
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Trust Me - Assigning and Assuming IAM Roles

Learn how to use roles assigned to EC2 instances and assume secondary roles.

Managing Ansible Deployments with Octopus

Learn how to deploy Ansible scripts from Octopus

Using AWS IAM roles in Octopus

Learn how IAM roles allow users to temporarily assume new permissions or perform work from an EC2 instance without any additional credentials.

Deploying a Lambda with CloudFormation

As part of our Runbooks series, learn how to deploy a Lambda with this sample CloudFormation template.

Deploying AWS Lambdas across environments

Learn how to progress Lambda deployments across environments using CloudFormation

Canary deployments with ECS

Learn how to use an external deployment controller to perform Canary deployments in ECS

Importing variables with the Octopus REST API

How the REST API can be used to add variables

Creating workers with the Tentacle Docker image

Learn how to use the Tentacle Docker image to create workers using Azure container services

Empower your team with self-service application deployments

Self-service deployments allow more members of your team to deploy to pre-production environments, but there are some things to consider.


AWS CLI and PowerShell scripts

AWS CLI and PowerShell Scripts allow you to manage your AWS resources as part of your deployment process.

Deploy an AWS CloudFormation template

Deploy an AWS CloudFormation Template.


Deployment examples, patterns and practices, and their practical implementation using Octopus.


Octopus Deploy provides built-in support for deploying to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

AWS permissions required by Octopus

Details of the AWS permissions required by the CloudFormation steps in Octopus.

Delete an existing AWS CloudFormation stack

Delete an existing AWS CloudFormation stack.

Upload to AWS S3 template

Upload to AWS S3 template.


Octopus Deploy can help you perform repeatable and controlled deployments of your applications into Azure.

Azure app service environments

This guide covers deploying to Azure App Service Environments.

Azure environments

Information on how to use alternate Azure environments.

Azure Cloud Services

Octopus Deploy can help you perform repeatable and controlled deployments to Azure Cloud Services.

VIP swap

The guide demonstrates how to perform a VIP swap when deploying to Azure Cloud Services.

Azure web apps

Octopus Deploy can help you perform repeatable and controlled deployments to Azure web apps.

Deploying Web Jobs

Octopus Deploy can help you perform repeatable and controlled deployments of your applications into Azure Web Jobs.

Using Deployment Slots with Azure Web Apps

Deploying Slots provide a nice way to implement Blue-Green deployments for Azure Web Apps.

Deploying to Azure via a firewall

Octopus Deploy can help you perform repeatable and controlled deployments of your applications into Azure.

Running Azure PowerShell

Octopus supports executing PowerShell against Azure and will automatically import the Azure PowerShell modules if they are available.

Configuring the version of the Azure PowerShell Modules

A version of Azure PowerShell is bundled with Octopus Deploy and it's possible to configure which version you wish to use in your deployments.

Azure Service Fabric

Learn how Octopus Deploy fits into a Continuous Deployment pipeline for your Azure Service Fabric applications.

Packaging a Service Fabric application

Learn how to package a Service Fabric application so it can be deployed from Octopus.

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