
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Invoking an executable from PowerShell with a dynamic number of parameters

Calling an executable from PowerShell is easy - most of the time, you just put an `&` in front. But it gets tricky when you need to pass in a variable length list of parameters. This blog post shows you how.

Bulk deletion of Kubernetes resources

Learn how to delete Kubernetes resources like pods in bulk.

Kubernetes RFC

We are designing Kubernetes support for Octopus, and we would love your input.

Config as Code and persistence ignorance

Read about the Core Platform team’s experience with persistence ignorance while developing the new Config as Code feature.

Importing variables with the Octopus REST API

How the REST API can be used to add variables

Deploying Database Configuration Tables with Octopus Deploy and ReadyRoll

A guest post from Daniel Nolan of ReadyRoll on Deploying Database Configuration Tables with Octopus Deploy and ReadyRoll

Defining Tomcat context paths

Learn how Tomcat defines the context path of your web application.

Deploying applications to Kubernetes with Octopus

Learn how to configure a multi-environment Kubernetes cluster and deploy an application to it.

Deploying an AWS ECS task using containers from ECR

Deployments to AWS ECS using containers from ECR are now possible using the new multi-package feature of Octopus script steps

Introducing long-term Support for Octopus Server

In Q4 2018 we will be shipping our first release of Octopus Server with long-term support.

Building the Octopus Cloud in AWS

Building the Octopus Cloud in AWS

Announcing Octopus Cloud

Octopus Cloud is now generally available!

Kubernetes, Containers, and Octopus - An Update

A progress update on adding Kubernetes support to Octopus

Octopus Workers

Octopus now supports external worker machines

Octopus July Release 2018.7

Octopus 2018.7 - Sharing the Workload with Workers!

Webinar - Starting the DevOps Journey

Taking a DevOps approach and paving the way for staying ahead in business



Artifacts in Octopus provide a convenient way to collect files from remote machines during deployments.

.NET Configuration transforms

Using .NET configuration transformations.

Structured configuration variables

The Structured Configuration Variables feature updates your JSON, YAML, XML, and Properties configuration files with values from matching Octopus variables.

Execution containers for workers

How to set a step in your deployment/runbook process to run inside a container.

Create packages with OctoPack

Using OctoPack is the easiest way to package .NET applications for use in your deployments.

Deploy a release step

The deploy a release step allows you to trigger the deployment of a release of a project from another project

Deploy an Azure Resource Manager template

Deploy an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template.

Azure web apps

Octopus Deploy can help you perform repeatable and controlled deployments to Azure web apps.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions can leverage the Octopus CLI to pack, build, push, and create releases for Octopus Deploy.

Deploy an AWS CloudFormation template

Deploy an AWS CloudFormation Template.

Windows Services

Octopus can install, reconfigure, and start Windows Services during deployment, usually without requiring any custom scripts.


External workers are machines that can execute steps that don't need to be performed on the Octopus Server or deployment targets.

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