
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Infrastructure as code in Azure with Octopus Deploy and Pulumi: Part one

Learn how to define infrastructure as code with Pulumi.

Authenticate to Azure with Golang

Authenticating to a cloud platform with the different SDK can be extremely different. In this post, you learn how to authenticate to Azure with Go.

Golang for Automation in AWS

Learn how to use Golang, a popular programming language created by Google, to automate AWS.


Cancel queued deployments

An example script to cancel queued deployments.

Find unused projects

An example script that will find any project that hasn't had a release created in the previous days

Enable/disable project

An example script that enables or disables a project in Octopus.

Delete projects with no process

An example script that deletes projects that have no deployment process in Octopus using the REST API and Octopus.Client.

Delete targets by role

An example script to delete targets by role.

Delete a Space

An example script to delete a space.

Add a target role

An example script that adds a target role to a deployment target.

Delete targets by name

An example script to delete targets by matching a specified name.

Create a feed

An example script that creates a nuget feed in Octopus.

Enable/disable machine

An example script that enables or disables a machine in Octopus.

Delete a feed

An example script that deletes an existing feed in Octopus using the REST API and Octopus.Client.

Retrieve all feeds

An example script that retrieves all feeds in Octopus.

Disable project triggers

An example script that disables a project's triggers in Octopus using the REST API and Octopus.Client.

Change feed

An example script that changes an existing feed by updating the feed name in Octopus using the REST API and Octopus.Client.

Export step templates

An example script that exports all step templates in a Space to files.

Create an AWS account

An example script to create an AWS account in Octopus.

Upgrade targets

An example script that upgrades a list of deployment targets.

Push package to built-in feed

An example script that pushes a package to the built-in feed.

Check Tentacles for available upgrades

An example script to check targets and workers for available Tentacle upgrades.

Download package from built-in feed

An example script that downloads a package from the built-in feed.

Find projects using library set

An example script that finds all projects using a specific library variable set.

Find events by date

An example script that finds events by date in Octopus using the REST API and Octopus.Client.

Delete a project

An example script that deletes a project.

Add library set to a project

An example script that adds a library variable set to a project.

Add or update project variable

An example script that adds or updates a project variable.

Add a Space with environments

An example script to create a new space and populate it with some default environments.

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