
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Octopus Deploy 3.4

Octopus Deploy 3.4 RTW

Tenant aware lifecycles

Introducing multiple tenants to your deployment process in 3.4.0 has impacts on how that release progresses through its life cycle. Tenants can define required environments and un tenanted deployments can ensure deployments can be made where a tenant context is not relevant.

Thoughts from my User Experience Journey

Thoughts and takeaways from my recent journey with the Onboarding team, diving further into user-experience.

IIS and Windows Service Steps including Virtual Directory support

We have added support for deploying to Virtual Directories and new specific deployment steps for IIS and Windows Services

Octopus.Client goes Open Source

Octopus.Client and Sampler are now Open Source and versioned using SemVer. Octopus.Client and Octo.exe are now .NET Core and have a Async API.

What's New in Octopus 3.4: Elastic and Transient Environments

Exploring one of the major new feature sets in Octopus 3.4: Elastic and Transient Environments

Defining variables in a multi-tenant world

Exploring how to define variables in a multi-tenant world.

Docker Compose RFC

Bringing Docker Compose functionality to Octopus Deploy

Keeping environments clean

Octopus 3.4 introduces the concept of machine policies which enable the automatic deletion of unavailable machines after a configurable time period has elapsed.

Using Octopus Subscriptions

Subscriptions let you subscribe to events so you can be notified when things are happening in your world of Octopus!

Octopus Deploy 3.7: Effortless step templates

The new release of Octopus Deploy steps it up a notch by improving the UI for adding a step template, providing direct access to community step templates from a project's deployment process and improving the management of step templates in the library.

Octostache Update - JSON, Indexing, Formatting and Dates

New changes required to Octostache to support Docker provided an opportunity to provide some additionally requested features

Octopus Deploy 3.6: Project Trigger enhancements

Octopus Deploy 3.6: Project Trigger enhancements

Trying Raw Octopus

Raw scripting and Package transfers make SSH deployments even easier when Calamari or Mono is not an option

RFC: Remote delta compression in Octopus

We're thinking of implementing remote delta compression in Octopus to reduce the bandwidth used during deployments

Why are there so many definitions of lead time?

Find out why there are multiple definitions of lead time and how you can use them to improve software delivery.

Changes to the TFS/VSTS Extension

An update on the changes in the TFS and VSTS extension for build and release tasks

What's New in Octopus 3.4: Multi-tenant deployments

Exploring one of the major new feature sets in Octopus 3.4: Multi-tenant deployments

RFC: Docker integration

Request For Comment on proposed Docker integration

Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

Octopus 3.4 introduces support for Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

Octopus goes to conferences!

Octopus started attending conferences this year and we talk about what we learned through the experience.

How we work - 2016 edition

An update on how we work as a team to build and support Octopus.

Configuring Jenkins in Azure and deploying with Octopus

Learn how to configure a Jenkins instance in Azure and deploy with Octopus.

The ultimate guide to Tomcat deployments

Learn how to create a secure, highly available, load-balanced Tomcat cluster with zero downtime deployments.

Using Runbooks to run ad-hoc SQL scripts in your database deployment automation pipeline

This post shows you how to use Operations Runbooks to run ad-hoc SQL scripts in your database deployment automation pipeline.

Script Parameters

Octopus 3.3.21 introduces ability to pass parameters to scripts.

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