
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Competition: Build the Octopus Library

Help other Octopus users by sharing your reusable step templates

Festive Tech Calendar - Octopus hackathon

Get involved with the Octopus Deploy hackathon and you could win one of three Octopus swag bundles.

Inside DevOps with Dale Francis from Climavision

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Dales Francis, Director, Product Development at Climavision.

Deprecating authentication extensions

Find out why and when Octopus is deprecating support for custom authentication extensions.

Eating our own dog food

How using Octopus to manage Octopus Cloud has helped us eat our own dog food and improve

Changing website port on each deployment

Blue/green style deployments by varying the port number between each deployment

Octopus presenting at Redgate's SQL in the City Summit

Bob Walker and Derek Campbell will be presenting at Redgate's SQL in the City Summit this month in London and Chicago on how database DevOps can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Introducing our first release with long-term support - Octopus Server 2018.10 LTS

Octopus Server 2018.10 LTS is the first release with six months of long-term support. We recommend this release for most self-hosted customers.

Implementing DevOps in State Government

The story of how I implemented DevOps practices at a state government agency

From zero to Octopus hero - Getting to know Octopus Deploy

Join Sarah Lean as she learns about Octopus Deploy.

5 Remote Desktop Alternatives

Five alternative Remote Desktop tools

Redesigning the navigation in Octopus

A look into how we redesigned the navigation in Octopus Deploy.

Java CI/CD: From Continuous Integration to release management

In this post, we link up Jenkins and Octopus to form a CI/CD pipeline.

Can GitHub Actions replace your CI server?

With the beta release of GitHub Actions now available, is it time to retire your in house CI server?

DevOps, runbooks, and kubectl

The top reasons to use Octopus Runbooks to manage your Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes RFC

We are designing Kubernetes support for Octopus, and we would love your input.

Configuring a GitHub NuGet registry as an external feed

A guide to configuring a GitHub NuGet registry as an external feed for Octopus Deploy.

Best practices for CI/CD

8 best practices for CI/CD, using agile, committing code frequently, using Config as Code, keeping builds green, automating your tests, using a feedback loop, and using fit for purpose technologies.

Automated database deployment process: case study

This article walks through the steps I used to help design an automated database deployment process.

Using Cake build scripts for your .NET Core web apps

Using Cake’s C# makefiles to script your application build process.

MVPs and $100k AWS Bills: Reflections on the launch of Octopus Cloud 1.0

Reflections on the launch of Octopus Cloud, the SaaS version of Octopus, and how it shaped our plans for Octopus Cloud 2.0.

Lessons learned porting Octopus Server to .NET Core 3.1

We ported Octopus Server to .NET Core 3.1 to unlock the ability to run on Linux, Docker Containers, and Kubernetes. This post shares lessons learned along the way.

How we work - 2016 edition

An update on how we work as a team to build and support Octopus.

Octopus Deploy version changes for 2018

This post outlines our decision to change versioning strategy for Octopus Deploy to a style matching our iterative, monthly release cadence. It also describes how we arrived at our decision and how continuous delivery has fundamentally changed the way we plan, build, and release our software.

Inside DevOps with Brandon Moore

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Brandon Moore, Senior Software Developer in the power industry.

DevOps uses a capability model, not a maturity model

As DevOps adoption increases, it becomes more likely the certification industrial complex will try to apply the wrong model.

How to measure DevOps mean time to recovery (MTTR)

Find out why mean time to recovery has problems and what to do about it.


Expose the Octopus Web Portal over HTTPS

How to expose the Octopus Web Portal securely over HTTPS.

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