
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.


Import certificates into WildFly and JBoss EAP

Configure WildFly or JBoss EAP with a certificate managed by Octopus.

Custom scripts

Custom scripts allows you to script anything you want using PowerShell, ScriptCS, F#, Python, or Bash.

AWS CLI and PowerShell scripts

AWS CLI and PowerShell Scripts allow you to manage your AWS resources as part of your deployment process.

Azure CLI and PowerShell Scripts

Azure CLI and PowerShell Scripts allow you to manage your Azure resources as part of your deployment process.

Debugging PowerShell scripts

How to debug PowerShell scripts running as part of your deployment process.

Debugging PowerShell scripts on remote machines

This guide provides details on debugging PowerShell scripts with Octopus Deploy.

Error handling

Error handling for scripts in Octopus.

Logging messages from scripts

When your scripts emit messages Octopus will display the messages in the Task Logs at the most appropriate level for the message.

Output variables

Your scripts can emit variables that are available in subsequent deployment steps.

Passing parameters to scripts

Octopus can pass parameters to your custom script files for any of the supported scripting languages.

PowerShell Core

Enabling PowerShell Core.

Raw scripting

Raw Scripting allows you to transfer packages and execute scripts against SSH deployment targets where you are unable to install and run Mono.

Run a script step

Standalone scripts allow you to run scripts contained in a package, or ad-hoc scripts you've saved as part of the step.

Script modules

Script modules allow users to create collections of functions that can be used in deployment processes across multiple projects.

Scripts in packages

Octopus will run scripts included in your package when the script matches a naming convention.

Reference files within a package

How to reference files within a package.

Service Fabric PowerShell scripts

Service Fabric PowerShell scripts allow you to manage your Service Fabric clusters using the Service Fabric SDK as part of your deployment process.

Using variables in scripts

With Octopus you can define variables for use with your custom scripts.


Database deployments

Common patterns

Common patterns in database deployments

Ad-hoc data change scripts

Recommendations on configuring a pipeline to handle ad-hoc data change scripts.

Automatic approvals

Recommendations and techniques on how to configure automatic approvals in an automated database deployment process.

Database backups and rollbacks

Recommendations on backing up and rolling back a database during a failed deployment.

Manual approvals

Recommendations and techniques for configuring manual approvals in an automated database deployment process.

Database configuration

Configuring your database and Octopus Deploy for database deployments.

Recommended database permissions

Permission recommendations for database deployments.

Install Tentacles and Workers for database deployments

Where to install Tentacles and how to configure Workers.

MySQL flyway deployment

How to do MySQL database deployments with Flyway.

SQL Server deployments

Automating deployments to SQL Server

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