
Blog posts

Top 8 container registries

There are many container registry services, suitable for all different kinds of teams. We look at the top 8 and why you might consider them.

Behind the scenes of the Octopus Extension for GitHub Copilot

Learn how we integrated Azure AI and Copilot when making the Octopus extension.

How to deploy from Minecraft with Octopus Deploy

Imagine a world where deployments were simple. You could push a button in your favorite video game and your latest release was deployed to production.

Working at Octopus - a story of silicon and steel

A history of the computers I have enjoyed as a result of the Octopus Deploy computer policy.

Expanded Script Modules Support

Octopus Deploy now supports script modules for Bash, C#, F# and Python!

A look at GitHub Codespaces private preview

An early look at GitHub Codespace.

Why you should track vulnerabilities after deployment

Find out why you should track vulnerabilities after deployment, plus the ways how.

Deploying to Octopus from Jenkins Using Pipelines

Learn how to craft a Jenkins Pipeline that builds a Java project and deploys it to Octopus.

SSL 3.0 "POODLE" and Octopus Deploy

Octopus Deploy uses TLS 1.0 and isn't vulnerable to the SSL 3.0 "POODLE" vulnerability

At the helm with Bob Walker

A series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they’re working on to improve the product, and more. Hear from Bob Walker, our Technical Director of Customer Success.

Octopus is your deployment pipeline's quarterback

With the Super Bowl on the horizon, Andy Corrigan explains how Octopus is your deployment pipeline's quarterback

Octopus Deploy acquires Codefresh

Paul explains why he's so excited about Codefresh joining Octopus, what we love about the Codefresh team, and why we think this is excellent news for our customers, Codefresh customers, and the Argo open-source community.

Octopus releases and Long Term Support (LTS)

We’re iterating on the way we deliver releases of Octopus Deploy

Flexible Working - Jason's Story

Flexible work can be life changing

Thoughts from my User Experience Journey

Thoughts and takeaways from my recent journey with the Onboarding team, diving further into user-experience.

Future of Deployment: Nano Server and .NET Core

Nano Server is an extremely small version of Windows Server. .NET Core is a small version of the .NET runtime. Together, I believe they are the future of how applications will run in production.

Domain does DevOps recently embraced DevOps. They use Octopus Deploy to deploy to AWS.

How to Handle locked files and deployments

SysInternals Handle is a useful tool for finding why a file is locked

Heartbleed and Octopus Deploy

Octopus uses SSL libraries in Windows, and so isn't vulnerable to the Hearbleed bug

Inside DevOps with Brandon Moore

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Brandon Moore, Senior Software Developer in the power industry.

Octopus 2022 Q2: Containerize and modernize your CI/CD pipeline

Octopus 2022 Q2 with support for cloud-native containers and serverless is now available. Plus automatic cloud target discovery and ServiceNow integration (early access).

Automating developer machine setup with Chocolatey

Learn how to automate a developer machine setup using Chocolatey

Command-line tab completion for Octopus CLI

Enable tab completion for the Octopus CLI today! We'll also dive into how shell completion works in some popular shell environments.

Docker Engine in Octopus Deploy

Simple Docker Engine commands are now available in Octopus Deploy for testing and feedback

Common mistakes in DevOps metrics

Learn what to avoid as you create and evolve your DevOps measurement system.


Upgrading from Octopus 4.x / 2018.x to latest version

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus Deploy 4.x or 2018.x to the latest version

Upgrading from Octopus 3.x to the latest version

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus Deploy 3.x to the latest version

List latest deployments

List the releases last-deployed in each environment

Troubleshooting build server integrations

General guide to troubleshoot integrations between build servers such as TeamCity or Azure DevOps with Octopus Deploy

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