
Blog posts

Synchronizing projects in managed spaces

Learn how to implement the full lifecycle of projects created as part of the enterprise patterns

Inside DevOps with Jason Dunnivant from Olo

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. Our first post features Jason Dunnivant, Release Engineer at Olo.

Runbooks best practices

This post provides a step by step template you can use to generate high quality runbooks in Octopus.

Maven repositories explained

Learn how Maven repositories are structured and how to access artifacts stored in them.

Creating AMI mappings for CloudFormation

As part of our Runbooks series, learn how to create region AMI mappings for use with CloudFormation templates.

Deploying a Secured Web App to Tomcat with Octopus

Learn how to go from a fresh Tomcat download to a secured web app deployment using the new features in Octopus 4.1

Configuring the web.xml file during deployment

Learn how a Java web.xml file can be customized during an Octopus deployment

WildFly S3 Domain Discovery

Learn how to use S3 buckets as a domain discovery mechanism in AWS.

Domain does DevOps recently embraced DevOps. They use Octopus Deploy to deploy to AWS.

How to structure your Git repository for DevOps automation

Learn how to structure your Git repositories to store your scripts, infrastructure as code configuration files, application configuration files, docs and more.

Platform Engineering should be part of DevOps

Find out why Platform Engineering is more likely to succeed with DevOps than without it.

A first look at Jenkins X

Jenkins X is a complete mental shift from the traditional role of a CI server. In this post, we take a high-level look at Jenkins X and highlight why you need to appreciate it on its own terms.

New in 2.0: Polling Tentacles

Tentacle can be configured to use polling mode, which polls the Octopus Server asking for jobs to do.

Cloud-nomad architecture

As more organizations rethink their cloud and microservices decisions, it's time for cloud-nomad architectures.

Inside DevOps with Matt Ash

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Matt Ash, Staff DevOps Engineer at a leading HR software platform provider.

Selenium series: Travis CI

In this post, we learn how to build and test our project with Travis CI



Octopus Deploy provides built-in support for deploying to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Exposing Octopus

You can keep your Octopus installation inside your corporate network, or you may want to expose it to the Internet. This section describes how to safely expose your Octopus installation and the security implications you should consider.

Azure targets

Configure your Azure infrastructure

Manage Tenants and Tag sets

Manage tenants and tag sets as part of a multi-tenant region setup in Octopus Deploy.

Offload Work to Workers

Guidelines and recommendations for configuring workers in Octopus Deploy.

Disaster recovery

How to work with your data and disaster recovery in an Octopus Cloud instance.

Azure Cloud Service targets

Azure Cloud Service deployment targets allow you to reference existing classic Cloud Services in your Azure subscription, that you can then reference by role during deployments.


Octopus is all about reliable and repeatable deployments, but that doesn't mean it has to be slow. This page will help you tune your deployments for the best performance in your scenario.

Multi-tenant regions

A guide showing you how to use tenants to deploy an application to regions using different release rings in Octopus Deploy.

VIP swap

The guide demonstrates how to perform a VIP swap when deploying to Azure Cloud Services.

Region specific workers

Use workers in specific regions

Environments, Deployment Targets, and Roles

Guidelines and recommendations for configuring environments, deployment targets, and lifecycles in Octopus Deploy.

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