
Blog posts

Ask Octopus Episode 25-27 - Centralized Logging, Worker working directory contents & Octopus/TeamCity Integration

Once a week a few of us will gather to talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten over the past week and how we went about solving them.

Octostats - Usage and Adoption of Octopus Deploy

A peek into the growth of Octopus, and how people are using it in the real world.

Octopus will be at DevOps Days London 2019

Octopus is a silver sponsor of this years DevOps Days London.

Mapping manual deployments with Octopus Deploy

Find out how to map your manual deployments to create a template that helps you start your automation journey.

Creating a Selenium WebDriver test framework

Learn how to create a WebDriver project in Java with this blog series.

Public bug bounty program with Bugcrowd

At Octopus Deploy, we’ve been running a private bug bounty program with Bugcrowd for over 12 months now, and we’re pleased to make it public.

Adding versions to your GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions are a powerful new feature for GitHub users, but they lack native versioning capabilities. In this blog post, we’ll see how to implement versioning.

Creating dynamic run conditions with new Octostache filters

Learn how to use new filters in Octostache with variable run conditions.

Top 8 container registries

There are many container registry services, suitable for all different kinds of teams. We look at the top 8 and why you might consider them.

Microservices and frameworks

An overview of microservices and the different frameworks you can use to support them.

Choosing a container platform

A look at different container platforms and their suitability.

Expanding the use of execution containers

Octopus 2024.1 added the ability to use an inline Dockerfile or a URL to a Git repository to build the Docker container used for a deployment.

High Availability performance benefits

Octopus Deploy High Availability is our offering for customers where Octopus Deploy has become a critical piece of infrastructure. In addition to the benefits of extra reliability, High Availability provides performance gains over a single Octopus Server. Our aim was to provide a linear performance increase as you add nodes to your High Availability cluster.

Deploying to Google Cloud Functions

Learn how to deploy functions to the Google Cloud Platform.

Introduction to HCL and HCL tooling

Learn about the different tooling you can use with HCL.

Jimmy Bogard: Continuous deployment the Octopus way

In this session, we'll look at how Octopus enables continuous delivery, what it offers over standard tooling, and how it can make your ops team love you again.

Deploy a Helm chart with Octopus

Learn how to deploy a sample Helm chart to Kubernetes with Octopus

Deploying a Node.js application with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to use Octopus Deploy to deploy an application written in NodeJS with a MongoDB back-end.

Octopus Deploy comes to AppVeyor

The new Octopus Deploy feature in AppVeyor makes Continuous Deployments in the cloud even easier

Your guide to SHIPPED23 - Wednesday, November 15

SHIPPED23 is an all-day virtual event by Octopus Deploy on November 15, 2023. Join us for discussions about managing complex hybrid deployments at scale.


Installing the Tentacle via DSC in an ARM template

How to install the Tentacle using Desired State configuration (DSC) in Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template

JSON formatted output

Formatting output from the Octopus CLI

Managing server configuration

The Octopus Server configuration can be managed programmatically through the Octopus.Client library and the API

Azure DevOps

Octopus Deploy integrates with Azure DevOps to provide for a full automated build and deployment pipeline.

Subscription webhook notifications

Set up a Slack notification from a subscription

Connecting projects

By connecting tenants to projects, you can control which projects will be deployed into which environments for each tenant.


Octopus Deploy provides built-in support for deploying to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

IIS websites and application pools

Octopus has built-in support for configuring IIS web sites, applications and virtual directories.

Emergency operations

This section includes examples of how to use runbooks to help automate disaster recovery operations.

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