
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

The difference between ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer Kubernetes services

Learn the differences between the 3 kinds of Kubernetes services, ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer.

Java CI/CD: From Continuous Integration to Kubernetes deployments

In this post, we create a Kubernetes cluster in AWS.

How to install a Jenkins instance with Helm

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to install Jenkins via Helm.

Canary deployments with ECS

Learn how to use an external deployment controller to perform Canary deployments in ECS

Running end-to-end tests in Jenkins

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to run end-to-end tests in Jenkins and capture the results.

Running unit tests in Jenkins

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to run unit tests in Jenkins and capture the results.

Festive Tech Calendar - Octopus hackathon

Get involved with the Octopus Deploy hackathon and you could win one of three Octopus swag bundles.

Octopus Deploy Config as Code: early access preview

Octopus Deploy's Configuration as Code solution is now available as a preview release for all customers.

Octopus 2021 Q4: Deploy to ECS with our guided UI step

Octopus 2021 Q4: Built-in support for Amazon ECS, a new TypeScript API client, and more integrations.

Importing variables with the Octopus REST API

How the REST API can be used to add variables

Creating workers with the Tentacle Docker image

Learn how to use the Tentacle Docker image to create workers using Azure container services

Empower your team with self-service application deployments

Self-service deployments allow more members of your team to deploy to pre-production environments, but there are some things to consider.


Change AWS load balancer target group

Modify an existing AWS Elastic load-balancer listener to forward traffic to a different target group with a runbook

Deploy a service resource

Deploy a service resource to a Kubernetes cluster.

Designing Octopus HA in AWS

Information on configuring Octopus High Availability hosted in AWS.

Deploy to a Kubernetes cluster

Deploy to a Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy an Ingress resource

Deploy an ingress resource to a Kubernetes cluster.

Octopus Server Linux Container

Running the Octopus Server in the official Docker Linux container

Octopus Server Container with Docker Compose

A fully self-contained SQL Server and Octopus Server provisioned as Linux containers using Docker Compose.


How to migrate from an Octopus Server instance running on Windows Server or in a Windows Container to one running in a Linux Container.

Migrate to Octopus Server Linux Container from Windows Container

A guide on how to migrate to the Octopus Server Linux Container from the Octopus Server Windows Container

Migrate to Octopus Server Linux Container from Windows Server

A guide on how to migrate to the Octopus Server Linux Container from Octopus Server running on a Windows Server

Octopus Server in Kubernetes

Octopus can be installed into a Kubernetes cluster running the Octopus Server Linux container, optionally leveraging High Availability (HA).

Octopus Server Container with systemd

Using systemd, you can have the Octopus Server Linux Container running in Docker each time the OS starts on your host machine.

Troubleshooting Octopus Server in a Container

Troubleshooting steps for running Octopus in a Container

Cloudsmith Multi-format repositories

Configuring a Cloudsmith repository as an Octopus feed for NuGet, Docker, Maven or Helm packages.

List deployments to environment

An example script to retrieve a list of deployments to an environment

Amazon ECS cluster

How to configure an Amazon ECS cluster target in Octopus Deploy

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