
Blog posts

Inside DevOps with Anton Zagrebelny from Stigg

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Anton Zagrebelny from Stigg.

Octopus Deploy acquires Codefresh

Paul explains why he's so excited about Codefresh joining Octopus, what we love about the Codefresh team, and why we think this is excellent news for our customers, Codefresh customers, and the Argo open-source community.

At the helm with Shipra Mahindra

A series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they’re working on to improve the product, and more. Hear from Shipra Mahindra, Senior Product Manager.

Comparing Lean, Agile, and Continuous Delivery

Are Agile and Lean principles still relevant and how do they compare to Continuous Delivery?

Can GitHub Actions replace your CI server?

With the beta release of GitHub Actions now available, is it time to retire your in house CI server?

Infrastructure as code with Terraform for developers

Learn about infrastructure as code and Terraform for developers.

Deploying to Google Cloud Functions

Learn how to deploy functions to the Google Cloud Platform.

Top 8 container registries

There are many container registry services, suitable for all different kinds of teams. We look at the top 8 and why you might consider them.

Microservices and frameworks

An overview of microservices and the different frameworks you can use to support them.

Choosing a container platform

A look at different container platforms and their suitability.

Expanding the use of execution containers

Octopus 2024.1 added the ability to use an inline Dockerfile or a URL to a Git repository to build the Docker container used for a deployment.

High Availability performance benefits

Octopus Deploy High Availability is our offering for customers where Octopus Deploy has become a critical piece of infrastructure. In addition to the benefits of extra reliability, High Availability provides performance gains over a single Octopus Server. Our aim was to provide a linear performance increase as you add nodes to your High Availability cluster.

Jimmy Bogard: Continuous deployment the Octopus way

In this session, we'll look at how Octopus enables continuous delivery, what it offers over standard tooling, and how it can make your ops team love you again.

Introduction to HCL and HCL tooling

Learn about the different tooling you can use with HCL.

Deploy a Helm chart with Octopus

Learn how to deploy a sample Helm chart to Kubernetes with Octopus

What is a Service Mesh?

This post looks at what a Service Mesh is, how it’s different to an Ingress Controller, and why you would use one.

What are the benefits of using NGINX Unit?

What features does NGINX Unit have that make it an attractive solution for modern deployments?

Raising the minimum requirements for hosting and using Octopus Server

In 2020, we will raise the minimum requirements for hosting and using Octopus Server.

Octopus Deploy comes to AppVeyor

The new Octopus Deploy feature in AppVeyor makes Continuous Deployments in the cloud even easier

Building versus buying software

Probing the pros and cons of building software yourself compared to buying a product.

Containers - what you need to get started

A high-level look at what you need to get started with containerization.

Difference between, docker-cd, and Docker Desktop

Learn which version of Docker to install for your operating system.


Installing the Tentacle via DSC in an ARM template

How to install the Tentacle using Desired State configuration (DSC) in Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template

Azure DevOps

Octopus Deploy integrates with Azure DevOps to provide for a full automated build and deployment pipeline.

Connecting projects

By connecting tenants to projects, you can control which projects will be deployed into which environments for each tenant.


Octopus Deploy provides built-in support for deploying to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Emergency operations

This section includes examples of how to use runbooks to help automate disaster recovery operations.

IIS websites and application pools

Octopus has built-in support for configuring IIS web sites, applications and virtual directories.

Azure virtual machines

The Azure VM Tentacle extension makes it easy to automatically download, install and register a Tentacle with your Octopus Server.

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