
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Getting started with LDAP auth provider

Learn how to configure your self-hosted Octopus Deploy instance to work with the new LDAP auth provider.

Configuring Octopus Server High Availability using AWS FSx

Learn how to create an Octopus Server High Availability cluster using AWS FSx.

Deploying containers to AWS Fargate

Learn how to deploy containers in the Elastic Container Registry to Elastic Container Services Fargate

Interacting with the Octopus Deploy API using PowerShell

Learn how to use your PowerShell skills to make API related calls to Octopus Deploy.

New in 2.0: IIS website and application pool configuration

Octopus 2.0 can automatically create and update websites and application pools in IIS


LDAP Authentication

Octopus Deploy can use LDAP authentication to identify users.

Specify a custom container for AD authentication

How to specifying a custom container to use for AD Authentication.

Troubleshooting Active Directory integration

Information on troubleshooting common Active Directory integration issues.

Active Directory authentication

Octopus Deploy can use Windows credentials to identify users.

Security Self Assessment Questionnaire (CAIQ - Lite)

Read about our security posture in real terms


This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to create and manage accounts in Octopus.

Create an Azure service principal

An example script to create an Azure service principal in Octopus.


This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to create and manage certificates in Octopus.

Create a certificate

An example script to add a certificate to the Octopus certificate library.

Replace existing certificate

An example script to replace an existing certificate in Octopus Deploy.

Deployment process

This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to manage a project's deployment process in Octopus.

Add an environment to step

An example script that scopes a step to an environment.

Add a run a script step

An example script to add a run a script step to a project.

Get all steps using role

An example script to find all steps targeting a role.


This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to create and manage deployments in Octopus.

Cancel queued deployments

An example script to cancel queued deployments.

Create and deploy a release

Example scripts to create and deploy a release.

Deployment targets

This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to create and manage deployment targets in Octopus.

Add an Azure Web App

An example script to add an Azure Web App as a deployment target.

Change target's machine policy

An example script that changes a machine policy of a deployment target.

Delete targets by role

An example script to delete targets by role.

Register Listening Tentacle

An example script to register a listening tentacle using the REST API.

Register Polling Tentacle

An example script to register a Polling Tentacle using the REST API.


This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to create and manage projects in Octopus.

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