
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Smoke testing your infrastructure with runbooks

Learn how to use runbooks to perform high level smoke tests against your applications and infrastructure.

Configuring Octopus Server High Availability using AWS FSx

Learn how to create an Octopus Server High Availability cluster using AWS FSx.

How to deploy Azure Container Apps

Learn how to deploy Azure Container Apps with Octopus Deploy.

Creating multi-environment Kubernetes deployments

Learn how to securely deploy across multiple environments in a single Kubernetes cluster

Deploying to Red Hat OpenShift with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to deploy to Kubernetes clusters managed by Red Hat OpenShift

Octopus Deploy in the Azure Marketplace

Octopus Deploy is now available in the Azure Marketplace

Convert an existing application to use rolling deployments

Learn how to convert an existing application to use the rolling deployments deployment pattern in Octopus with child steps.

Change a runbook process to use execution containers

Learn how to change a runbook from running on a worker machine directly to using execution containers.

A first look at Tekton Pipelines

This blog explores Tekton Pipelines and discusses how they fit into the CI/CD ecosystem

Getting started with LDAP auth provider

Learn how to configure your self-hosted Octopus Deploy instance to work with the new LDAP auth provider.

Set up a local Kubernetes deployment pipeline

We teach you how to set up a local Kubernetes deployment pipeline, so you can experiment without risk.

Creating workers with the Tentacle Docker image

Learn how to use the Tentacle Docker image to create workers using Azure container services

Create an AKS Cluster with Pulumi and Octopus Deploy

Learn how to create an Azure Kubernetes Cluster (AKS) using Pulumi, Python, and Octopus Deploy

Beyond Hello World: Build a real-world Docker CI/CD pipeline

This post demonstrates incorporating Docker containers in the CI/CD pipeline for a real-world web application with web services and a database project.

Linux worker for PowerShell templates

Using a Linux worker to run Step Templates written in PowerShell.


Manage DNS records in Azure

Create or delete DNS A records in Azure DNS using a runbook.

Manually failover DNS

With Octopus Deploy you can manually failover DNS with a Runbook.

Automatically failover DNS with monitoring

With Octopus Deploy you can monitor your application and failover DNS with a runbook.

Emergency operations

This section includes examples of how to use runbooks to help automate disaster recovery operations.

Renew Let's Encrypt certificates

Renew and store TLS certificates issued by Let's Encrypt with a runbook as part of a routine operations task.


Octopus Deploy can help you automate the provisioning of infrastructure in Azure using runbooks.

Connecting securely with client certificates

Octopus Deploy can help you connect securely to Service Fabric clusters using Client Certificate authentication.

Polling Tentacles over port 443

Octopus Polling Tentacles open a connection to the Octopus Server over port 443 to ask the Server if there is any work to do.

Troubleshooting Tentacles

How to troubleshoot problems with Octopus Tentacles.

Email notification step

Email notification steps allow you to notify team members and stakeholders of deployment activities.

Upgrading host OS or .NET

A how-to guide on how to upgrade the host OS or .NET with Octopus Deploy.

Clustered Listening Tentacles

Configuring the Octopus Tentacle in an active/passive cluster.

Register Worker

Using the Tentacle.exe command line executable to register this machine as a Worker with an Octopus Server.

Let's Encrypt integration

Octopus can integrate with Let's Encrypt to setup and automatically renew the Octopus Portal SSL certificate.

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