
Blog posts

Getting started with LDAP auth provider

Learn how to configure your self-hosted Octopus Deploy instance to work with the new LDAP auth provider.


Polling Tentacles over WebSockets

Octopus Polling Tentacles open a connection to the Octopus Server over WebSockets to ask what to do.

Poll server

Using the Tentacle.exe command line executable to configure the Octopus Server this Tentacle will poll.

Server comms

Using the Tentacle.exe command line executable to configure how the Tentacle communicates with the Octopus Server.

Register Worker

Using the Tentacle.exe command line executable to register this machine as a Worker with an Octopus Server.

Register with

Using the Tentacle.exe command line executable to register this machine as a deployment target with an Octopus Server.

LDAP Authentication

Octopus Deploy can use LDAP authentication to identify users.

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