
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Ask Octopus Episode 22-24 - Different package for different step templates, moving Octopus & Octopus Server version comparison

Once a week a few of us will gather to talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten over the past week and how we went about solving them.

Running manual tests against cloud infrastructure deployed by Octopus

Learn how to run tests against infrastructure that was previously deployed by Octopus.

Spring Boot as a Service

Learn how to deploy Spring Boot fully executable JAR files to EC2 Linux instances as services

Octostache Update - JSON, Indexing, Formatting and Dates

New changes required to Octostache to support Docker provided an opportunity to provide some additionally requested features

Introducing Linux Tentacle for Highly Secured Linux Servers

Octopus Deploy now supports Tentacles on Linux

Octopus Deploy 2019.10 - Flexible Linux deployments, PowerShell Core support, Operations Runbooks EAP

Octopus 2019.10 introduces Tentacle for Linux for flexible Linux deployments, built-in PowerShell Core support, simpler build information and releas notes, and early access to Runbooks for your operations teams.

Creating an EC2 Octopus Worker with CloudFormation

Learn how to deploy an EC2 configured as an Octopus Worker via a CloudFormation template.

Creating a Selenium WebDriver test framework

Learn how to create a WebDriver project in Java with this blog series.

Creating EC2 instance in AWS with CloudFormation

Learn how to create Windows and Linux EC2 instances in AWS with example CloudFormation templates

Interview: Deploying

Video interview about how the website is deployed via Octopus Deploy

Deploying to Google Cloud Functions

Learn how to deploy functions to the Google Cloud Platform.

Building a dynamic worker army with Terraform and AWS autoscaling groups

How to create dynamic worker infrastructure using Terraform and AWS autoscaling groups.

CloudFormation, WildFly and Deploying Maven Artifacts

Take a look at how you can tie together a number of the new features from recent releases to deploy Java apps to the cloud.

Octopus Server 2019.9 with Long Term Support (LTS)

Octopus Server 2019.9 LTS is here, and we recommend this release for self-hosted customers. This release includes our streamlined deployment process editor, Tentacle for Linux, Tenant cloning, and more.

Octopus Tentacle on ARM/ARM64

Tentacle now supports ARM/ARM64 hardware

A first look at Jenkins X

Jenkins X is a complete mental shift from the traditional role of a CI server. In this post, we take a high-level look at Jenkins X and highlight why you need to appreciate it on its own terms.

Testing Terraform code

Learn how to test Terraform code.

Managing Ansible Deployments with Octopus

Learn how to deploy Ansible scripts from Octopus

Pitfalls with SQL rollbacks and automated database deployments

While it is possible to do SQL rollbacks to revert database changes, the real question is, should you? This article will walk through some questions to consider.

Creating a WildFly cluster

Learn how to use a shared database to create a WildFly cluster in AWS.


Register SSH target

An example script to register an SSH target using the REST API.

SSH target

Configuring Linux servers as SSH deployment targets in Octopus.

Provision AWS resources with Terraform

With runbooks, you can use Terraform to create resources in AWS.

Dynamic Worker pools

Dynamic Worker pools are used in our cloud product to dynamically create and assign workers to running tasks. This page describes how dynamic worker pools work.

Enable web request logging

How to enable web request logging to help the Octopus team analyze usage patterns and detecting performance problems.

Java error messages and troubleshooting

Java deployment steps include a number of unique error codes that may be displayed in the output if there was an error


External workers are machines that can execute steps that don't need to be performed on the Octopus Server or deployment targets.

Variable substitutions

Variable substitutions are a flexible way to adjust configuration based on your variables and the context of your deployment.

Hardening Octopus

If you are hosting Octopus Deploy yourself, this guide will help you harden your network, host operating system, and Octopus Server itself. This includes things such as configuring malware protection (anti-virus), and utilizing allow lists.

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