
Blog posts

The state of config file formats: XML vs. YAML vs. JSON vs. HCL

Learn about the different configuration file formats that are available and when you should use them.

Octopus Deploy vs. Puppet/Chef

What's the difference between Octopus and Puppet/Chef?

Safe schema updates - Resilient vs robust IT systems

Learn about the nature of failure in complex IT systems, and the benefits and drawbacks of designing for resilience vs robustness.

Application Server vs UberJAR

A high level look at the differences between WildFly and WildFly Swarm.

Self-hosted Octopus in a Cloud VM vs. Octopus Cloud

Information to consider when deciding on the right Octopus Deploy installation to use in the cloud.

A look at GitHub Codespaces private preview

An early look at GitHub Codespace.

Testing PowerShell code with Pester

Learn how to test PowerShell code for any scenario with the PowerShell testing framework Pester.

Wizards, dialogs and context menus, or build servers and scripts?

Reflecting on the benefits of continuous integration tools, I'm wondering whether our focus on great CI support has meant Octopus is too hard to simply get started with. How can we improve the getting started story?

SQL Server deployment options for Octopus Deploy

A brief summary of the most popular SQL Server deployment tools used with Octopus Deploy

Safe schema updates - Loose coupling mitigates human problems

On loose coupling and domain-driven development, and how they mitigate human problems that are commonly associated with monolithic architectures.

SSL 3.0 "POODLE" and Octopus Deploy

Octopus Deploy uses TLS 1.0 and isn't vulnerable to the SSL 3.0 "POODLE" vulnerability

Safe schema updates - Strangling the monolith

This post discusses patterns for migrating from a tightly coupled to a loosely coupled architecture.

Why you should take a look at Kotlin's standard library

See how run, let, also and apply can improve your Kotlin code.

Octopus 3.1 will require .NET 4.5

Octopus and Tentacle have always been built against .NET 4.0, but from Octopus 3.1 onwards we'll be building against .NET 4.5.

What is the difference between blue/green and red/black deployments?

The term blue/green and red/black are used to describe deployment strategies, but do they mean different things?

Building versus buying software

Probing the pros and cons of building software yourself compared to buying a product.

What's new in the Octopus navigation UI

An overview of the changes brought about by our navigation update.

An introduction to build servers and Continuous Integration

This post opens our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, with an overview on the benefits of build servers, particularly Jenkins and GitHub Actions.

Monoliths versus microservices

A post about the differences between monoliths and microservices. Find out why we think microservices are better than monoliths for enterprise software applications, and learn the challenges with each approach.

Using the Alpine Docker image

A detailed look at how to use the Alpine Docker image


Runbooks vs Deployments

Describing the differences between a deployment and a runbook.


With Octopus runbook automation you can automate routine or emergency operations-centric processes, for instance, disaster recovery and database backups.

Azure Service Fabric

Learn how Octopus Deploy fits into a Continuous Deployment pipeline for your Azure Service Fabric applications.

Running a Runbook

Step by step guide on how to run a runbook in Octopus Deploy.

Deployment and Runbook Processes

Guidelines and recommendations for configuring deployment and runbook processes in Octopus Deploy.

Building an authentication provider

Technical details of how to build an Octopus Deploy Authentication Provider.

Capture a crash dump

How to capture a crash dump to help the Octopus team diagnose problems when something unexpected happens.

Editing a project with version control enabled

What to expect when using the Configuration as Code feature in Octopus Deploy

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