
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Tentacle versioning and when to update

Every time a new Octopus Server instance is released we also bump the Tentacle version. Here's why and what to do about it.

What are your deployment automation roadblocks?

We're going to run some webinars to try to help people get started with automation.

What is an un-tenanted deployment in 3.4?

Octopus 3.4 introduces multi-tenant deployments to allow you to deploy your releases to the same environment within the context of different tenants! So what happens if you don't want to deploy a release to a tenant?

Refactoring Octopus: Modularity, Calamari, and Sashimi

Learn how our engineering team re-factored the Octopus codebase to introduce modularity, reduce complexity, and eat some sashimi.

Lessons learned building a Raspberry Pi cluster

Learn how to build and configure a Raspberry Pi cluster for fun and development purposes.

Octopus Deploy High Availability

Octopus: HA makes it possible to set up a high performance, reliable Octopus Deploy cluster. This post explains the architecture, and the kinds of scenarios it does and doesn't support.

Granting federated user accounts to an EKS cluster

Learn how to grant an AWS federated user account to an EKS cluster.

Introducing dark mode

Octopus 2020.1 introduces a dark theme to Octopus Deploy.

New logo

Octopus Deploy now has a new logo, designed by Corey Ginnivan

Change Advisory Boards Don’t Work

Proper scrutiny is important, but CABs are an inefficient and ineffective way to scrutinize.

Docker Compose RFC

Bringing Docker Compose functionality to Octopus Deploy

Wizards, dialogs and context menus, or build servers and scripts?

Reflecting on the benefits of continuous integration tools, I'm wondering whether our focus on great CI support has meant Octopus is too hard to simply get started with. How can we improve the getting started story?

Reliably deploying large Azure Web Apps

How to reliably deploy large Azure Web Apps using Octopus Deploy


Blue-green deployments

Implementing blue-green deployments, i.e. having two production environments ("blue" and "green"), with Octopus.

Lifecycles and Environments

Guidelines and recommendations for configuring your lifecycles to control the flow to your environments


 Starts the Octopus Server in debug mode.


Octopus Deploy can help you automate the provisioning and management of your infrastructure in GCP using runbooks.

Deployment and Runbook Processes

Guidelines and recommendations for configuring deployment and runbook processes in Octopus Deploy.

Unsupported Configuration as Code Scenarios

Unsupported scenarios for the Configuration as Code feature in Octopus Deploy.

Get the Raw Output From a Task

How to get the raw output from a task to help the Octopus team resolve deployment related issues.

Manually uninstall Tentacle

Information on how to manually uninstall the Octopus Tentacle.

How to use custom certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle

How to use custom certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle.


Octopus Deploy can help you automate the provisioning of infrastructure in Azure using runbooks.

Create MySQL database

With Octopus Deploy you can create a MySQL database with a Runbook.

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