
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Rollback strategies with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to implement a rollback strategy with Octopus Deploy, without having to use advanced deployment patterns.

Dropping support for Windows Server 2003 machines

Octopus Deploy will drop support for targets and Workers running Windows Server 2003 from the 2024.1 release.

Octopus Deploy 4.0 - Infrastructure Redesign

The environments are has been revamped into a new Infrastructure area for our upcoming Octopus 4.0 release.

Deploying TeamCity to Kubernetes using Octopus Deploy

Learn how to spin up a build server on demand using Octopus Deploy and Kubernetes

Using the Alpine Docker image

A detailed look at how to use the Alpine Docker image

Implementing an automated database deployment process

In this article, I walk through the steps I took to implement an automated database deployment process using TeamCity, Redgate, and Octopus Deploy

Variable specificity and complexity

Variables can be scoped to multiple values. What's the simplest way to score them?

Reflections on 2017

A recap of 2017, including progress on our roadmap and a general company update


octopus release delete

Delete a release

octopus space delete

Delete a space

octopus worker-pool delete

Delete a worker pool

octopus account delete

Delete an account

octopus deployment-target delete

Delete a deployment target

octopus environment delete

Delete an environment

octopus project delete

Delete a project

octopus project-group delete

Delete a project group

octopus project variables delete

Delete a project variable

octopus worker delete

Delete a worker

octopus tenant delete

Delete a tenant

octopus user delete

Delete a user


Rolling back to a previous version of code is entirely possible, but there is quite a bit to consider. This guide will walk you through the patterns and pitfalls for a successful rollback.

Building an external authentication provider

The step involved in building an External Authentication Provider.


Octopus is made possible thanks to many great third-party products.

Process dumps

Octopus Server and Tentacle process dumps

Troubleshooting AWS transport level errors

A guide for troubleshooting AWS Transport Errors.

Log files

Octopus Server and Tentacle log file locations and details.

How to get a database backup and encrypt your Master Key

Guides the user on producing a database backup binary file (.bak) and encrypt their Master Key to provide us with.

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