
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Further lessons learned building a Raspberry Pi cluster

More lessons learned from experimenting with Raspberry Pi cluster computing.

Cleaning temporary ASP.NET files

Cleaning temporary ASP.NET files with Octopus Deploy

Three ways to use custom Terraform plugins

Terraform does not yet support repositories for custom plugins, but here are three ways to utilize your custom plugins.

How we work. Some recent lessons

Some lessons we've learned in the last few months that change the way we work. Plus tools for a distributed team

Let's talk Licensing

Octopus deploy licenses, renewals and upgrades

Announcing Ask Octopus Video Series

Once a week a few of us will gather to talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten over the past week and how we went about solving them.

Octopus TL;DR - Performance Improvements

Once a week we have a short "TL;DR" meeting where team members present things that are interesting. We're going to start recording and posting portions of them to YouTube each week. This first one was about some performance improvements.

SQL Server deployment options for Octopus Deploy

A brief summary of the most popular SQL Server deployment tools used with Octopus Deploy

Perceptual consistency in RavenDB

An approach to simulating consistency in RavenDB

Unsupported versions of Windows and .NET

Understand why old versions of Windows can fail to make network requests.

RFC: Docker integration

Request For Comment on proposed Docker integration

Octopus goes to conferences!

Octopus started attending conferences this year and we talk about what we learned through the experience.

My First Year Working at Octopus

Rob Pearson sharing what it's like to work at Octopus Deploy and a bit about the company culture.

Deployment process enhancements update

A quick overview of some of the enhancements that have been shipped over the last few months to make configuring your deployment process a little bit easier

PowerShell and IIS: 20 practical examples

Real-world examples tested on Windows 2008 R2 through to 2016. Creating sites, configuring application pools, and examples in both the old WebAdministration module and the newer IISAdministration module.

Ask Octopus Episode 3 - Variable Run Conditions, Switching Auth Providers, Finding Deleted Releases

Once a week a few of us will gather to talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten over the past week and how we went about solving them.

Continuous Delivery of Octopus

How we're delivering higher quality releases of Octopus Deploy in less time.

Reflections on 2017

A recap of 2017, including progress on our roadmap and a general company update

Octopus presenting at Redgate's SQL in the City Summit

Bob Walker and Derek Campbell will be presenting at Redgate's SQL in the City Summit this month in London and Chicago on how database DevOps can help you stay ahead of the competition.


Upgrading from Octopus 2.x to 2.6.5

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus 2.x to 2.6.5.

SQL Server deployments

Automating deployments to SQL Server

Linux Tentacle

How to install and configure Octopus Tentacles on Linux Servers in either listening or polling mode.

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