
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.



Implementing different branching strategies with Octopus Deploy.

Canary deployments

Implementing canary deployments, i.e. rolling out releases to a subset of users or servers, with Octopus.

Deployment process as code

With Octopus you can manage your deployment process as code. This means you can define your deployment process, scripts, and variables in source code. You can store this configuration in the same source control repository as your application source code, or somewhere else. This page describes the different options available in Octopus to store your deployment process as code.

Elastic and transient environments

Elastic and transient environments are a group of features that facilitate deploying to machines that are intermittently available for deployment.

Cleaning up Environments

Octopus can automatically remove unwanted machines from environments based on their health status.  

Deploying to Transient Targets

Transient deployment targets are targets that are intermittently available for a deployment.

Immutable Infrastructure

This guide covers deploying to immutable infrastructure where a new version of the infrastructure is provisioned and the old infrastructure is terminated.

Keeping deployment targets up to date

Octopus can ensure that deployment targets are kept up to date with the relevant releases. This can be useful when deploying to transient targets or when new deployment targets are added to an environment.

Multi-region deployment pattern

Implementing multi-region deployments, i.e. deploying to multiple geographic regions, with Octopus.

Rolling deployments

Implementing rolling deployments, i.e. deploying to release to servers one-by-one, with Octopus.


Terraform deployments

Planning changes made by Terraform templates

Planning changes made by applying or destroying Terraform templates


Deployment examples for Windows, including Services, IIS websites and app pools, and more.

IIS Websites and application pools

Octopus has built-in support for configuring IIS web sites, applications and virtual directories.

Virtual hard drives

VHD steps allow you to deploy a virtual hard drive and optionally attach it to a Hyper-V virtual machine.

Windows Services

Octopus can install, reconfigure, and start Windows Services during deployment, usually without requiring any custom scripts.

Built-in Step templates

Octopus includes built-in step templates that have been developed by the Octopus team to handle common deployment scenarios.

Email notification step

Email notification steps allow you to notify team members and stakeholders of deployment activities.

Manual intervention and approval step

Manual intervention and approvals allow a human to review, approve, or sign off on deployments.

Community step templates

How to take advantage of step templates contributed by the Octopus community.

Custom step templates

How to create reusable steps

Deployment process

Deploying applications starts with defining a project's deployment process.


Artifacts in Octopus provide a convenient way to collect files from remote machines during deployments.


Octopus is all about reliable and repeatable deployments, but that doesn't mean it has to be slow. This page will help you tune your deployments for the best performance in your scenario.


Adding steps to define your project's deployment process.


Adding conditions to steps to define your project's deployment process.

Configuration features

Configuring applications to work in specific environments is an essential part of deploying applications with Octopus Deploy and this can include updating database connection strings and app settings.

.NET Configuration transforms

Using .NET configuration transformations.

Environment specific .NET configuration transforms with sensitive values

How to configure environment-specific .NET configuration transforms while keeping sensitive values in Octopus.

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