
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Selenium series: implicit and explicit waits

In this post, we learn the strategies WebDriver uses to interact with dynamic elements in web pages.

Deploying database changes to Cassandra

Learn how to deploy database changes to a Cassandra server using Octopus Deploy and Liquibase.

Selenium series: Writing a Gherkin feature

In this post, we write a complete test in Gherkin

Selenium series: simplified element location

In this post, we learn how to remove explicit element searches by ID, XPath, and CSS selectors in favor of generic locators.

Unsupported versions of Windows and .NET

Understand why old versions of Windows can fail to make network requests.

An Introduction to Arquillian Testing

Testing Java EE code requires more than just a unit test. This blog post looks at how Arquillian solves the problem of testing Java EE apps.

Selenium series: modifying HTTP requests

In this post, we learn how to modify network requests made through BrowserStack.

Selenium series: modifying HTTP responses

In this post, we learn how to modify network responses passed through BrowserStack.

Deploying to Payara

Learn how to deploy to a Payara web server with Octopus Deploy.

Runbooks best practices

This post provides a step by step template you can use to generate high quality runbooks in Octopus.

Variable specificity and complexity

Variables can be scoped to multiple values. What's the simplest way to score them?

Selenium series: Exposing Gherkin steps

In this post, we investigate the regular expressions that make up complex Gherkin steps

Automated blue/green database deployments

Learn some techniques for automating database deployments when using a blue/green deployment strategy.

Invoking an executable from PowerShell with a dynamic number of parameters

Calling an executable from PowerShell is easy - most of the time, you just put an `&` in front. But it gets tricky when you need to pass in a variable length list of parameters. This blog post shows you how.

Octostache Update - JSON, Indexing, Formatting and Dates

New changes required to Octostache to support Docker provided an opportunity to provide some additionally requested features

Lessons learned implementing database deployments

Exploring the pitfalls of implementing database deployments

Variable update notification

Learn how to post a message to Slack when a variable has changed using Azure Functions and Octopus subscriptions.


Synchronize packages

An example script that synchronizes packages from the built-in feed between two spaces in Octopus using the REST API.

Find unused targets

An example script the will find provide a list of targets being unused that might cause your target count to be inflated.

octopus task wait

Wait for task(s) to finish

octopus worker ssh create

Create a SSH worker

Create a project

An example script that creates a project.

octopus deployment-target ssh create

Create a SSH deployment target

octopus deployment-target kubernetes create

Create a Kubernetes deployment target

Add library set to a project

An example script that adds a library variable set to a project.

Delete project releases

An example script that deletes releases for a project.

Find events by date

An example script that finds events by date in Octopus using the REST API and Octopus.Client.

Find projects using library set

An example script that finds all projects using a specific library variable set.

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