
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Continuous Deployment class from BBV in Switzerland

Two day training course on scripting with psake, Generating installers with WiX, and Octopus Deploy

Still deploying manually? What you're missing

By automating deployments, they become less painful and more reliable, which allows you to make them more frequently.

What are your deployment automation roadblocks?

We're going to run some webinars to try to help people get started with automation.

Previous deployments

In 2.5.4 we added the ability to more easily view previous deployments

How we work - 2016 edition

An update on how we work as a team to build and support Octopus.

IIS and Windows Service Steps including Virtual Directory support

We have added support for deploying to Virtual Directories and new specific deployment steps for IIS and Windows Services

RFC: X.509 Certificate Management

Request For Comment on proposed X.509 Certificate Management

RFC: Monitoring and Service Management

What if Octopus could monitor the Windows Services and IIS websites that you deploy?

Improvements to Adding a Deployment Target Experience and Interface

Learn about some recent UI changes around deployment targets and why we made them.

Octopus.Client goes Open Source

Octopus.Client and Sampler are now Open Source and versioned using SemVer. Octopus.Client and Octo.exe are now .NET Core and have a Async API.

New Home for Octopus Documentation

After our documentation hosting provider went under, we decided to change where we host our docs.

Defining variables in a multi-tenant world

Exploring how to define variables in a multi-tenant world.

The Evolution of Auto-Deployments and Event-Sourcing

Octopus 3.4 introduces elastic and transient environments and this post explores the evolution of auto-deployments in this context.

Deploying Database Configuration Tables with Octopus Deploy and ReadyRoll

A guest post from Daniel Nolan of ReadyRoll on Deploying Database Configuration Tables with Octopus Deploy and ReadyRoll

'Tis the week before Christmas...

It's nearly the holidays, so it's a great time to reflect on Octopus's year.

RFC: Composite Step Templates

Combine multiple step templates together into a single importable block

Octopus Deploy High Availability

Octopus: HA makes it possible to set up a high performance, reliable Octopus Deploy cluster. This post explains the architecture, and the kinds of scenarios it does and doesn't support.

Docker Engine in Octopus Deploy

Simple Docker Engine commands are now available in Octopus Deploy for testing and feedback

Octopus Deploy 4.0 - Deploy Release Page Redesign

The Deploy Release page has been redesigned as part of Octopus version 4.0


Deploying to a Release Ring

Deploy a release based on tenant tag.

How to use custom certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle

How to use custom certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle.

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