
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Deploying software shouldn't feel like visiting the dentist

Reasons you should deploy early and often.

The big 5 benefits of automated deployment

A guest post that explores the benefits of automated deployments.

10 of our favorite Jenkins plugins

Jenkins has over 1800 community-created plugins to help with continuous integration. Here are 10 we think are useful, as part of our series about CI and build servers.

Workers explained

Learn about Workers, how they operate and how they help with tasks executing directly on the server.

Raising the minimum requirements for hosting and using Octopus Server

In 2020, we will raise the minimum requirements for hosting and using Octopus Server.

Reusable YAML with CircleCI orbs

An overview of using and creating CircleCI Orbs.

Deploy your first container to Kubernetes via Octopus

Learn how to perform your first container deployment

Deploying to MongoDB with Octopus Deploy and Liquibase

Learn how to use Octopus Deploy to deploy to MongoDB using Liquibase.

Safe schema updates - Loose coupling mitigates human problems

On loose coupling and domain-driven development, and how they mitigate human problems that are commonly associated with monolithic architectures.

Self-hosted Octopus in a Cloud VM vs. Octopus Cloud

Information to consider when deciding on the right Octopus Deploy installation to use in the cloud.

Re-thinking feature branch deployments

Feature branches should be tested prior to merging into master. All too often, companies have a single static test environment.

Self-service database provisioning with Octopus Runbooks and Redgate SQL Clone

A discussion about database provisioning for dev and test, including a walk-through of Redgate SQL Clone and Octopus Runbooks

Multi-tenancy release management with Octopus Deploy

How to use the new Deploy Child Octopus Deploy Project step template for multi-tenancy releases.

The ten pillars of pragmatic deployments

The ten pillars of pragmatic deployments that shape how we develop the features and philosophy of Octopus Deploy.

Introducing Octopus Samples

An introduction to the Octopus Samples instance and how you can access it to see sample projects in Octopus Deploy.

OctoPack 3.0

Better TFS support, and no need to check in OctoPack to source control

Use TFS with Octopus? We want to hear from you!

We're planning some improvements to the way we integrate Octopus Deploy with TFS, and we'd love to get your feedback.


How to get a database backup and encrypt your Master Key

Guides the user on producing a database backup binary file (.bak) and encrypt their Master Key to provide us with.

Raw scripting

Raw Scripting allows you to transfer packages and execute scripts against SSH deployment targets where you are unable to install and run Mono.

Create sanitized database backup

How to create a sanitized database backup to send up to Octopus Support.

Getting started

This section provides an overview of Octopus Deploy concepts and links to the relevant documentation, which explore the concepts further and guide you through implementing them with Octopus Cloud or your own self-hosted Octopus Server

Synchronize packages

An example script that synchronizes packages from the built-in feed between two spaces in Octopus using the REST API.

Connecting securely with Azure Active Directory

Octopus Deploy can help you connect securely to Service Fabric clusters using Azure Active Directory authentication.

Connecting securely with client certificates

Octopus Deploy can help you connect securely to Service Fabric clusters using Client Certificate authentication.

Deploying a package to an Azure Service Fabric cluster

Octopus Deploy can help you perform repeatable and controlled deployments to Service Fabric clusters.

Build information

Integrate your commits and work items with Octopus Deploy.

Reprioritize Tasks

An example script to find deployments or runbook runs for a specific environment, project, or tenant and move them to the top of the queue.

Find unused projects

An example script that will find any project that hasn't had a release created in the previous days

Find unused targets

An example script the will find provide a list of targets being unused that might cause your target count to be inflated.

Can't find what you are looking for? You can also search our support forum.