
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Octopus Deploy's response to Log4j

Learn how Octopus Deploy responded to the Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228).

Automating Tentacle for Linux installation with CloudFormation templates

Automating Tentacle for Linux installation with an AWS CloudFormation template.

Creating test Kubernetes clusters with Kind

Learn how to integrate a test cluster created with Kind with Octopus

Configuring Linux servers with Octopus Runbooks

As part of our series about Runbooks, learn how to configure Linux servers with Octopus Runbooks.

Sharing Workers across spaces

Learn methods to easily share Workers between spaces.

Building a dynamic worker army with Terraform and AWS autoscaling groups

How to create dynamic worker infrastructure using Terraform and AWS autoscaling groups.

The ultimate guide to Tomcat deployments

Learn how to create a secure, highly available, load-balanced Tomcat cluster with zero downtime deployments.

Using Runbooks to run ad-hoc SQL scripts in your database deployment automation pipeline

This post shows you how to use Operations Runbooks to run ad-hoc SQL scripts in your database deployment automation pipeline.

Using the Octopus API with Bash and jq

Learn how to work with the Octopus API using Bash and jq.

Deploying database changes to Cassandra

Learn how to deploy database changes to a Cassandra server using Octopus Deploy and Liquibase.

Deploy SQL Server DACPAC with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to deploy SQL Server DACPAC using Octopus Deploy.

Safe schema updates - Strangling the monolith

This post discusses patterns for migrating from a tightly coupled to a loosely coupled architecture.


Linux Tentacle

How to install and configure Octopus Tentacles on Linux Servers in either listening or polling mode.

Provision AWS resources with Terraform

With runbooks, you can use Terraform to create resources in AWS.

Deploying Node applications to Linux

Learn how to package and deploy a Node.js application to a Linux deployment target over an SSH connection.

Sync multiple instances

How to keep two or more Octopus Deploy instances in sync.

Update Amazon ECS Service

Update an existing Amazon ECS Service.

Octopus Tentacle in a Container

An Octopus Tentacle instance can be run directly from within a container.

Tentacle communication modes

Tentacles can be configured to communicate with the Octopus Server in Listening or Polling mode.

Troubleshooting Tentacles

How to troubleshoot problems with Octopus Tentacles.

Windows Tentacle

How to install Octopus Tentacles on Windows Servers in either listening or polling mode.

Automating Tentacle installation

Information on how to install and configure an Octopus Tentacle in a fully automated way from the command line.

Azure virtual machines

The Azure VM Tentacle extension makes it easy to automatically download, install and register a Tentacle with your Octopus Server.

Tentacle VM extension configuration structure

Detailed file format information for the configuration files required for the Azure Tentacle VM Extension

Diagnosing Tentacle VM extension issues

How to diagnose and resolve installation issues with the Tentacle VM Extension

Installing the Tentacle VM extension via an ARM template

How to install the Tentacle VM extension using an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template

Installing the Tentacle via DSC in an ARM template

How to install the Tentacle using Desired State configuration (DSC) in Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template

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