
Blog posts

Tips for building custom execution containers

Tips and tricks to make it easier to build and maintain custom execution containers.

Webinar - CI/CD Pipelines - Real-World, Expert Optimization Tips & Tricks

Practical advice for optimizing your CI/CD pipeline

Jenkins security tips

As Jenkins connects to many industry tools, it's a good idea to keep your instance as secure as possible. Here are our tips to keep your team safe.

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Creating a Selenium WebDriver test framework

Learn how to create a WebDriver project in Java with this blog series.

Ask Octopus Episode 3 - Variable Run Conditions, Switching Auth Providers, Finding Deleted Releases

Once a week a few of us will gather to talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten over the past week and how we went about solving them.

Security checkup for your Octopus

Take a few minutes to give your Octopus a security health check. We've recently shipped Octopus Cloud alpha which means we took time to look at how to keep a healthy and secure Octopus. You can too!

Managing credentials in Jenkins

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, we take a look at the best way to manage credentials in Jenkins with the Credentials Binding plugin.

Using HashiCorp Vault with Octopus

Introducing step templates that allow secrets stored in HashiCorp Vault to be used in deployments or runbooks.

Improved Azure App Service deployments

Learn about the improved Azure App Service deployment step included in Octopus 2021.1.

Improvements to Adding a Deployment Target Experience and Interface

Learn about some recent UI changes around deployment targets and why we made them.

Selenium series: Firefox debugging tricks

In this post, we learn some tricks to debugging Firefox JavaScript stack traces.

Webinar: Automating deployments with VSTS and Octopus Deploy

Announcing a webinar with Brian A. Randell and Damian Brady to show the Octopus Deploy extension for Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server

Using Git resources directly in deployments

Additional support for sourcing dependencies directly from Git without intermediate packaging.

Octopus AI experiment

We're testing the idea of allowing an Octopus space to be queried in plain English with an AI integration and would love some feedback.

Inside DevOps with Matt Ash

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Matt Ash, Staff DevOps Engineer at a leading HR software platform provider.

Identifying AWS shadow IT resources

As part of our series on Octopus Runbooks, learn how to find unmanaged resources in AWS using runbooks.

Our most popular webinars in 2021

Join us as we list out our favorite webinars of 2021.


Minimize the data-migration time

Tips to minimize the time taken to migrate your data from Octopus 2.6 to 2018.10 LTS

Octopus.Migrator.exe command line

Octopus.Migrator.exe is an Octopus command line tool that provides the ability to back-up and restore parts of an Octopus Deploy instance as well as migrate data from 2.6 builds.


Octopus is all about reliable and repeatable deployments, but that doesn't mean it has to be slow. This page will help you tune your deployments for the best performance in your scenario.

Install autocomplete

Install a shell auto-complete script into your shell profile, if they aren't already there. Supports pwsh, zsh, bash & powershell.


Octopus is all about reliable and repeatable deployments, but that doesn't mean it has to be slow. This page will help you tune your Octopus installation for the best performance in your scenario.

Moving the Octopus Server database

Walk-through outlining how you can move an Octopus database from one server to another.

Data Migration

Octopus comes with a data migrator which can help in certain scenarios like moving projects from one Octopus Server to another, and exporting your configuration for auditing in a source control repository.

Service watchdog

The Octopus Server and Tentacle watchdog command can be used to configure a Windows Scheduled Task that ensures the services are running.

Migrating data from Octopus 2.6.5 to 2018.10 LTS

Information on how to migrate your data from Octopus 2.6.5 to 2018.10 LTS.


Environments are how you group your deployment targets so you can promote your software through different phases, for instance, into Development, then Test, and finally into Production.

Polling Tentacles with HA

With Octopus High Availability, Polling Tentacles must poll all of the Octopus Server nodes in your configuration.

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