
Blog posts

Using Azure Key Vault with Octopus

Introducing a new step template to allow secrets stored in Azure Key Vault to be used in deployments or runbooks.

Scripting the creation of Octopus API keys

Learn how to script the creation of an API key for use with the Octopus REST API, and how to use browser developer tools to explore the Octopus API in action.

Mixing Keys in Tomcat

Learn how to configure Tomcat to support both RSA and ECDSA certificates on a single HTTPS port.

The key assumption of modern work culture

Find out the key assumption that you must change for your organization to adopt modern culture.

Hashing API keys to improve security

From Octopus 2.2 onwards we're going to be storing API keys using a one-way hash function

Ask Octopus Episode 2 - Service Accounts, Get Project by Name via API, Deployment Triggers

Once a week a few of us will gather to talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten over the past week and how we went about solving them.


Lost Master Key

Get your Octopus Server working again after losing your Master Key

Show Master Key

 Print the server's Master Encryption Key, so that it can be backed up

Create an API Key

An example script that creates an API Key.

Rotating the Master Key

A guide to rotating the Master Key on all machines hosting the Octopus Server.

Rotate Master Key

Generate a new Master Key and re-encrypt all the sensitive data.

Set Master Key

Sets the new master key in the config after rotation.

How to get a database backup and encrypt your Master Key

Guides the user on producing a database backup binary file (.bak) and encrypt their Master Key to provide us with.

How to Create an API Key

How to create an API key to interact with Octopus without the need for a username and password.

SSH key pair account

SSH key pair accounts allow you to securely authenticate with SSH targets.

Recovering after losing your Octopus Server and Master Key

A guide to recovering if the machine hosting Octopus Server dies irrecoverably, and you don't have the Master Key.

Managing multiple instances

Octopus and Tentacle Manager both have the ability to manage multiple instances.


Octopus is all about reliable and repeatable deployments, but that doesn't mean it has to be slow. This page will help you tune your Octopus installation for the best performance in your scenario.

Moving the Octopus Server database

Walk-through outlining how you can move an Octopus database from one server to another.

Moving the Octopus Server and database

Walk-through outlining how you can move an Octopus database from one server to another.

Move the Octopus home folder and the Tentacle home and application folders

How to move the Octopus home folder and the Tentacle home and application folders.

Moving the Octopus Server

Walk-through outlining how you can move an Octopus instance from one server to another.

Server configuration

The Octopus Server Configuration screen is available from Configuration > Nodes > Configuration Settings and allows administrators to see which server extensions are enabled for the Octopus Server.

Server configuration and file storage

Octopus Server configuration command reference including how to specify your file storage locations.

Manually uninstall Octopus Server

Information on how to manually uninstall the Octopus Server.

Show configuration

The Octopus Server show configuration command is used to export Octopus Deploy's current configuration for use with configuration management tools such as Chef, Puppet or Desired State Configuration (DSC).


Subscriptions allow you to subscribe to events that are happening within Octopus, so you can be notified when events have occurred and react accordingly.

Manually uninstall Tentacle

Information on how to manually uninstall the Octopus Tentacle.

Permissions for the Octopus Windows Service

Information about the permissions required by the Octopus windows service to operate.

Migrating from Octopus Server to Octopus Cloud

Migrating from Octopus Server to Octopus Cloud.

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