
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Octopus Deploy acquires Codefresh

Paul explains why he's so excited about Codefresh joining Octopus, what we love about the Codefresh team, and why we think this is excellent news for our customers, Codefresh customers, and the Argo open-source community.

External feed triggers

We're introducing external feed triggers for Kubernetes. This monitors Helm chart repositories and container image registries referenced in your deployment steps. When it detects a new version, Octopus automatically creates a release.

Task log UI improvements

Octopus 2024.2 includes enhancements to the deployment log including a modern visual design, performance improvements, and intelligent log rendering.

Octopus AI experiment

We're testing the idea of allowing an Octopus space to be queried in plain English with an AI integration and would love some feedback.

OpenID Connect in Octopus Deploy

Learn how OIDC can improve your security posture.

Octopus Deploy in the GitHub Marketplace

We launched the Octopus Deploy App for GitHub, available now for Octopus Cloud customers. The app removes the need to manage GitHub credentials in Octopus.

Introducing the Kubernetes agent

We introduced a new deployment target called the Kubernetes agent to make your deployments to Kubernetes simpler, faster, and safer.

ServiceNow integration improvements

Updates to our ServiceNow Change Management integration.

How we are using SQL Server in Octopus 3.0

Octopus 3.0 will be built on top of SQL Server. In this post I discuss how we'll be using SQL Server, the editions we support, and high availability plans.

Expanding the use of execution containers

Octopus 2024.1 added the ability to use an inline Dockerfile or a URL to a Git repository to build the Docker container used for a deployment.

Inside DevOps with Fabio Segredo from Glintt Global

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Fabio Segredo of Glintt Global.

Behind the scenes of the Octopus Extension for GitHub Copilot

Learn how we integrated Azure AI and Copilot when making the Octopus extension.

Inside DevOps with Brandon Moore

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Brandon Moore, Senior Software Developer in the power industry.

Redesigning the navigation in Octopus

A look into how we redesigned the navigation in Octopus Deploy.

What's new in the Octopus navigation UI

An overview of the changes brought about by our navigation update.

Webinar: Automating deployments with VSTS and Octopus Deploy

Announcing a webinar with Brian A. Randell and Damian Brady to show the Octopus Deploy extension for Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server

Certificates Feature

Announcing the release of the Certificates Feature in Octopus Deploy

Let's talk Licensing

Octopus deploy licenses, renewals and upgrades

RFC: Composite Step Templates

Combine multiple step templates together into a single importable block

Octopus 3.0: Released!

Today we announce the release of Octopus 3.0

Changing website port on each deployment

Blue/green style deployments by varying the port number between each deployment



Information explaining how to perform requested tasks by Octopus support.

Capture a crash dump

How to capture a crash dump to help the Octopus team diagnose problems when something unexpected happens.

Debug problems with Octopus variables

How to debug problems with Octopus variables when a variable used during a deploying is different than the one you expect.

Get the raw output from a deployment process

How to get the raw output from a deployment process to help the Octopus team resolve deployment related issues.

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