
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Self-service database provisioning with Octopus Runbooks and Redgate SQL Clone

A discussion about database provisioning for dev and test, including a walk-through of Redgate SQL Clone and Octopus Runbooks

Using the Azure custom script extension for complex installations

A deep dive into the Azure custom script extension for Windows VMs

How to design an automated database deployment process

This article walks you through designing your ideal automated database deployment process.

Implementing an automated database deployment process

In this article, I walk through the steps I took to implement an automated database deployment process using TeamCity, Redgate, and Octopus Deploy

Automated database deployment process: case study

This article walks through the steps I used to help design an automated database deployment process.

Pitfalls with SQL rollbacks and automated database deployments

While it is possible to do SQL rollbacks to revert database changes, the real question is, should you? This article will walk through some questions to consider.

Reliably deploying large Azure Web Apps

How to reliably deploy large Azure Web Apps using Octopus Deploy

Why we chose Kubernetes, Linux, and .NET Core for Octopus Cloud

A reflection on the architectural options we considered for hosting Octopus Cloud v2.

Octopus 1.5 with Azure and FTP deployments, plus ScriptCS support!

Today we released Octopus Deploy 1.5, which features support for Windows Azure cloud service deployments, as well as deployments via FTP/FTPS.

SQL Server and PowerShell: Practical Examples

SQL Server database administration using PowerShell

Octopus TL;DR - Performance Improvements

Once a week we have a short "TL;DR" meeting where team members present things that are interesting. We're going to start recording and posting portions of them to YouTube each week. This first one was about some performance improvements.

Octopus plugin for Jenkins: Painless Jenkins integration

Octopus is launching our official Octopus Deploy plugin for Jenkins automation server, making it painless to integrate your Jenkins builds with Octopus deployments.

Managing Spaces with Octopus Data Center Manager RFC

We are designing a new product to manage Octopus Servers at scale. This is a request-for-comments.

Raising the minimum requirements for hosting and using Octopus Server

In 2020, we will raise the minimum requirements for hosting and using Octopus Server.

Bootstrap a .NET Core development environment for Linux

This post covers how to bootstrap a Linux-based development environment for day to day .NET Core development.

Octopus Deploy 3.4 EAP - Alpha 2

Octopus Deploy 3.4 is a big release, get involved in steering the direction of key features! Multi-tenant deployments. Elastic environments and transient machine support - machine policies and project triggers!

Beyond Hello World: Build a real-world Docker CI/CD pipeline

This post demonstrates incorporating Docker containers in the CI/CD pipeline for a real-world web application with web services and a database project.

Beyond Hello World: Containerize a real-world web application

This post demonstrates how to containerize a real-world .NET Core web application with web services and databases.

Octopus Deploy in the Azure Marketplace

Octopus Deploy is now available in the Azure Marketplace


There are some compelling reasons to use multiple Octopus Servers. In Octopus Deploy 4.0 we want to add first-class support for these scenarios.

Escaping the pipe character in PowerShell commands

Using the pipe commands in PowerShell commands is not as simple as it seems.

How DevOps principles power Octopus documentation

How DevOps principles power Octopus documentation producing 60 guides with 300,000 words, 6,000 images and 25 hours of video maintained by a team of two.

Octopus Deploy 2019.11: Operations Runbooks RTW

Octopus 2019.11 introduces our Runbooks platform for automating operations tasks with support for scheduling, permissions, parameterized runs and more.

Should your CI/CD process be implemented in a single Pipeline as Code file?

As more teams move to Pipeline as Code, there are some important questions to ask when deciding to merge a CI/CD process into a single PaC file.


Virtual hard drives

VHD steps allow you to deploy a virtual hard drive and optionally attach it to a Hyper-V virtual machine.

Scripts in packages

Octopus will run scripts included in your package when the script matches a naming convention.

Create AWS account command

New-OctopusAwsAccount allows you to create an AWS account in Octopus from within a running deployment

Create token account command

New-OctopusTokenAccount allows you to create a Token account in Octopus from within a running deployment

Create username/password command

New-OctopusUserPassAccount allows you to create a username/password account in Octopus from within a running deployment

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