
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Self-service database provisioning with Octopus Runbooks and Redgate SQL Clone

A discussion about database provisioning for dev and test, including a walk-through of Redgate SQL Clone and Octopus Runbooks

Cloning a space using the Octopus API

With the Octopus API, it is possible to clone almost everything you need in a space.

Getting started with Kind and Octopus

Learn how to perform your first Kubernetes deployment with Kind and Octopus

Deploy your first container to Kubernetes via Octopus

Learn how to perform your first container deployment


Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Octopus Deploy

Octopus Server actively prevents Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) using a number of preventative measures.

Data encryption

This section describes how Octopus Deploy encrypts sensitive data at rest.

Exposing Octopus

You can keep your Octopus installation inside your corporate network, or you may want to expose it to the Internet. This section describes how to safely expose your Octopus installation and the security implications you should consider.

Expose the Octopus Web Portal over HTTPS

How to expose the Octopus Web Portal securely over HTTPS.

Let's Encrypt integration

Octopus can integrate with Let's Encrypt to setup and automatically renew the Octopus Portal SSL certificate.

Use IIS as a reverse proxy for Octopus Deploy

How to set up IIS 7 (or later) as a Reverse Proxy for Octopus Deploy

FIPS and Octopus Deploy

Details of using Octopus Deploy in a FIPS compliant environment.

Hardening Octopus

If you are hosting Octopus Deploy yourself, this guide will help you harden your network, host operating system, and Octopus Server itself. This includes things such as configuring malware protection (anti-virus), and utilizing allow lists.

HTTP Security Headers

Describes the security related browser headers that Octopus supports

Octopus - Tentacle communication

Octopus Server and Tentacle communications details.

How to use custom certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle

How to use custom certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle.

Troubleshooting Schannel and TLS

Troubleshooting Octopus secure communication issues with Schannel and TLS.

Outbound requests

Traffic details of network requests made by Octopus and Tentacle, and what information is included when Octopus checks for updates.

PCI compliance and Octopus Deploy

Using Octopus Deploy in PCI compliant environments.

Script integrity in Octopus Deploy

Script integrity is an interesting topic, especially in security sensitive situations. This page describes how scripting works in Octopus Deploy, interaction with PowerShell Execution Policies, and how to make Octopus work in restrictive environments.

Users and teams

Octopus users can be organized in to teams and given various permissions via roles based security. Teams can be further restricted to specific projects, environments and more.


Octopus Deploy captures audit information whenever significant events happen in the system.

Teams with mixed environment privileges

This guide describes how to create a teams for a user with mixed environment privileges.

Default permissions for built-in user roles

A listing of the default permissions for each of the built-in user roles.

External groups and roles

Some of the authentication providers allow external groups or roles to be added as Members of Teams in Octopus.

Resetting passwords

The Octopus Web Portal makes it easy to change or reset your password.

Security and unscoped variables

Rationale behind limited user access to unscope variables if their access is restricted to specific environments.

Service accounts

Creating Service Accounts to provide individual services with the least privileges required for the tasks they will perform.

System and space permissions

An explanation of the two levels that permissions can apply at, the Space and the System.

User roles

User roles are a critical part of the Octopus security model whereby they are assigned to Teams and they dictate what the members of those teams can do in Octopus.

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