
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Rollback strategies with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to implement a rollback strategy with Octopus Deploy, without having to use advanced deployment patterns.

Benefits of isolated tenanted infrastructure

Learn the different ways you can isolate your customers' data and why we recommend isolated infrastructure.

Remote Release Promotions RFC

We are designing a new feature to allow promoting Releases between different Octopus Servers (Spaces). You may want to do this for for security, geographic, or other reasons. This is a request-for-comments.

Re-thinking feature branch deployments

Feature branches should be tested prior to merging into master. All too often, companies have a single static test environment.

Database Feature Branch Deployments

Standing up a sandbox for feature branches is a common scenario. This article aims to solve that for databases.

SQL Server and PowerShell made easier with dbatools: Practical Examples

A comparison between the SqlServer and dbatools PowerShell modules

Licensing and support/maintenance changes

Licensing and support/maintenance changes for Octopus 2.0

Octopus Deploy 3.5: Subscriptions, Azure AD, GoogleApps and Extensibility

Introducing Octopus Deploy 3.5, with new features including Subscriptions, Azure AD, GoogleApps and Extensibility

Deploying to Wildfly from Octopus Deploy

Learn how to deploy to Wildfly hosted on a Linux server with Octopus Deploy

Self-hosted Octopus in a Cloud VM vs. Octopus Cloud

Information to consider when deciding on the right Octopus Deploy installation to use in the cloud.

Deploying Spring Boot Applications as Windows Services

Learn how to deploy a Spring Boot application as a Windows service with Octopus Deploy

Octopus Deploy Java Support RFC

Our plans to support Java as a first class citizen in Octopus Deploy

RFC: Docker integration

Request For Comment on proposed Docker integration

Lessons learned building a Raspberry Pi cluster

Learn how to build and configure a Raspberry Pi cluster for fun and development purposes.

Linux worker for PowerShell templates

Using a Linux worker to run Step Templates written in PowerShell.

Infrastructure as code with Terraform for developers

Learn about infrastructure as code and Terraform for developers.

Testing Terraform code

Learn how to test Terraform code.

Creating an Octopus Deploy step template

Learn how to create a custom step template in Octopus Deploy

Contributing a step template to the Octopus Deploy Community Library

Learn how to submit a custom step template to the Octopus Deploy Community Library


GitHub Organizations

Octopus Deploy houses its source code on GitHub in three organizations.

Jenkins Pipeline projects

Managing Octopus steps in a Jenkins pipeline project.

Octopus reporting with an excel template

Octopus reporting with an excel template

Report on deployments using SQL

How to report on deployments using Excel & XML

Run a runbook

Using the Octopus CLI to run a runbook.

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