
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Deploying to Red Hat OpenShift with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to deploy to Kubernetes clusters managed by Red Hat OpenShift

Further lessons learned building a Raspberry Pi cluster

More lessons learned from experimenting with Raspberry Pi cluster computing.

Benefits of isolated tenanted infrastructure

Learn the different ways you can isolate your customers' data and why we recommend isolated infrastructure.

Beyond Hello World: Containerize a real-world web application

This post demonstrates how to containerize a real-world .NET Core web application with web services and databases.

Octopus April Release 3.12

Octopus 3.12 is the start of the monthly release cadence, getting started is easier, update steps across all projects, wildcard patterns file matching for variable substitution, PowerShell debugging support, certificate-chain support, improved license notifications.

Building the Octopus Cloud in AWS

Building the Octopus Cloud in AWS

Re-thinking feature branch deployments

Feature branches should be tested prior to merging into master. All too often, companies have a single static test environment.

Managing Spaces with Octopus Data Center Manager RFC

We are designing a new product to manage Octopus Servers at scale. This is a request-for-comments.

Bootstrap a .NET Core development environment for Linux

This post covers how to bootstrap a Linux-based development environment for day to day .NET Core development.

The ultimate guide to rolling deployments

What are rolling deployments and why are they useful? This post covers the rolling deployment pattern and practical examples of how to implement it with different tooling.


Minimize the data-migration time

Tips to minimize the time taken to migrate your data from Octopus 2.6 to 2018.10 LTS

Installation Guidelines

Guidelines and recommendations for installing Octopus Deploy on your infrastructure.

Installation requirements

Software and hardware requirements for installing the Octopus Server.

How High Availability Works

Understanding the inner workings on how high availability works in Octopus Deploy.


Octopus is all about reliable and repeatable deployments, but that doesn't mean it has to be slow. This page will help you tune your Octopus installation for the best performance in your scenario.

Record a performance trace

How to record a software performance trace of your running Octopus Server so we can solve performance issues.

Record memory snapshots

How to record memory snapshots of your running Octopus Server so we can solve memory issues.

Legacy Tentacle installation requirements

Software and hardware requirements for installing legacy versions of Tentacles.

Designing Octopus HA in AWS

Information on configuring Octopus High Availability hosted in AWS.

Designing Octopus HA in Azure

Information on configuring Octopus High Availability hosted in Microsoft Azure.

Designing Octopus HA On-Premises

Information on configuring Octopus High Availability including database and shared storage set up for on-premises servers.

Tentacle installation requirements

Software and hardware requirements for installing the latest version of Tentacle.

Offload Work to Workers

Guidelines and recommendations for configuring workers in Octopus Deploy.

Designing Octopus HA in GCP

Information on configuring Octopus High Availability hosted in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Deploy to a Kubernetes cluster

Deploy to a Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy an Ingress resource

Deploy an ingress resource to a Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy a service resource

Deploy a service resource to a Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy a Helm chart

Deploy a Helm chart to a Kubernetes cluster.


The kubectl utility is required by Octopus Deploy Kubernetes integration.

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