
Blog posts

Featured Step Template: HTTP - Test URL

Test that a URL responds at the end of a deployment

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Selenium series: modifying HTTP requests

In this post, we learn how to modify network requests made through BrowserStack.

Selenium series: modifying HTTP responses

In this post, we learn how to modify network responses passed through BrowserStack.

Selenium series: running tests against BrowserStack

In this post, we learn how to run tests against the BrowserStack service.

Selenium series: Launching Cucumber tests

In this post, we launch a Cucumber test inside a Lambda

Implementing DevSecOps to respond to vulnerabilities

As part of our series about Runbooks, learn how to configure your CI/CD pipeline to quickly identify and respond to vulnerabilities.

Polling Tentacles over standard HTTPS port

Learn how to use port 443 for Polling Tentacles instead of the non-standard 10943.

Expanding the use of execution containers

Octopus 2024.1 added the ability to use an inline Dockerfile or a URL to a Git repository to build the Docker container used for a deployment.


Project Release Deployment Targets Report

An example script that will provide a list of all the deployments and deployment targets deployed to.

Deployments Per Deployment Target Role Report

An example script that will provide a list of all the deployment targets in a given role and their respective deployments.

Find unused projects

An example script that will find any project that hasn't had a release created in the previous days

Bulk add a project to a list of tenants

An example script that will add a project to a lot of tenants at once.

Rerun all canceled deployments and runbook runs after node shutdown.

An example script that determine which deployments and runbook runs were canceled because of a node shutdown and resubmit them.

Enable/disable project

An example script that enables or disables a project in Octopus.

Server configuration

The Octopus Server Configuration screen is available from Configuration > Nodes > Configuration Settings and allows administrators to see which server extensions are enabled for the Octopus Server.

Built-in Octopus repository

Using the Octopus built-in repository.

GitLab container registry

Configuring a GitLab container registry as an Octopus feed.

GitLab NuGet repository

Configuring a GitLab NuGet repository as an Octopus feed.

Nexus Hosted NuGet repository

Configuring a Nexus Hosted NuGet repository as an Octopus feed.

GitLab Maven repository

Configuring a GitLab Maven repository as an Octopus feed.

Nexus Hosted Maven repository

Configuring a Nexus Hosted Maven repository as an Octopus feed.

Artifactory container registry

How to add Artifactory as an Octopus Deploy feed for use in Docker steps.

Cloudsmith Multi-format repositories

Configuring a Cloudsmith repository as an Octopus feed for NuGet, Docker, Maven or Helm packages.

Audit Stream

Octopus Deploy can stream audit logs to your chosen SIEM solution

Maven feeds

Configuring Maven repositories as Octopus Feeds

Download Deployment Artifact

An example script to download a deployment artifact to a specified location.

Project permissions report

An example script that will provide a report of which users have access to specific projects.

Import projects

An example script that will import projects from a previously executed export task from another space on an Octopus instance.

Create and publish a new runbook snapshot

An example script to create and publish a new runbook snapshot

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