
Blog posts

Ask Octopus Episode 12 - Environment Approval Gates, Worker Pools Per Environment

Once a week a few of us will gather to talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten over the past week and how we went about solving them.

Self-service database provisioning with Octopus Runbooks and Redgate SQL Clone

A discussion about database provisioning for dev and test, including a walk-through of Redgate SQL Clone and Octopus Runbooks

Automating developer machine setup with Chocolatey

Learn how to automate a developer machine setup using Chocolatey

Inside DevOps with Jason Dunnivant from Olo

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. Our first post features Jason Dunnivant, Release Engineer at Olo.

Synchronizing projects in managed spaces

Learn how to implement the full lifecycle of projects created as part of the enterprise patterns

Safe schema updates - Resilient vs robust IT systems

Learn about the nature of failure in complex IT systems, and the benefits and drawbacks of designing for resilience vs robustness.

Octopus presenting at Redgate's SQL in the City Summit

Bob Walker and Derek Campbell will be presenting at Redgate's SQL in the City Summit this month in London and Chicago on how database DevOps can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Domain does DevOps recently embraced DevOps. They use Octopus Deploy to deploy to AWS.

Deploy to Oracle Database using Octopus Deploy and Redgate

Octopus Deploy supports many database tools. Follow along as we get a CI/CD pipeline built to deploy a database change to an Oracle Database

Automated Database Deployments using State Based Redgate SQL Change Automation

Automated Database Deployments using State Based Redgate SQL Change Automation

Database deployment automation using state-based Redgate SQL Change Automation

Setting up automated database deployments with state-based Redgate SQL change automation.

Implementing an automated database deployment process

In this article, I walk through the steps I took to implement an automated database deployment process using TeamCity, Redgate, and Octopus Deploy

Deploying software shouldn't feel like visiting the dentist

Reasons you should deploy early and often.

The big 5 benefits of automated deployment

A guest post that explores the benefits of automated deployments.

Platform Engineering should be part of DevOps

Find out why Platform Engineering is more likely to succeed with DevOps than without it.

The why and more importantly the how of automated database deployment

Why and how your should automate your database deployments

SQL Server deployment options for Octopus Deploy

A brief summary of the most popular SQL Server deployment tools used with Octopus Deploy

My First Year Working at Octopus

Rob Pearson sharing what it's like to work at Octopus Deploy and a bit about the company culture.

Database deployment automation using Octopus and Redgate Deployment Suite for Oracle

Octopus Deploy supports many database tools. Follow along as we get a CI/CD pipeline built to deploy a database change to an Oracle Database

RFC: Lifecycles

Lifecycles enable automation and rules around promotion

Inside DevOps with Matt Ash

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Matt Ash, Staff DevOps Engineer at a leading HR software platform provider.


Azure targets

Configure your Azure infrastructure

Disaster recovery

How to work with your data and disaster recovery in an Octopus Cloud instance.

Azure Cloud Service targets

Azure Cloud Service deployment targets allow you to reference existing classic Cloud Services in your Azure subscription, that you can then reference by role during deployments.

Deploy to SQL Server using Redgate SQL change automation

Guide to configuring Octopus Deploy to deploy to SQL Server with Redgate SQL change automation


Octopus is all about reliable and repeatable deployments, but that doesn't mean it has to be slow. This page will help you tune your deployments for the best performance in your scenario.

Configuration features

Configuring applications to work in specific environments is an essential part of deploying applications with Octopus Deploy and this can include updating database connection strings and app settings.

VIP swap

The guide demonstrates how to perform a VIP swap when deploying to Azure Cloud Services.

Updating Linux

With Octopus Deploy you can update and patch Linux machines with a runbook as part of a routine operations task.

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