
Blog posts

Scripting the creation of Octopus API keys

Learn how to script the creation of an API key for use with the Octopus REST API, and how to use browser developer tools to explore the Octopus API in action.

Bitbucket Pipelines: Pipes and integrating with Octopus Deploy

What are Bitbucket Pipes, and how can you integrate them into your Bitbucket Pipeline with Octopus Deploy?

The ultimate guide to rolling deployments

What are rolling deployments and why are they useful? This post covers the rolling deployment pattern and practical examples of how to implement it with different tooling.

Selenium series: Writing a Gherkin feature

In this post, we write a complete test in Gherkin

Deploying AWS Lambdas across environments

Learn how to progress Lambda deployments across environments using CloudFormation


Azure account variables

Create an Azure account variable to use it in Azure deployment steps

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