: Deploying a simple Lambda function

In this post, we deploy the UberJAR to Lambda


Find unused targets

An example script the will find provide a list of targets being unused that might cause your target count to be inflated.

Environment permissions report

An example script that will provide a report of which users have access to a specific permission for a specific environment.

Automating Octopus installation

Information on how to install and configure an Octopus Server in a fully automated way from the command line.

Designing Octopus HA in GCP

Information on configuring Octopus High Availability hosted in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Coordinating multiple projects

Script examples for working with data from multiple projects.

Installing the Tentacle VM extension via PowerShell

How to install the Tentacle VM Extension using the PowerShell

Installing the Tentacle VM extension via the Azure CLI

How to install the Tentacle VM Extension using the Azure Command Line Interface (CLI)

Polling Tentacles over port 443

Octopus Polling Tentacles open a connection to the Octopus Server over port 443 to ask the Server if there is any work to do.

Report on deployments using Excel & XML

How to report on deployments using Excel & XML

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