
Blog posts

The 2023 DevOps performance clusters

Find out about the latest software delivery performance clusters in the State of DevOps Report.

Verifying backups with Runbooks

Learn how to automate the process of verifying your backups using a custom runbook.

Deploying a Vault to WildFly

Learn how to deploy a vault from Octopus to WildFly to secure passwords in configuration files

Beyond Hello World: Build a real-world Docker CI/CD pipeline

This post demonstrates incorporating Docker containers in the CI/CD pipeline for a real-world web application with web services and a database project.

Beyond Hello World: Build a real-world Kubernetes CI/CD pipeline

How to incorporate Kubernetes in the CI/CD pipeline for a real-world web application with web services and a database project.

Working at Octopus - a story of silicon and steel

A history of the computers I have enjoyed as a result of the Octopus Deploy computer policy.

Deploy ASP.NET applications to Azure Web Sites

Deploy ASP.NET applications to Azure Web Sites

Changing website port on each deployment

Blue/green style deployments by varying the port number between each deployment

Beyond Hello World: Containerize a real-world web application

This post demonstrates how to containerize a real-world .NET Core web application with web services and databases.

Java CI/CD: From release management to operations

In this post, we create example runbook to implement operations tasks.

New in 2.0: IIS website and application pool configuration

Octopus 2.0 can automatically create and update websites and application pools in IIS

Deploy a PHP Site to IIS with Octopus

How to deploy php files to an IIS server with Octopus Deploy

Introducing Octopus Cloud

Octopus Cloud has been a while in the making. In this post we look at how and why Octopus Cloud came to be, and what the future may look like

Real Life DevOps - Representing Internal Environment Names With Target Roles

We can use Target Roles to track tenant specific environment names while using combined Dev / Test / Prod environments in Octopus.


Capture a crash dump

How to capture a crash dump to help the Octopus team diagnose problems when something unexpected happens.

Process dumps

Octopus Server and Tentacle process dumps

Dump deployments

Writes deployments to an XML file that can be imported in Excel.


Information explaining how to perform requested tasks by Octopus support.

JSON formatted output

Formatting output from the Octopus CLI

Backup MySQL database

With Octopus Deploy you can backup a MySQL database with a Runbook

IIS Websites and application pools

Octopus has built-in support for configuring IIS web sites, applications and virtual directories.

IIS websites and application pools

Octopus has built-in support for configuring IIS web sites, applications and virtual directories.

Report on deployments using Excel & XML

How to report on deployments using Excel & XML

Enable/disable project

An example script that enables or disables a project in Octopus.

The Octopus Command Line (CLI)

The Octopus CLI (octo) is the Octopus command line tool that builds on top of the Octopus REST API.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and Octopus Deploy

Octopus Server actively prevents Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) using anti-forgery tokens.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Octopus Deploy

Octopus Server actively prevents Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) using a number of preventative measures.

Coordinating multiple projects

Script examples for working with data from multiple projects.

Export step templates

An example script that exports all step templates in a Space to files.

Project coordination code samples

Project coordination guide code samples that show how to perform various tasks covered in the guide.

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