
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Using Octopus Subscriptions

Subscriptions let you subscribe to events so you can be notified when things are happening in your world of Octopus!

Import and export projects and releases with Octo.exe

Octo.exe now makes it possible to synchronize projects and releases between Octopus servers.

Octopus.Client goes Open Source

Octopus.Client and Sampler are now Open Source and versioned using SemVer. Octopus.Client and Octo.exe are now .NET Core and have a Async API.

Changes to the TFS/VSTS Extension

An update on the changes in the TFS and VSTS extension for build and release tasks

Automation with Octopus.Client

One of the benefits of being API first is that you can do anything that the Octopus UI does via web requests. We have a handy library called Octopus.Client that wraps the API and makes it easy to perform operations on your Octopus Deploy Server. This article will focus on some common operations using PowerShell.

Deploying Database Configuration Tables with Octopus Deploy and ReadyRoll

A guest post from Daniel Nolan of ReadyRoll on Deploying Database Configuration Tables with Octopus Deploy and ReadyRoll

Explore a live Octopus Deploy server

We've made a demo server available to explore a real Octopus Deploy instance

Use TFS with Octopus? We want to hear from you!

We're planning some improvements to the way we integrate Octopus Deploy with TFS, and we'd love to get your feedback.

Automating Octopus with Azure Functions

Custom automation with Octopus and Azure Functions walkthrough.

Competition: Build the Octopus Library

Help other Octopus users by sharing your reusable step templates

BuildDeploySupport: Sharing PowerShell scripts in Octopus

A guest blog post by Jonathan Goldman on his open source project that makes it easier to share PowerShell scripts in Octopus projects.

UI design for eventual consistency

UI design for eventual consistency

RFC: Octopus Reactions - Integration toolkit

A proposal for a feature we're calling Reactions. A set of tools to enable event based integration with a wide range of third party products. We'd love you to have your say!

RFC: Improving the Create Release screen

A mockup of a new design for the create release screen

RFC: Improving the deployment process

Proposed changes to better support using Octopus to deploy in distributed environments.

Resetting RavenDB indexes

Sometimes in order to troubleshoot Octopus, you'll need to reset your RavenDB indexes.

Deploy ASP.NET applications to Azure Web Sites

Deploy ASP.NET applications to Azure Web Sites

Hashing API keys to improve security

From Octopus 2.2 onwards we're going to be storing API keys using a one-way hash function

What's new in Octopus 2.1

Built-in NuGet repository, guest access, variable improvements and multiple instance management

Webinar: Automating deployments with VSTS and Octopus Deploy

Announcing a webinar with Brian A. Randell and Damian Brady to show the Octopus Deploy extension for Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server

Invoking an executable from PowerShell with a dynamic number of parameters

Calling an executable from PowerShell is easy - most of the time, you just put an `&` in front. But it gets tricky when you need to pass in a variable length list of parameters. This blog post shows you how.



Octopus diagnostics includes a system integrity check to ensure the system's database schema and data are correct.

Octopus database

Octopus uses a Microsoft SQL Server Database to store environments, projects, variables, releases, and deployment history.

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