
Blog posts

Trying Raw Octopus

Raw scripting and Package transfers make SSH deployments even easier when Calamari or Mono is not an option

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Deploying a Spring Boot web app - Will it Deploy? Episode 2

We try to automate the deployment of a Spring Boot web app AWS Elastic Beanstalk with infrastructure provisioning and zero production downtime.

Support @ Octopus

We consider support a core part of Octopus, but what exactly happens when you need help?

Deploying to SQL Server with Entity Framework Core - Will it Deploy? Episode 3

We try to automate the deployment of a SQL Server Database using Entity Framework Core to manage our database structure and data.

Deploying to SQL Server with a DACPAC - Will it Deploy? Episode 4

We try to automate the deployment of a SQL Server Database using a Data-tier Application Package (DACPAC) to manage our database structure and data.

How we work. Some recent lessons

Some lessons we've learned in the last few months that change the way we work. Plus tools for a distributed team

Selenium series: capturing HAR files

In this post, we learn how to capture HAR files through BrowserStack.

Selenium series: Launching Cucumber tests

In this post, we launch a Cucumber test inside a Lambda

Selenium series: mixing implicit and explicit waits

In this post, we learn how implicit and explicit waits can interfere with each other.

What are your deployment automation roadblocks?

We're going to run some webinars to try to help people get started with automation.

Octopus plugin for Jira - Better visibility for your software pipeline

Our new Octopus Deploy plugin for Jira makes it easy to plan, track and ship software with better end-to-end visibility of your software pipeline.

Octopus goes to conferences!

Octopus started attending conferences this year and we talk about what we learned through the experience.

Continuous Deployment class from BBV in Switzerland

Two day training course on scripting with psake, Generating installers with WiX, and Octopus Deploy

How to Handle locked files and deployments

SysInternals Handle is a useful tool for finding why a file is locked

Scheduled Recurring Deployments RFC

Scheduled recurring deployments is something that many other CI/CD tools provide out-of-the-box, and we think Octopus should support this functionality as well! This is a request-for-comments.

Resetting RavenDB indexes

Sometimes in order to troubleshoot Octopus, you'll need to reset your RavenDB indexes.

Octopus 2.0 Task Output: RFC

The tasks screen will get an update in Octopus 2.0. Here are some mockups.


AWS S3 Bucket feeds

Configuring AWS S3 buckets as Octopus Feeds

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and Octopus Deploy

Octopus Server actively prevents Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) using anti-forgery tokens.

Add a Space with environments

An example script to create a new space and populate it with some default environments.

Troubleshoot missing packages

Further information for missing packages error messages that can occur when deploying package steps.

Dynamically selecting packages at deployment time

You can configure Octopus to dynamically resolve package details, including Feed and Package ID at deployment time by using variables. This can be useful if you want a different package feed for each environment, or a different package per environment or tenant.

Docker Containers

Octopus allows you to treat Docker images as immutable build artifacts that are moved through each stage of deployment by running them as containers with deploy-time specific configuration.

Create and push an ASP.NET Core project

This guide describes how to package and publish an ASP.NET Core project to Octopus from your development workstation.

Troubleshooting invalid certificates

How to troubleshoot invalid certificates that won't load in Octopus Deploy

Deployments Per Deployment Target Role Report

An example script that will provide a list of all the deployment targets in a given role and their respective deployments.

Project Release Deployment Targets Report

An example script that will provide a list of all the deployments and deployment targets deployed to.

Can't find what you are looking for? You can also search our support forum.