
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Introducing Resilient Tentacle Communications

Learn about our new Resilient Tentacle Communications feature to recover from transient network issues and improve deployment success rates.

The state of config file formats: XML vs. YAML vs. JSON vs. HCL

Learn about the different configuration file formats that are available and when you should use them.

Using the Alpine Docker image

A detailed look at how to use the Alpine Docker image

Tentacle versioning and when to update

Every time a new Octopus Server instance is released we also bump the Tentacle version. Here's why and what to do about it.

Automated Database Deployments Series Kick Off

Automated Database Deployments Series Kick Off

Introducing Step Retries

Learn about our new Step Retries feature to combat transient connectivity issues and improve deployment success rates.

The benefits of containerization

Containers have a range of benefits that help you become more agile in software delivery. Containers are scalable, portable and complement your DevOps processes.

Packaging Node.js applications

Just because you are using Node.js, don't violate the principle of build-once, deploy-many

Why consider database deployment automation?

This post explores why automating scripts to deploy database changes is valuable and some of the benefits of database deployment automation.

Licensing and support/maintenance changes

Licensing and support/maintenance changes for Octopus 2.0


Octopus CLI Global Tool

Octopus CLI installation

Legacy Tentacle installation requirements

Software and hardware requirements for installing legacy versions of Tentacles.

Let's Encrypt integration

Octopus can integrate with Let's Encrypt to setup and automatically renew the Octopus Portal SSL certificate.

Troubleshooting OctoPack

Troubleshooting NuGet packages and Octopack

Deploying a package to an Azure Service Fabric cluster

Octopus Deploy can help you perform repeatable and controlled deployments to Service Fabric clusters.

Configuring the version of the Azure CLI

A version of Azure CLI is bundled with Octopus Deploy and it's possible to configure which version you wish to use in your deployments.

Record a problem with Octopus Deploy in your web browser

This page describes how you can record HTTP traffic between your browser and Octopus Server. This is especially helpful if you are having a problem with Octopus Deploy in your web browser. It includes instructions for taking a screen recording and web traffic capture, for diagnosing issues.

How to get a database backup and encrypt your Master Key

Guides the user on producing a database backup binary file (.bak) and encrypt their Master Key to provide us with.

Troubleshooting the Octopus installation

Troubleshooting steps for installing Octopus Deploy

Azure virtual machines

The Azure VM Tentacle extension makes it easy to automatically download, install and register a Tentacle with your Octopus Server.

Polling Tentacles over WebSockets

Octopus Polling Tentacles open a connection to the Octopus Server over WebSockets to ask what to do.

Docker Container Registry

A Docker Registry is treated in Octopus Deploy as a feed that supplies images that are run as containers on a Docker Engine host.

SSH target requirements

Requirements for using SSH deployment targets with Octopus.

Deploy a Helm chart

Deploy a Helm chart to a Kubernetes cluster.

AWS permissions required by Octopus

Details of the AWS permissions required by the CloudFormation steps in Octopus.

Recommended database permissions

Permission recommendations for database deployments.

Troubleshooting Schannel and TLS

Troubleshooting Octopus secure communication issues with Schannel and TLS.

Prevent release progression

Preventing progression lets you block a release of a project from being used in any future deployments.

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