
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Octopus UI navigation uplift

Find out about the changes we're making to the navigation experience in Octopus Deploy.

Octopus AI experiment

We're testing the idea of allowing an Octopus space to be queried in plain English with an AI integration and would love some feedback.

Using variables for Kubernetes without breaking YAML

Injecting Octopus variables into your Kubernetes YAML scripts is easier to perform with extended support for the existing structured variable replacement functionality.

Creating a high-performance DevOps toolchain

Discover the elements of a high-performance DevOps toolchain and the research that backs it up.

Verifying backups with Runbooks

Learn how to automate the process of verifying your backups using a custom runbook.

What is cloud orchestration?

The post discusses cloud orchestration and cloud automation, as a service models, cloud orchestration tooling, and where Octopus fits in as a cloud-agnostic deployment tool.

Jenkins security tips

As Jenkins connects to many industry tools, it's a good idea to keep your instance as secure as possible. Here are our tips to keep your team safe.

Deploying a Lambda with CloudFormation

As part of our Runbooks series, learn how to deploy a Lambda with this sample CloudFormation template.

Octopus Deploy's Kubernetes YAML generator

Learn how to use our Kubernetes YAML generator, and deploy a Kubernetes cluster.

Using Azure App Config with Octopus

Introducing new step templates to allow configuration values stored in Azure App Configuration to be used in deployments or runbooks.

Converting many environments to tenants via the Octopus API

Learn how to use the Octopus API to automate the creation of multiple tenants from many existing environments.

Using AWS Secrets Manager with Octopus

Introducing a new step template to allow secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager to be used in deployments or runbooks.

Encrypting connection strings in Web.config

Encrypting connection strings section in Web.config with Octopus Deploy

Upgrading from Octopus 3.x is easier than you think

Why and how to upgrade from Octopus 3.x.

Creating an EKS cluster in AWS

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to create an EKS cluster in AWS.

Building and publishing a Docker image to ECR using GitHub Actions

As part of our series about Continuous Integration, learn how to build a Docker image in GitHub Actions and publish it to ECR.

Running end-to-end tests in GitHub Actions

As part of our series about Continuous Integration, learn how to run end-to-end tests in GitHub Actions and capture the results.

Running unit tests in GitHub Actions

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to run unit tests in GitHub Actions and process the results.

Building a Docker image in Jenkinsfile and publishing to ECR

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to build a Docker image in Jenkinsfile and publish to ECR.

How to install Jenkins on Docker

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to install Jenkins via a Docker image.

How to install a Jenkins instance with Helm

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to install Jenkins via Helm.

Running end-to-end tests in Jenkins

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to run end-to-end tests in Jenkins and capture the results.

Running unit tests in Jenkins

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to run unit tests in Jenkins and capture the results.


Octopus Server Linux Container

Running the Octopus Server in the official Docker Linux container

Octopus Server Container with Docker Compose

A fully self-contained SQL Server and Octopus Server provisioned as Linux containers using Docker Compose.


How to migrate from an Octopus Server instance running on Windows Server or in a Windows Container to one running in a Linux Container.

Migrate to Octopus Server Linux Container from Windows Container

A guide on how to migrate to the Octopus Server Linux Container from the Octopus Server Windows Container

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