
Blog posts

Octopus Deploy 2018 Roadmap

This post outlines our roadmap for 2018, and all of the improvements we're planning to make to Octopus over the next year.

Octopus Deploy version changes for 2018

This post outlines our decision to change versioning strategy for Octopus Deploy to a style matching our iterative, monthly release cadence. It also describes how we arrived at our decision and how continuous delivery has fundamentally changed the way we plan, build, and release our software.

Top 8 container registries

There are many container registry services, suitable for all different kinds of teams. We look at the top 8 and why you might consider them.

Getting started with Kind and Octopus

Learn how to perform your first Kubernetes deployment with Kind and Octopus

Installing Minikube on Windows

Learn how to get a test Kubernetes environment on Windows with Minikube

Reprioritizing the task queue

Learn about our new feature that lets you reprioritize the task queue in Octopus.

Selenium series: Installing the tools

In this post, we install the Serverless application

Introducing our first release with long-term support - Octopus Server 2018.10 LTS

Octopus Server 2018.10 LTS is the first release with six months of long-term support. We recommend this release for most self-hosted customers.

Selenium series: The Maven POM file

In this post, we create a simple Pom.xml file, configuring the Selenium dependencies.

Prioritizing deployments

Prioritize your deployments. Fast-tracking deployments has never been easier.

Checking Kubernetes pod CPU and memory

Learn how to check a pod's resource usage in Kubernetes.

Kubernetes RFC

We are designing Kubernetes support for Octopus, and we would love your input.

Common deployment patterns and how to use them in Octopus

Deployment patterns are important to any development pipeline. This post looks at some common deployment patterns and explains how to set them up in Octopus.

DORA metrics - The predictive link between DevOps practice and business outcomes

What are the DORA metrics? Why do they matter? How can you use them to drive improvement?

Create a public AWS VPC with CloudFormation

Learn how to create a public AWS VPC with this sample CloudFormation template.

Difference between, docker-cd, and Docker Desktop

Learn which version of Docker to install for your operating system.

Introducing dark mode

Octopus 2020.1 introduces a dark theme to Octopus Deploy.

The why and more importantly the how of automated database deployment

Why and how your should automate your database deployments

Deploying to Tomcat from Octopus Deploy

Learn how to deploy to Tomcat hosted on a Linux server with Octopus Deploy

Thoughts from my User Experience Journey

Thoughts and takeaways from my recent journey with the Onboarding team, diving further into user-experience.

Why we chose Kubernetes, Linux, and .NET Core for Octopus Cloud

A reflection on the architectural options we considered for hosting Octopus Cloud v2.


Upgrading from Octopus 4.x / 2018.x to latest version

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus Deploy 4.x or 2018.x to the latest version

Installing the Tentacle VM extension via PowerShell

How to install the Tentacle VM Extension using the PowerShell

Preparing your Terraform environment

Configuring remote state, backends, and cloud accounts using Terraform with Octopus

Upgrading from Octopus 2.6.5 to 2018.10 LTS

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus 2.6.5 to 2018.10 LTS

JSON formatted output

Formatting output from the Octopus CLI

Spectre (Speculative Execution Side-Channel Vulnerabilities), Meltdown, and Octopus Deploy

How the Spectre (speculative execution side-channel vulnerabilities) and meltdown vulnerabilities impact Octopus Deploy

External Worker

Configure the external worker used to run deployment actions and scripts on the Octopus Server

Manually fail a task

How to manually fail a running or canceling task when tasks hang or get stuck.

Configuring the version of the Azure PowerShell Modules

A version of Azure PowerShell is bundled with Octopus Deploy and it's possible to configure which version you wish to use in your deployments.

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