
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Ask Octopus Episode 5 - An Interview with the CEO and creator of Octopus Deploy Paul Stovell in Brisbane. We discuss the origins of Octopus and what we will be doing in the coming year.

Once a week a few of us will gather to talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten over the past week and how we went about solving them.

An Introduction to Arquillian Testing

Testing Java EE code requires more than just a unit test. This blog post looks at how Arquillian solves the problem of testing Java EE apps.

Octopus plugin for Jira - Better visibility for your software pipeline

Our new Octopus Deploy plugin for Jira makes it easy to plan, track and ship software with better end-to-end visibility of your software pipeline.

Reflections on 2017

A recap of 2017, including progress on our roadmap and a general company update

How we work. Some recent lessons

Some lessons we've learned in the last few months that change the way we work. Plus tools for a distributed team

Planning Octopus 2.0

We're planning some big changes for Octopus 2.0. We need to avoid second system syndrome as well as resting on our laurels.

UI design for eventual consistency

UI design for eventual consistency

The big 5 benefits of automated deployment

A guest post that explores the benefits of automated deployments.

Self-service runbooks for operations teams

Learn about self-service runbooks and how they benefit operations teams

My quest to reclaim the backlog

Getting on top of suggestions, feature requests and bugs

Octostats - Usage and Adoption of Octopus Deploy

A peek into the growth of Octopus, and how people are using it in the real world.

Octopus Workers and Performance

Using Octopus Workers to improve server and deployment performance

Octopus Deploy version changes for 2018

This post outlines our decision to change versioning strategy for Octopus Deploy to a style matching our iterative, monthly release cadence. It also describes how we arrived at our decision and how continuous delivery has fundamentally changed the way we plan, build, and release our software.

How to install and configure NGINX with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to create a repeatable deployment process for installing and configuring NGINX.

At the helm with Trish Khoo

A series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they're working on to improve the product, and more. Hear from Trish Khoo, our Director of Engineering

At the helm with Shipra Mahindra

A series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they’re working on to improve the product, and more. Hear from Shipra Mahindra, Senior Product Manager.

Variable use in Octopus Deploy

Find out why it's so hard to see where variables are used.

Modifying Docker images during Kubernetes deployments

With the help of some open source Docker image tools and Kubernetes' mounting options, it’s possible to deploy a single image across multiple environments that include templated files.

At the helm with Jessica Ross

A series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they’re working on to improve the product, and more. Hear from Jessica Ross, Director of User Experience and Design.

Granting federated user accounts to an EKS cluster

Learn how to grant an AWS federated user account to an EKS cluster.

Inside DevOps with Matt Ash

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Matt Ash, Staff DevOps Engineer at a leading HR software platform provider.

The difference between day-0, day-1, and day-2 operations

We break down the difference between the 3 major phases of operations in DevOps.

Automating guided failures with an AWS Lambda and subscriptions

Learn how to automate the response to guided failure using an AWS Lambda with an Octopus subscription.

Continuous Delivery for PowerShell Modules using Octopus Deploy and TakoFukku

Learn how to deploy PowerShell Modules to the PowerShell Gallery automatically using Octopus Deploy


Offload Work to Workers

Guidelines and recommendations for configuring workers in Octopus Deploy.

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